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Everything posted by AfterShave

  1. AfterShave

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    When you stop giving a shit
  2. AfterShave

    What do I do now?

    I currently have every tool in the game, an m107 with 5 mags, a FN FAL with 4 mags and a Bizon with 2 mags, coyote backpack, antibiotics, NVG Binoculars and GPS. WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW??
  3. AfterShave

    Trading m107&Bizon for AS50+Ammo

    Hello I am willing to trade my M107 and my Bizon (with 2 bizon mags) for an AS50 plus NATO rounds. I can also offer you a ghillie suit for 3 FN FAL mags.
  4. AfterShave

    - Shop closed -

    VortX is a legit bru, I traded with him and it went down fine
  5. AfterShave

    Trading m107&Bizon for AS50+Ammo

    Sure, PM me your skype
  6. AfterShave

    Selling AS50 + Ammo and more!!

    OP could we speed this along
  7. AfterShave

    Selling AS50 + Ammo and more!!

    Hello I need to unload some stuff so I will cut you a good deal, I will give you my FN FAL, m107 and Bizon (only 2 mags for the bizon, no ammo for the other two guns) for an AS 50 and the FN FAL NV. I also want the 2 FN FAL clips If you don't like this deal we can negotiate
  8. AfterShave

    new to this bandit gig

    You only need to remember one fucking rule, KoS Kill on Sight
  9. AfterShave

    Rules of Engagment

    I shoot everybody except for my friends.
  10. AfterShave

    Haha thats ok, i got over it

    Probably one of them hipsters typing on his iPhone
  11. AfterShave


    Bambi mistake
  12. AfterShave

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I once spawned in the middle of the woods around berenzino with nothing but a flash light. No idea how it happened, was not on a private server.
  13. AfterShave

    What do I do now?

    I did shoot down a heli a few days ago, it was pretty badass.
  14. AfterShave

    What do I do now?

    I find it almost impossible to keep a vehicle, someone always nicks it while I'm offline, either that or it goes missing after a server restart
  15. AfterShave

    The sniper with brown pants.

    eh I actually wait til I get the zero-ing right before I shoot, and I hide in the trees with a ghillie.
  16. AfterShave

    Things to do while waiting for Standalone

    shooting noobs in NWAF
  17. I currently have an FN FAL with 3 clips, a m107 with one clip and a range finder. I am looking for more m107 mags and an M4 ACOG with more than 5 mags. If you have an offer please present it, I am on seattle 18.
  18. AfterShave

    The sniper with brown pants.

    What a shit can, if that sniper were me you would all be dead.
  19. AfterShave

    What do I do now?

    What is this I don't even.. The best way to help a noob is to shoot him where he stands and teach him the most valuable lesson of all: check your surroundings and KoS
  20. AfterShave

    What do I do now?

    I tip my comically large tourist hat to you, this is what I will be doing.
  21. AfterShave

    2 NATO mags (full) for NV goggle

    Not your usual .50 cal, these rounds are for AS50 only, they are rare
  22. AfterShave

    2 NATO mags (full) for NV goggle

    NATO AS50 mags, they are the best ammo for sniping. If you have an extra NV goggles in your tent, this would be a good deal for you.
  23. AfterShave

    Trading on Seattle 18, have FN FAL and RF

    I PM'd u VortX, reply please. BUmp