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Everything posted by Radzaarty

  1. Almost crashed the helicopter, sure got my heart pounding!
  2. Radzaarty

    Arma 2

    One of the major problems I can see there is the total lack of a graphics card whatsoever, your going to need a decent graphics card, processor and at least 8gb of ram to handle dayz on lower settings, hope this helps. (PS: Vista will make it even harder, try upgrading to 7 ^^)
  3. Radzaarty

    Easy Base Building Solution

    I'm sure occupational health an saftey would have something to say to that farmer, as well as the RSPCA tut tut
  4. If you think Macs are great for games then there is your problem, bootcamp is probably going to be the only way.
  5. If some stuff was deleted then your graphics card should be fine, It wouldn't have affected the hardware at all, call customer support of the company that produces the card and tell them exactly what was deleted.
  6. F88 Austeyr should be in at least! AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI!
  7. Radzaarty

    Train as a vehicle

    You do realsie a standard gauge car could easily hold everyone on the map at one time right? ... The weapons and other stuff capacity would have to be crazy too. Also, Locomotives need massive amounts of work to fix, I know this as I work with them on the weekends. It'd probably need 10x or more work than a helicopter to get it going and much, much more fuel.
  8. This is the best suggestion thread I have seen so far, have my beans!
  9. Radzaarty

    Enfield Escapades Part1/ Intro

    The enfield is my favourite weapon as it has decent range, no scope to get in the way of close quarter combat, and last but not least the one hit, guaranteed kill. Perfect for my niche as Mid-Range Marksman
  10. AXE MURDER!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah but anyway I hope a few of these features do end up in the standalone, that would be epic. On the special melee animations, well now days they are a greater part of games, Epic take-downs, such as in Skyrim, Battlefield 3 and Crysis 2 to name a few.
  11. I'm thinking for zombies at least the knife animation should be to the head, as only destroying the brain is the way to kill zombies in the general zombie mythos. Perhaps with people it could be Battlefield 3 style, just to name one where you slit/stab the throat. But yes, I defiantly agree with knives being the silent kill weapon. Also with Melee weapons such as axes and crowbars and possibly swords if they are added, there should be some way to block and opposing melee attack, for reduced damage or suchlike. This would make melee battles more intense, as a split second decision to attack or block could mean the life or death of you and your opponent.
  12. Heck even my i5-3450 has everything maxed except for AA. the i7 Should have no problem, but I'm not sure as it's for a laptop.
  13. Radzaarty

    DayZ me rollin' they hatin'

    You have my beans just for the title xD
  14. Radzaarty

    Computer build - Gaming and more

    Anything like a Sapphire 7950 GPU and i5 Cpu will go on the motherboard nicely, it's similar to mine. That combo will run everything except AA at top notch, 60fps plus Plus 8gb of ram.
  15. I get 60+ fps all the time, never had any real drops with patches. i5-3450 Sappire Radeon HD7950 OC Edition 8gb Ram
  16. Radzaarty

    Aussie LFG 16+

    I'd like a group to join up with, AUS servers, or something else?
  17. I'd be interested in joining, what are the regular servers?