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Everything posted by AfterShave

  1. AfterShave

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Some shit can and his pilot buddy were trying to gun me down with their heli in Cherno, they were so focused they rammed head on into a building.
  2. From the top of my head, I can think of five reasons why this is a bad: 1.Flying a heli with <2k distance removes the immersion 2.My m107 is now useless 3.The game now looks like shit 4.Cannot spot vehicles from afar 5.Cannot scout out places before I make a move I mean seriously, this game is about realism and immersion.
  3. Ben Franklin i think I saw you on Balota Buddies the other day
  4. I can type in color too, look at me
  5. AfterShave

    What the hell do I do now?

    I think you made that up, hackers are not as common in DayZ as these forums make them out to be. I have been playing on pubs for months and the most I've seen happen are some boxes to the brim with gear.
  6. AfterShave

    Make the screen bigger?

    I hope this is a troll thread
  7. AfterShave

    Nightime Dayz Rocks!!!

    The lightning during nighttime is horrible in ARMA, even on maximum settings it still looks bad.
  8. AfterShave

    Make the screen bigger?

    If you're talking about your monitor, then perhaps buy a new monitor. If you're talking about the game window itself, perhaps make it full screen.
  9. The m107 punches through walls, just shoot through the helicopter and hit the pilots.
  10. Maybe read before you post, he was running everything on partition
  11. I'm not a tech wiz so I'm curious how these exploits are actually made, I mean you'd have to send instructions to the server that you cannot usually send for hacks, can't the server just notice that and ban you instantly?
  12. The real hackers are guys who find their own exploits, those rarely ever get caught. I enjoy rick rolling kiddies looking for youtube videos for scripting, it's a hell lotta fun.
  13. AfterShave

    I know it's late in the game and all...

    Ew, low settings r gay
  14. AfterShave

    Why is view distance set by the server?

    Boneboys I always assume teal posters have amazing gaming rigs, I guess not
  15. AfterShave

    Dayz yarn , The Beginning

    what the fuck this is, I don't even..
  16. Trash thread, nobody wants this crap
  17. AfterShave

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    Oh jesus fucking christ, we're all playing a god damn game, stop acting so superior. No matter how hard core you are, we are still just pressing buttons and watching pretty lights on our screens.
  18. AfterShave

    I never got the scare factor

    There is nothing at the GM, I went there and found a motor bike, rode off into the sunset with some zombies chasing me.
  19. AfterShave

    Why is view distance set by the server?

    That is really terrible reasoning, some people play the game at 20 fps, that does not mean we should all play at 20 fps for the sake of fairness.
  20. AfterShave

    Satchel Charges. Legit or Not ?

    Satchel charges are extremely rare, if you find one it is very likely that it was duped, many admin mods ban anyone with suspicious items.
  21. AfterShave

    DayZ Best Date For Release

    A Christmas release would be great