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About catfishbilleh

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  1. catfishbilleh

    @A13 Never kill an unarmed Survivor!

    @OP Right. And lemme guess what happened after that, you emptied your sniper rfile, killing with every shot. When empty, you switched to your secondary, again killing with every shot. Oh wait, you're completely out of ammo now. You switch to your hatchet and just start cutting people down.... There is wayyyy too much triumph in that story with no proof for that to be true. Next time I suggest making it wildly unbelievable, such as throwing a frag straight up and taking out a helicopter. And at the original point. I only shoot two kinds of people, armed survivors, and unarmed survivors
  2. False. A sniper that is worth a damn will realize, if a shot hits near him, the persons best chance in killing him was that first shot. I've been laying in my hide before and had a shot hit the tree next to me. I was watching the guy when he shot. He didn't actually see me. I shot him at his next loot spot
  3. catfishbilleh

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age: 24 Ingame Name: Lefty TZ and Country: GMT -6 (US CST) Are you willing to use TS3: Of Course Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Absolutely What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's): I have experience running combat ops, I'm a decent marksman at extended distance. Also good with surveillance/counter surveillance. Excellent at observing and gathering intel on unfamiliar areas (present force strength, weapons, positions, etc) What type of role would best suit you: Observer, Sniper, Scout
  4. catfishbilleh

    PvP should be linked to a kill counter

    sounds like someone is angry they keep getting killed. Instead of trying to have other players who are obviously better at surviving killed, why don't you just learn to survive?
  5. catfishbilleh

    Kasus body dissapeared after I shot him

    But you will never stop playing.
  6. catfishbilleh

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    The bed side manner is impeccable
  7. catfishbilleh

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    Whoa whoa whoa.... No such thing as friendlies in this game. Only people who I haven't stabbed in the back yet. If anyone has flawed logic here, it's you.
  8. catfishbilleh

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    That is correct, they don't want you to be able to play with any of your friends. But then again they probably assume that you don't have any friends anyways. Wait. Do you? Or are you just bitching for the sake of bitching? I'm gonna need to seem some screens of these "friends" of yours.
  9. catfishbilleh

    Fishing in Arma 3 Dayz

  10. catfishbilleh

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    That was an awesome video. I loved the music Just kidding. The music was terrible, I've wasted 36 Q-tips trying to clean all the blood out of them. Thanks for that I guess.
  11. Well, the only thing I have is chemlights, and they don't seem to be too interested in those.
  12. A screenshot I took of Sir. I think he was telling the rest that I was his....I'm worried. No seriously I'm getting bored, but I don't wanna Alt+F4
  13. Well you obviously haven't seen Sir. He's the Ivan Drago of zombies. I'm not sure I could stop him. Hopefully before long he'll understand my situation and start to sympathize with me.
  14. Well now there is 17 under me. So far I have Nelson Peter Percy Luke George Brian Jesus Abe Isaac Dennis Wesley Winston Horatio Francois Maddox Ivan And one mean looking bastard I just call Sir
  15. Well, I'm up high and made the mistake of shooting, and now there is about 15 zeds under me at the base of the ladder, I'm hoping that they'll start filing up one by one and I'll just make short work of them, but they haven't. Boredom is setting in, some I'm wondering what you guys do to fight the boredom until they lose interest. so far I've come up with Inventory gear Name the zombies in the horde (so far there are 13 zeds under me.) Make fun of them and their ridiculous movements Throw things at them. Throw shiny things away from them. Try to figure out where I am so one of my buddies can come draw them off. And I'm drawing a blank. Suggestions?