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About BrokenFang

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. BrokenFang

    Private Riley

    Welcome to DayZ, we are now serving asshole complaint 29578 at the deli counter. It's DayZ seriously, get over it. It's not the first time you'll see that. The game is full of assholes and trolls.
  2. What server have you found is the most co-operative when it comes to players? As we know there are many KoS survivors/bandits. Has anyone ever been in a server with a few friendly faces more than once in a while?
  3. BrokenFang

    Musings of a friendly player

    Welp, I kind of felt your situation before. When I started a week in to the game, I was blessed to have someone teach me the ropes fairly quickly on what to do and what not to do. Where people like to post up and camp etc. I've always had that bit of a helpful person attitude and four times in a row had it back fire on me in less than an hour. The most depressing one was when I moved to a story and saw a guy through the super market window. We kind of glanced at each other before I rushed in because there were about a dozen zombies on me. I told him on the mic "I'm chill" and we proceeded to kill them all. There was more than a dozen due to the loud shots that rang out from the supermarket. Eventually I glance around the place and notice the guy had started a fire pit in the corner and realized he was fairly new. He even said over the mic how he had no clue what to do. So I kind of start to talk him through on what to do, gear etc. Only to have another wave of zombies show up. He then asks, how does he aim down the sight since it simply zooms in all the time for him. I tell him just to tap right mouse. No sooner did I tell him that, his revolver went off and shot me square in the head. I was instantly dead. I sat there for a moment at the death screen just thinking. Really? I mean I had nothing great on me to begin with and I'm sure he had no idea how to swap his patrol bag for the nicer czech one on the ground because I was trying to explain that to him. I was pretty in disbelief that it happened. Here he was all like "Let's kill all these zombies" and "Oh my god there's another group behind us coming through the back". It's part of the game, but I didn't think he'd kill me over a silly wincester I had after trying to help him understand the game. Anyways....on to a better highlight for the post. My friend and I were roaming with some great gear. M16 and my friend had a sniper. We found a nice ATV, despite crashing it a few times and breaking the paint. We headed up to balota's airfield and noticed a player in the AT Tower. We stop on the outskirts and get off. My friend takes out the rifle and scans the top while I use Binoculars and watch. I yell at him when I see him scamper outside the door and bolt towards the first hanger. My friend obviously missed the fact the guy got out and wanted to proceed. I told him that he only had a hatchet.My friend was in the killing mood though so we proceeded to rush down. Before we even round the corner in to the hanger, the guy opens up on his mic and says friendly. My friend aims at him directly in front while I circle to his back. Either way he was going to die if my friend wanted it, but I'm like hey. He just has a hatchet and we needed food. Got any supplies? We come to a deal. He drops some water/food, and I drop him an M1911 with 3 mags on the condition that he stays on the ground prone and doesn't move toward the gun until we leave. He obliges, and we pick up our supplies. We keep an eye on him while backing away and then bolt from the airfield and back to the ATV. We drive off towards Cherno to pick up some medical supplies and honk the horn as we see and hear the guy blasting his way out of the airfield.
  4. Slightly off-topic perhaps, but I remember running in to you in Elektro I think Kracken? I can say he's got a good group mentality. We actually had a band of 5-6 people who just randomly met up and were all friendly. I was honestly waiting for our mexican stand off in the firehouse to turn in to a blood bath. We encountered a bandit or two who had a sharp shooter position with an enfield. No clue where he was. Pinned us in the grocery store. I sneaked out and away though, trying to find the assailant on my own. Got lost and couldn't find the group again.
  5. BrokenFang

    DayZ Stories

    Cherno - Daytime It's Cherno and my friend and I are looting up the place while keeping a look out for players. We get decent weapons but no military gear since someone had already looted the small camp. We were well on alert after realizing that. I'm equippped with a Lee-Enfield and revolver while my friend had a Lee Enfield and M1911 I believe. Anyways, we're about to head off after hitting up the firehouse and we hear a few snaps of Lee-Enfield fire in the distance. As all of us are quite curious for player interaction and well...killing. We investigate in to the industrial area only to hear the resounding crackle of bullets near us. This sent us flying for nearby cover, trying to pin down the would be sharpshooter. Moving from cover to cover, we eventually guess that he's positioned up on the nearby hill that overlooked the killzone he had us in. Splitting up since my friend was taking the brunt of the attention from the Enfield, I managed to sneak around the industrial area and up to the hill in hopes of finding our assailant. I already have the 'don't go up there' feeling in my stomach, but proceed anyways, waiting for the one shot kill and the death screen. It doesn't happen. The shots quiet down for a bit while my friend runs around wildly from cover and eventually into an open field area to draw fire. It was then that I see a body crawling down below me on the hill. I say to my friend, I got this guy. I raise that Lee-Enfield and cap him in the body as he crawled up to the edge of the road to get a better shot. He's not dead since I didn't get a murder/bandit kill. I draw my sidearm, walk up and had the most satisfying moment in this game. Coup de Grace. Two to the head, just to make sure. He's dead and I tell my friend to move up to me. He couldn't really see me, so I decided to big ball it and fire off the rest of my bullets in my revolver to give him my location. Little to my knowledge, this guy I had just executed wasn't alone. As I fired my last round, I was lit up like a Christmas tree by a whole lot of DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA from an AK. I immediately react, sprinting away with around 2k health left. I run wildly in zig zags, eventually finding cover from the snapping grass and dirt beneath the hill's side and bandage up. We had no idea where the fire was coming from. After a few tense minutes, I tell my friend over my mic. 'It's gotta be done'. I get up with my blurry vision and head back to the body I had just executed. Still not getting fired at, I decided to reload my revolver and do the best thing I could do. Fire off my revolver in the air again. It only took a few seconds and the guy had a bead on me again and killed me. I waited anxiously at the death screen until I heard my friend say 'I see him' quickly followed by 'DAMMIT'. His Lee-Enfield just couldn't compete with the AK. Despite both of us dying, it was one of the highest adrenaline rushes I have had in this game.
  6. Ever hire people for their work like looting towns and returning supplies to you?