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About Whit793

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. A: Weissmann B: extremely low on blood (passing out) but not bleeding. I have a blood transfusion bag, just need assistance using it C: On the cost NNE of the lighthouse, right on the beach behind a rock D: wearing a ghillie suit, holding a lee enfield been a few months since I've played, forgot I was in such a terrible condition. thank you!
  2. Whit793

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Lynx not only came to my rescue and helped me when i had only 2700 health left, he also helped me update my game as well. You are a Godsend!
  3. Whit793

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Was wondering if anyone is near Nadezhdino. I am currently at around 3000 blood, which makes trying to find food to heal impossible. I have a blood pack, I just need someone to help administer it. PM me or add me on Steam (same name). Thanks!
  4. Whit793

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Was wondering if anyone is near Nadezhdino. I am currently at around 3000 blood, which makes trying to find food to heal impossible. I have a blood pack, I just need someone to help administer it. Thanks!