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Everything posted by Tasemu

  1. [align=center] Please note that if you are still getting your bearings on this game then do not apply until you know what you are doing and have gone north at least once. :/ Want to learn more, join our teamspeak server: chi2.voicemonsters.com:10002 We also ask that you be at least 17 years of age and mature before applying. [/align]
  2. As long as we play on similar times just jump in TS and hit me up mate.
  3. Tasemu

    How do I go into 3rd person view?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5564 Read the stickes...
  4. So you lie and then troll. You give bandits a bad name. He better of had beans.
  5. Sure just jump in and day hi whenever.
  6. Tasemu

    A Round of Applause for Bandits

    Here's to you, having a cry about it.
  7. Tasemu

    Brighter nights, please.

    No, this has been discussed many many times. use the search function to find out why you should get better at playing at night as opposed to changing the game to make it easier for you. Also plenty of people play on night servers.
  8. Tasemu

    Tape #11: 05-21-2012

    Excellently made. This would really be awesome. Maybe work hints of places where loot can be found in the tapes. ^^
  9. Met some cool people already. Just add me and message me or jump in our TS.
  10. Tasemu

    Night problems

    Practise and get better. Dont try to change the game to suit you.
  11. No need to lynch the dude just because is is calling himself elite. Ontopic: Good luck with your group man.
  12. Teamspeak server is now up and running. make sure to come join.
  13. New kind of dirty hipster: Dirty ARMA Hipster ...Jorgy
  14. Anyone interested 'seriously' in joining, please add my steam: Tasemu
  15. Tasemu

    CZ appreciation station

    CZ is a little loud for me, im a fan of the winchester + slugs.
  16. Tasemu

    Make the game less realistic!

    Pretty boring troll, didnt even get a grin.
  17. Well if you feel like you wanna team up just add me. Easier to survive in small groups when you are bandits. ^^
  18. Yer im keen, feel free to add my skype: Tasemu
  19. Tasemu

    Joining a server

    Yer i got the same problem. Guess theres no choice but to be patient and wait. ^^
  20. Been like this since 2am this morning. Such a shame, but i know its only an alpha mod. Doesn't stop me wanting to play it. :/
  21. Yeah i have been stuck at "Waiting for Server Response" For all tonight. One time i got to an empty forest but that was just once. I can see chat but not play. Im based in AUS if it helps.