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Everything posted by xfortune

  1. xfortune

    Hackers are pussies too.

    You completely avoiding my question leads me to believe that you don't destroy duped gear you find. Also, I don't prefer to use an AS50, but I have to if I want my squad to stay competitive against others, because every other squad has 1-2+ AS50 snipers, 2+ L85s, etc., and I sure as hell am not going to hide a body and lose an AS50 (or an L85, or any other gun) that I earned just because it's duped, or scripted, or whatever. As soon as I kill someone, their loot is mine, I earned it fair and square. It would be nice if everyone earned their loot legit, but they don't, and I'm not going to act like a carebear and put myself and my teammates at a disadvantage because other people can't play the game properly.
  2. xfortune

    Hackers are pussies too.

    So you don't destroy most of the high end military loot you find on bodies? Makes you a bit of a hypocrite doesn't it?
  3. xfortune

    Hackers are pussies too.

    I said duped items, not duping. Half the high end military items you pick up in game are duped, which is an illegitimate way of acquiring them. Do you destroy most AS50s/L85/M4 Holo/NVGs/Rangefinders/GPS/etc. you take off bodies too? Duping is breaking the game WAY more than scripted in weapons, which don't give much of an advantage at all if you suck at the game (which most scripters do).
  4. xfortune

    Snipers poll, what is your main gun?

    M24 is my favorite rifle, but the AS50 is way better and way more common, so I use that.
  5. xfortune

    Is Morphine rare or what v

    One trip to the hospital = 35-40 morphine injectors each and every time.
  6. xfortune

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Which admin? Most admins don't give a fuck, and some even use hacked weapons in themselves. I've used scripted in weapons that I've taken off other people on more than 15 servers, I've never even been kicked or warned, let alone banned. And if I was banned, I could easily report that server for unjust banning because they have no evidence of me doing anything against the rules. Wait, so using a weapon you earned legit is cheating, but someone hacking in a crate of weapons isn't? LOL, okay, now I have some insight into the mind of a carebear. What about duped items?
  7. xfortune

    Getting a sniper Rifle.

    By far the best way is to just kill a sniper and loot him.
  8. xfortune

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Just a few posts ago you said it was sad that I "need an advantage". Make up your mind. Killing someone and taking their gun is legit, doesn't matter how they got their gun. If you're going to be anal about it, then you probably shouldn't take any high end guns off of anyone, as most of them are duped.
  9. They should not be removed. However, they should be EXTREMELY rare, and the ammo should be VERY hard to come by and ONLY spawn in the north side of the map (Berezino, NW/NE airfields, Stary, etc.). Maybe 1 in 200 people (or less) should have one of those guns. It should be a big deal to have one, and you should want to use it sparingly vs players for fear of it being taken or running out of ammo. It should be a huge asset to a squad, not a near requirement. When you encounter a squad that has an AS50 or M107 you should be thinking "wow these guys are really good/serious/lucky", it shouldn't be an ordinary occurance.
  10. $20-$30 for the alpha version, assuming that counts as a pre-order for the official release. $40-$50 for the finished game.
  11. xfortune

    I regret buying this bull5h1t

    You bought Arma, which is a released game. This is an alpha mod for the game you bought. If you're unsatisfied with Arma, go complain on those forums, these ones are only for the DayZ mod.
  12. xfortune

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    Sniper rifles will be a lot more rare once duping goes away.
  13. xfortune

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. I will not pay per month. Studio developed with community feedback. Studio servers. Private/community servers don't work well on a persistent game.
  14. xfortune

    What do YOU carry?

    An AS50 or M24, depending on my planned range/application. If I'm alone, I leave my backpack mainly empty (so I can grab weapons off victims), if I'm with my squad, other people grab the weapons so I keep some kind of assault rifle, usually an M16 if I can. Silenced M9 2-3 water bottles, 2-3 cooked meat, 2x blood bags, 2x morphine.
  15. xfortune

    Hackers are pussies too.

    The whole point of the game is to get advantages over people. If you're going into a firefight on even ground or at a disadvantage, you're doing it wrong and you're going to die a lot. Are you going to play with other people? There's advantages in numbers. Taking better guns? Gives you an advantage. Being in cover? Better positioning? Flanking? NVGs? Camps/vehicles?
  16. xfortune

    Hackers are pussies too.

    So many carebears. I keep any good weapons I find off players too, scripted or not. Not going to destroy my hard-earned loot just because it makes you guys cry. If it bothers you that much, kill me and destroy it yourself.
  17. Because BI isn't going to change the core game that affects much more than just DayZ players, to fix a problem that's only really an issue in DayZ. Do some research. You want to get rid of cheaters yet want to boycott the thing that's going to result in the biggest decrease in cheaters we've seen yet. Herp fucking derp.
  18. Not sure if you understand this, but it is being tested, right now. We (the players) are the testers, we're testing the alpha patch to see if it works before it's added to the game. Don't know why this is so hard for kids to understand.
  19. I've taken weapons and choppers that I knew were scripted in, too. It's not against the rules, and most people aren't going to get a chance to fly a chopper unless it's scripted in anyways because of how many clans server hop to find them.
  20. xfortune

    The SVD

    Except the bullet goes to the 200m chevron even at sub-200m distances, and the chevrons don't work very well past 400m (gotta aim at the bottom of the 400m chevron at 400m, and it gets even worse at longer distances). With the AS50, it's very easy to estimate how high you have to aim to compensate, and if the target is standing, you can just zero to the nearest 100m and aim center mass. I would take any sniper rifle over the SVD, except the DMR (hate the variable zoom/zeroing).
  21. xfortune

    BattleEye is fucking garbage

    Except Arma is designed to allow client-side scripts by default. BE doesn't just have to detect scripts, it has to detect and differentiate between regular scripts being used in Arma and malicious ones being used in DayZ.
  22. xfortune

    BattleEye is fucking garbage

    It's Arma, not Battleye.
  23. xfortune

    The best sniper rifle in the game?

    AS50 is quieter, more accurate, higher muzzle velocity, less bullet drop, less recoil, and can use both types of ammo (and does almost 180k damage with AS50 mags, better for taking out vehicles). I personally have little difficulty estimating ranges by eye or memory, but maybe I'm alone on that one.
  24. xfortune


    Get over it. If you wanna be a carebear, go ahead. The point of the mod is whatever we make it. Me? I wanna get good loot and survive. Letting players live gives them opportunities to take my loot and/or my life. If you think everyone else should play the game the way YOU want, then go get some friends and play with them, and have fun getting owned by every squad out there, because they all KoS.