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Everything posted by warpedfigure

  1. warpedfigure

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    SOS!!! I cant seem to see my hunger status, thirst status or my ranging! It just doesnt show up in my inventory and when I press page up/down. Please help!
  2. warpedfigure

    Looking for players to join me

    I have been looking for squadmates... Age:19 Skype Name: Warpedfigure Profession: Sniper or any frontline fighting Real Name: Terry Ive been playing DAYZ ever since it came out. Jack of all trades, know how to do pretty much everything and anything in the game. I can drive cars, fly helicopters, even boil water haha
  3. warpedfigure

    Trading a M4A1 CCO SD... for AS50 or M107

    ill trade you pm me
  4. have an abundance of ghilie suits and rangefinders, willing to trade those for as50 mags, also willing to trade l85 or an as50 for an mk48! I am not a bandit, and avoid killing players. Post here if your interested!
  5. warpedfigure

    We Take No Chances: recruiting

    Sniper, fully geared, Live in cali so pst time please msg me for steam acc, skype etc
  6. whats mumble? i would love to play with you are you geared?
  7. warpedfigure

    Trading NVG's for tent.
