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About Ayashiki

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ayashiki

    Sneaking Tips?

    To be entirely honest with you, if you want to "Sneak" past the zombies you need to play on a night time server. Sneaking during the daytime is barely an option and not one worth pursuing. You're better off learning how to lose Zeds during the day. During the Day: Remember that zombies only run the same speed as you (sort of, they seem to have had unlimited sprint until and every once in a while still do,) and they also have to stop moving to attack. Just keep running and they'll pretty much NEVER hit you unless they come from the front. Second, you need to learn zombie behavior: Zombies will keep chasing you until you get extremely far away, and since they keep pace you can pretty much never lose them running in a straight line. What you need to do is break their line of sight. Run around the corner of a house, then zip behind a fence. Once you break line of sight, zombies run to the last spot they saw you, they then either see you again and continue chasing, or they hear you and run to where they last heard you. Just keep running behind things and you'll lose them. A better option to running behind things is to run THROUGH buildings. Zombies HAVE to walk in buildings (except when they glitch and start running for a split second starting up their attacking stance/animation,) the only exception to this is airfield hangers, don't try to run around in those and get zombies off your tail. So just run through a barn or something and every zomie following you will run in, start walking and be miles behind you by the time they walk out on the other side. If you pick up a zombie or two on the way out, and you really need to GTFO of dodge, run into the forest and start zagging behind trees and bushes, once you're confident you've broken line of sight (because you can't see them with alt look or the 1/3 keys on your keypad,) run behind one last tree/bush and drop to prone and crawl the hell away. If you still have one zombie, it's only one zombie, hatchet to the face works every time. Special side note to the hatchet to the face comment: If you don't have a hatchet, or other weapon to finish that last zombie, why did you leave the town? ;) At night: You're pretty much invisible to zombies. Your visibility will be 0 at almost all times. You just need to pay attention to your sound meter (the ear) you can crouch walk, or crouch run almost anywhere and only have 1 (or better, zero) noise level, as long as you're not walking on roads. STAY AWAY FROM ROADS AT NIGHT they WILL get you killed. If you must cross them, Slow crawl or combat roll. At 1 noise level you'll be heard maybe 20 feet away, so you can be pretty damned close to them and not have them start up their boxing routine. Zombies only detect you via the sight/sound meters. If they are at 0 zombies can WALK INTO YOU and they won't start attacking you, so just keep that in mind. As long as they're not already fighting you, you can drop to prone mode and be perfectly safe at night. Also, zombies can only see in like, a 75 degree or so cone in front of them, so if you must run, do it through grass so you make little noise and pay attention to where they are looking and you should be fine.
  2. Here is the way I see this game: I started the game, willing to make friends, but wary of other players. I then got sniped/killed while screaming friendly about 5-6 times. I then came to fear other players, and avoided/killed them, allowing my power to grow. I then came to a point where I now have the precious (a scoped rifle,) and now I have the power. Overall looking back on the steps that occured before this point: I had fun growing in power. I decided to become more powerful due to fear of other players. My fun, came from my fear of other players. Fear->Power->Fun Now, looking at this logically, other players need someone to spread fear, so that they can grow and become more powerful, and have fun... I shall be the hero that they need. I shall snipe them while they are unarmed... so that they can have fun. :) They won't thank me for it, and maybe they'll never realize it, but I did it for their sake. Now, before anyone tries to refute my claims that I'm doing this so my victims can have fun: I know for a fact, that I would have quit this game a long time ago if all I had to look forward to was being even MORE powerful than the zombies than I already am with a hatchet at night time. I mean, hatchet+nighttime=you're God in PvE. What would be the point in getting a DMR or AS50 or some other such baller weapon when a HATCHET already fufills every roll of PvE ownage there is (1 shot, infinite ammo, silenced.)
  3. Carry a blue chemlight. The only ones who will notice you are people with NVG's (it's like a homing beacon for them) but if someone has NVG's and you're wandering around spawning zombies to let them know you're there, it's only a matter of time anyways. The only other people who will notice you are EXTREMELY keen eyed folks looking for the small speck of light beyond 35m, and the people who are within 35m. Flashlights are for only a few situations: Blinding/lighting up people you/your squad is taking down, preferrably with the flashlight attached to a gun, or, when you're playing ultra low pop servers and your risk of death is slim to none because you're raiding like, Bor or something with 3 other people on the server. Chances are those people are server hoppers or people who camp for server hoppers. Chemlights and daytime servers are the best options though.
  4. Ayashiki

    Only one weapon for you!

