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Everything posted by Devren

  1. Thanks for the info, the perp has been banned!!!
  2. Its just a glitch, It corrects itself if you logout and close the entire game then log back in. If you just logout and back in it will usually not fix the issuce but can. (again to fix it on us dc 1458 just logout exit the game comepletely and reload the game.) Also as of the current patch you may noticed multicolored graphic errors as well. PMd
  3. Hey, not sure if its fixed yet or if you figured this out, but I downgraded back to and hive 0.7.2 and all the vehicles and tents work again.
  4. I use a dedicated server that I have full and exclusive access to. I have installed the upgrade then deleted and did a full reinstalle. I'm about to do a downgrade back to After further investigations vehicles are not saving either. A bunch of us managed to find and repair a car saved it drove around for about 3 hours restarted and the car was gone. Went back to where we found the car and it was there again completely unrepaired. After reset we said screw the car and fixed 2 atvs both reset for those too. Also I had a bike name turn red when I moused over it went back to where I had been earlier and found that there was a copy of the same bike where I had been earlier and that that bike name was still green. Still facing no items saving in tents. And yes tents were actually working perfectly on
  5. Devren

    Tent problem Any else?

    Would they decay if you just turned your server off for a week, aka no one can click them if the server is off.
  6. My server is fully updated as well and tents are no longer saving. I tried putting items in established tents. No go, it just reverts to the old items. Tried putting up multiple new tents and saving multiple times. no go, items gone on reload. AKA I can confirm the issue.
  7. Devren

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    I had an issue where i logged in played for hours got good stuff and logged out. I logged back in and lost all items and appeared where I had been the day before with starting items, all other items dissapeared. I shrugged it off. and tried again. Hours later i logged and lost everything again. Tried a third time and said screw it. 32ms or less ping Rearanged my inv many times dropping items and getting new ones etc... Had the idea that it was a problem with my character. Purposely killed myself and the issue went away. All gear started saving again. And I stopped telelporting back to the spot I had logged off 2 days ago. .7.4
  8. Just happened to me too, I logged in was at the heli it was saved I restarted the server it was gone, restarted again, still gone, did a full shutdown and manual restart still gone, It was also saved by multiple people starting 12 hours ago. Nothing.
  9. This happened to me too, I logged off the server and back on and it fixed it.(after the server was upgraded to 7.4
  10. Devren

    US DC

    I just setup The server and I'm trying to work out all of the bugs. First and formost some players have been being teleported just out side cherno. One specific player I was with and it happened to him to times over the corse of the night. I have taken the server down until I can find a pay to stop this as some other players are killing the teleported players. Unfortunately I don't know who did it. Is there anyway to check the logs so I can ban the player(s) causeing this from my server? I figured out that if you change the system time and then start the server it changes the server time. However this is an issue on my server as I have other time dependant programs that run from about 4-5am until 5pm. So unless I can find a way to set the time without changeing system Time I will have to take the server down for those times, (i would rather not do that). I probobly missed this as its 5 am here and I am falling asleep at the keyboard. http://dayzmod.com/f...gs-on-a-server/ I cant seem to get nameplates to turn off, (I feel they are to exploitable to have) I went to arma 2 operation arrowhead\cfgdayz\Users\cfgdayzDEFAULT and changed FriendlyTag=0; But the nameplates are still there. What else do I need to change? FInally is there any easy way to see when players are hacking the server/game so I can kick/ban them? I am sure I missed some of this info but like i said im falling asleep and have been working on this server for HOURS and HOURS. OH One more thing, I need to make the arma 2 server window invisible, no popup no minimized icon on the tray no batch file open. I am not the only person that has access to this server and one of the people constantly closes any open window not giving any consideration to what it will do.
  11. Devren

    US DC

    For those that are looking into the same issues: I did figure out that if you add "start " with a space but without the quotes to the batch file it will make the batch file dissapear, but I still have not figured out how to make the arma2 server console dissapear.