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About ChozinOne

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    On the Coast
  1. ChozinOne

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    I dont see how "DayZ become a standalone" will improve anything regarding the hacking. If they wanna hack, they will do anything in any way they can to overcome the anti-cheat protection system, even if Rocket invent a new one. Take a look at VAC and PunkBuster. Top two best(?) anticheating systems to date but still got cracked/hacked/smashed like it means nothing. CoD series, BF3 and many other games got hacked by several well known cheating sites so easily and they are still remain unbeat/undetectable for so long. Seriously, I dont see how "DayZ become a standalone" can help/decrease/prevent this hacking fest.
  2. ChozinOne

    Pending Update: Build

    I rather read the reason/explanation as to why on first post rather than go through 69 pages.
  3. ChozinOne

    Pending Update: Build

    Why would you disable the respawn button? I could have made mistake fall down the stairs and broke my legs with no morphine and in this case, I would love to have a respawn button rather than dragging myself 20 kms to find a morphine or a Z/players to finish me off.