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About sheogorath

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  1. Speaking of which, is there any way of getting out of the thunderdome that doesn't involve death?. I'm stuck in it.
  2. What's with people wanting to turn every town into a deathmatch arena...
  3. sheogorath

    This is a stickup!

    Needs moar ����
  4. sheogorath

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    Whenever I turn around just to have a zed on my face that I didn't hear or see coming. Specially if they seem to be those zombies with augmented sight that are able to spot you from miles away and outrun you.
  5. I had the same kind of hesitation once. While I was in one of the appartment across the street of Cherno's hospital, I noticed a guy running into the hospital. After taking a good look, I notice he has a gillie suit and a M249 but I still had my doubts about pulling the trigger. But after some thinking, a guy with a gillie suit and a machine gun in cherno isn't there to make friends, so I fired on him before he had a chance to see me.
  6. There are. An unarmed player helped me with some bandages in Balota though I could have shot him to get them anyway. Since instead of just going crazy or logging out, he stuck around even if I kept an AK pointed at his face, I told him where he could find a shotgun with plenty of ammo as a thank you.
  7. sheogorath


    With the whole cmd screen popping up, it just seem a garden variety thumbdrive or porn-borne malware gone bad. In your friend's case, its seems Arma just shat itself on its CPU.
  8. sheogorath

    BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

    I'm not sure how difficult it would be to implement, or if its being done already, but wouldn't be easier to do an automated whitelist of the scripts that can be run and the people that can run them; and whomever runs an unauthorized script along with not being in the list of allowed people(server admins), gets a global IP and CD-key ban?
  9. Avoid them. If they insist on getting on your way or chasing you, blast them.
  10. sheogorath

    Im that bandit....

    Obvious troll is obvious. -2/10. Wouldn't read again.
  11. sheogorath

    List 3 things you would change about this game

    1. Reintroduce different skins for bandits. 2. More Zombies in the woods, making camping outside towns a risky business, and also more zombies inside the cities. 3. Make military grade weapons more rare.
  12. sheogorath

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    So many "umad??!!1111" COD kids lately.
  13. sheogorath

    TheMachine's Daily hacking Brief

    I know hacking is bad, but I couldn't avoid laughing at the whole goat/cow/rabbit thing.
  14. sheogorath

    idea: players without gun cannot die by other players?

    Too exploitable. Just reinstate the bandit skin and let the player know who killed them so they can hunt them down if they so desire.
  15. sheogorath

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    Like I said, only the circumstances of the encounter allowed you to get to the gun first and get rid of competition. You are not any more entitled to it than the other guy, gun or no gun.