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About Mack17

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  1. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Actually if I was banned I would be like huhh then I would pm the admin and ask him why I was banned instead of making a thread and insulting and calling him ten than If he said that I was hacking I would state my story and no admins would have known and they banned your Cd key pretty much not your ip get it fucking correct. So all you have to do is go buy a new copy of the game and like that you can play on the server again. Or their on server that they keep talking about but don't have.
  2. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    You do you made such a big deal about it.
  3. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Why are you still replying oh my fucking god you got banned because you were hacking get over it.
  4. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    But seriously guys seriously we we we we just want a names Cleared because what people think matters so much. And jail and this game are so alike I mean come so a like. Get a fucking life and stop bitching and comparing a video game to real life dont you have friends outside do you need me to explain to you what that is?
  5. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    You mentioined me as a troll Fuck yeah.
  6. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Look at when you made your account the reason I made mine was so I could keep playing on Us 913 I found out oabout this post on the OG how do I know your not milkman.... I mean I don't really care but don't accuse other people of shit when you guilty of the same thing its a good lesson in life.
  7. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Well he's not 11 and I to people who say I type really long sentences fuck yes I do but thats because I dont care what you think of me. I honestly just like to start shit for no reason and you honestly post back because you want to get yourself involved. Well you dumb fuckers who are saying that her der im banned I cant play anymore because my named was ruined well fucking buy a new copy of the game changed your Guid your repation has not been fucking ruined. The only reason people are going to remember you is because you get angry at my comments and try and prove yourself being fucking correct instead you could have pmed the admin and been like why did I get banned but you had to post on fucking forums. Honsetly the reason your in the fucking shit hole and your reputation has been ruined is not by str8 its by your own fucking self.... The more you blow this up and post the more it goes on and on and people will remember but if you stop right now and just fucking accept what happened has happened than you'll be fine unless you cant afford a new copy of the game because your fucking 10 and don't have jobs. If someone replies about this with some gay ass comment saying that im fucking immature or something well yes your fucking right I am but you already pointed that out so just let it go and I won't post shit anymore and it will be over with. -------------------- End of fucking story.-- wow I used fuck a lot
  8. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    I think you guys should just let it go who the fuck cares about your names its the internet anyway and I don't think you want a to annoy a admin especially if you want him to unban you and fuck it go play on your own server. The person who posted a new thing about the fucking tank and Str8 sounding like 15 year olds is Mrpibb and he made a new account because hes dumb with his OG picture. So just fucking drop it because your not getting unbanned I mean really fucking let it go and go and play on your "own Server" Nightmare or what ever the fuck is going to come over here and rage on this comment because hes ten and gets pissed over a comment on a computer like all you other fags getting pissed over nothing lifes to short fucking deal with it and Rockett doesnt fucking care hes probably at home smoking an joint laughing about this stupid post while he makes fucking cash.
  9. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    where are you were waiting? If you like I can give you some cordinates to meet us get as many people as you want.
  10. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Is that it...
  11. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Come on people I thought you said you should have your own server you dont care what other admins think unless your were lying?? A place were you can play with princables remember? Why would you need to have a name cleared if you had your own server? If your lying about something like that why wouldn't you be lying about not cheating? Basically I just slapped you in the face through a computer. Don't believe their fucking sob story.
  12. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Go for it I've blown up his camp nothing will happen to you, For anyone still not understaning this Str8 Banned 4 people or more under different names unless they hacked these people Guids which can be a challenge then they are guilty of hacking they have no proof besides their words you have to understand the people he banned we're not all under the name they have in this game but ended up being the same guids. So you have to prove first that either your guid was hacked or otherwise you where hacking under different names at a early time than he will say that he made a mistake and he never changed his story first thing he said was Dcing and hacking. As he stated early he doesnt ban by names he bans by Their players ID your CD key pretty much, he banned the four peoples CD key and it turned out to be these people with the hacked weapons. Aswell as their is two nos that play in the Game the're was Nos and N0s who was playing last night.
  13. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Basicly what he is saying because your mind is so fucking slow is he banned those three people under those names or and those people he banned are the ones are saying I didn't do anything they were playing under different names but the ID is still the same so unless your going to try and convice me that their ids are different or some other dumbshit your should stop posting.
  14. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    you said you wanted the logs he added them their GUID which is their Character was Nos and others I think thats the name. So unless someone stole their GUID they were hacking under different names. But you cant be proven wrong can you Snatchel because you just want to argue stupid shit so just go away everyone hates your dumb shit you post trying to prove everyone wrong.
  15. Mack17

    banned from us 913

    Stop quoting the rules for every goddamned thing. The rules also don't state that we're allowed to ban hackers, nor does it state that we're ever allowed to take the servers down for maintenance, nor any other thing admins do on a regular basis. We're tired of using logical arguments to back up our actions, just to be hit in the face with 'herp its not in da rulez so blacklist plz.'