Ok well let's start with my background. I bought this game in the steam sale just over a few days ago, been looking to try it for ages. Anyway after playing it everyday for several hours since I got it, I can only say although I enjoy the game, I'am majorly disappointed in how serveral elements in Dayz practically ruin a lot of the game for me (and I presume other people). I know this is slight rant post, but please try and keep all discussion constructive. (I've seen how members of this forum community like to savagely jump down people throats and flame their posts to hell until it gets too much and admins lock threads). Bandits & the community: First of all is the bandits and PKing in general. As it stands no one in game apart from the people who are literally starting the game bother to even join up, except for outside friends. Come on it's a survival co-op shooter, it's supposed to have elements that require teamwork or comradery. These elements that reward players for teaming up basically don't exist. Like at all. Surely to incestivise the player base needs some new game elements focusing on this need to be applied? Right now everyone shoots on sight. Why? Because you have all the rewards of killing and gaining stuff. But absolutley nothing for not killing someone on sight - in fact if u dont shoot first they will probably even kill you, you have nothing to lose. Honestly with what's in game right now I can't even blame them. This is just fault with the core game itself (as it currently stands). I think the game needs new ideas and features. Next on my list is the community. I know there are friendly and helpful people on here, but a lot of what I have read is plain rage. People on the forum who keep coming out with the "adapt or suvive" or "your a n00b it's your fault" mentally really need to shut up and sit down. It's horrible to read posts near constantly flaming people because they don't share the same viewpoint. It's like watching the bad elements of a community ruin a game because they only see it as able to played their way (and im talking the call of duty, shoot on sight, "F u all" shit it's becoming). I' am not asking for horrendous nerf waves to come flooding the bandits way; the PvP could be a great gameplay feature. The game needs an alternative to give people something to do in game, as surviving against the retarted AI zombies just doesn't contribute to the gameplay value or enjoyment. Which brings us onto the next point. Zombies and bugs: The Zombies. Dear god. Where the hell should I start with this. It's no secret that that zombies are so buggy and f**ked up right now, that if they weren't so vital to the game I would be arguing for their removal. If it's not the buggy animations, it's the godamned shitty path finding, the collision detection thats just plain wrong, not to mention the various ghosting these zombies do through almost everyting. I can only hope that this shit storm of a feature is just rewritten in the code or something. A zombie game should have competant, non-glitched zombies. Competant does not include zombies that can break your leg in one hit then wail on you for 90% of your health because your paralyzed due to another crappy zombie gameplay element. Bugs in this game come ten to the dozen, if shit is not glitching out it's not Dayz. In the days I have been playing this everyday since i bought it, like most my time. In that time I've had everything from disappearing items to breaking legs on inanimate objects. Like seriously? Conclusion: Finally, if your still reading, I know that sounds like a reivew now, but I do honestly like the game. There's a lot of things a player can enjoy, yet unfortuneatly a lot of things that almost ruin it. I understand the game is alpha, but disappearing items, random leg breaks? on a game thats been out like 3 years - the developers have got to sort their shit out on this. Overall I have been entertained with my experience. I can't help but think it could have been better thoe. If I had to rate everything I would give this about a 6 1/2. I will keep playing and hopefully in the future this game will become stronger. And thanks for reading this far.