    DMR. Can't stress enough how much I love this gun. I logged in the hills NE of Balota airfield where I left off (looking into the Air Control tower,) and heard someone walking behind me, presumably also looking for easy kills that might be somewhat high value (I'm trying to help gear out my friends.) Turn around and there's a guy standing there with the M24 looking right at me. We both fired at the EXACT SAME TIME, only the DMR being semi-auto the game didn't register me getting hit/going unconcious until I was able to fire an extra two bullets, hit him with all three instantly killing him, woke up, bandaged/got blood bagged. Now I have a GPS, Range Finder, Coyote Backpack... and my friend has an M24, so yeah. Plus DMR ammo IS infinite ;) lol. Between how easy it is to find, or just being cheesey and splitting/combining it... Not that it's necessary to do that. I'm starting to throw out mags for it I have so many.
  5. Ayashiki

    Worst Weapon In Dayz -Vote

    Tin cans clearly.
  6. Ayashiki

    Graphical bugs

    Would just like to note that certain other areas that I had absolutely no problems with previously that others don't seem to mention here have started artifacting for me since the last update: The hospital in Berezino, the warehouse by the docks at Komarovo (from the tower in the hill to the northwest,) the control tower itself in Balota airfield, as well as the standard anywhere with military corpse objects placed in the world. I may just have never seen the artifacting I've been notcing at these other locations because they contained wire fences or tank traps that everyone else seems to be having a problem with, I never actually entered them to make sure. A few solutions I've found worked at least temporarily on certain objects (the ones i can get near without risking being lost in polygonland): restarting the game client, switching object detail to "low" down from high, turning AA up to at least 5x, up from it being off (don't generally give a crap about jagged edges running games at 1920x1080), turning AA back off. I've only been able to test these on the buildings that seem to be artifacting specifically for me and the people I play (Komarovo warehouse, Balota control tower, Berezino Hospital,) because they seem to artifact less and I'm more inclined to approach them and less afraid of being trapped in a triangle wonderland. Specifically I played with all of the graphics settings looking at the artifacting from the warehouse in Komarovo (could have been a wire fence or something inside doing it). Interestingly as well, looking at the artifacting coming from that building with a range finder caused it to not display, at any angle, but looking at it through any other means (third person, zoomed third person, scoped, zoomed up in a scope, first person, zoomed first person, regular binoculars) all had artifacts showing up... Curiouser and curiouser.
  7. Ayashiki

    Zeds...zombies...infected ooh my.

    Now that me and my friends can be pricks and don't have much better to do than snipe people (getting each of us sniper rifles was an arduous process that has somehow taken three days,) we call them homing beacons now, as we overwatch noob starting areas and hone our abilities with our respective weapons at long range. Learning to hit moving tagets is a delicate operation ;)
  8. Ayashiki

    Blood Bag Suggestion

    TBH I didn't know that there were options for this already, thanks for the replies guys. Just kind of in a mood, wasn't paying attention to which of the two options I hit and my bloodbag vanished, good to know you can actually cancel the action.
  9. Ayashiki

    Blood Bag Suggestion

    Disclaimer: This isn't your average qq let me Blood Bag myself suggestion. Suggestion: Don't let players use Blood Bags on other players who have more than a certain amount of health, i.e. if another survivor has 10000 health, stop giving me a prompt to waste my Blood Bag on them. I don't know about the rest of the community, but the wheel options can get a little bit finnicky at times for me, and I'd rather not accidentally waste a Blood Bag on a team-mate (as happened last night) on someone who already had 11143 health, when I just wanted to bandage them. Perhaps a threshhold on the amount of health a player has before you can use it on them would be nice? Maybe once the player is below say, 9000 health you can start using blood bags on them.