I was playing in the super six server when i heard these sniper shots coming from the mountain near elektro , i ran there and saw these two bandits shooting ppl in elektro , i took my akm from my backpack and started shooting , i hit one and he started bleeding and ran away , then i started shooting at the other one hiding behind a tree , but he was such a pussy so he dc'd before i could kill him , but the other guy who was bleeding came back and i shot him , then i looked at his gear and there was no sniper in his gear , so i ran up the mountain and found a tent where was fn fal anpv s4 with 8 mags , nightvision goggles and a mp5 with 5 mags , i took all and ran away and laughed so hard at them. to those two bandits , thank you for your weapons ;) and sorry for my bad english