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StormbringerGT (DayZ)

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About StormbringerGT (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. StormbringerGT (DayZ)

    FPS drops to 10 at night

    Yeah I wasn't complaining at all, seeing as how I'm playing a game, work in progress here. Its sort of like driving a car as its being built. :) Just curious if anyone else ran across this and if it was an easy fix I may have overlooked.
  2. StormbringerGT (DayZ)

    NO Name, not recruiting.

    Im down for this. I'm a solid co-op player all the way, a regular Arma vet, but I've been lone wolfing this and its not working, whether its losing so much blood its unplayable or getting caught by a bandit. Safety in numbers. Anyway I'm 30 years old, my work schedule is flexible so I'm on a lot and at randome times, but can schedule stuff out for meetings and whatnot. I generally play a support role when I play games, medics, engineers and such. I've met a few cool dudes in game and playing with people is definately the way to go. Im almost always on steam (playing now) so hit me up, StormbringerGT. I've tried adding you guys, but steam keeps telling me this service is not available right now... I dont have vent, right now, just a built a new machine but i'm more than willing to get it. I'd also have to get a mic as well, not a big deal. (my friend stepped on mine at my house during a late night gaming session, lol). Im in chicago so my time zone is right between the other coasts. Looking forward to this, hope to hear from one of you guys!
  3. StormbringerGT (DayZ)

    Looking for Long term loyal players.

    This sounds interesting, I'm always on steam so hit me up there, StormbringerGT is my username. I usually play support roles in games such as medics and engineers and what not. Always looking to do some co-op!
  4. StormbringerGT (DayZ)

    FPS drops to 10 at night

    I know right! Some guy came into the firehouse to murder me, at 10 fps I couldnt do much. Enjoy that can of beans douchebag! I dont even have that drop over time issue I've seen other people reporting
  5. StormbringerGT (DayZ)

    FPS drops to 10 at night

    Hello everyone I've been loving this game and I'd love to try a night excursion at some point. However whenever night sets on a server my game lags hard core. During the day with V-sync off I'm roacking about 100 fps, thats with everything on Ultra, view distance set to 5000 (this doesnt matter for day Z though) and both the resolutions set to 1080. This only happens at night or right as the suns setting. My fps hits 10 not matter what setting I turn off or set to low. Any help or suggestions would be great! Heres some specs if it helps. Intel Core i5-3570K 3.40Ghz Ram 16GB DDR3-1866 EVGA Nvidia GTX 680 Thanks guys. Quick plug, I've been killed by bandits on every server I've tried usually right after I finally getting a good kit going. If anyone wants to play, my Steam user name is StormbringerGT. I love playing co-op!