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About xfortune

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  1. xfortune

    What made you a bandit?

    Game's more fun with PvP, and you die less when you shoot on sight. So I became a bandit.
  2. The game is much better without the .50 cals. Playing on a server right now, only sniper rifles in the game are CZ550 and M24. Both guns are very rare, and the ammo only spawns with the guns. The rarity of the guns sort of makes up for the fact that everyone in DayZ can instantly pick up a sniper rifle and hit a target at 500m. Artificially limiting the number of snipers in the game, which I initially disagreed with on principle, makes the game a lot more fun in my opinion (and this is coming from a sniper).
  3. Was looking for a new username, my favorite song at the time was Soldier of Fortune by Deep Purple. Soldier of Fortune is tacky and taken, so I shortened it to just Fortune. There's 'x'es in there occasionally because Fortune is usually taken and I don't like numbers, although I'm thinking of adopting a number pretty soon because the 'x'es look pretty dumb.
  4. xfortune

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    The game is better with third person disabled. There's a lot more action because people can't just sit in a bush and see everything without putting themselves at risk. Third person makes you feel more comfortable... In a zombie apocalypse... Doesn't belong. If you can't land in first person, you need to practice. I can do it pretty well with only a couple hours behind the stick. Driving is easier in first person imo, much easier to judge turning and shit, but I've played a decent amount of racing games in first person so I guess I'm used to it.
  5. xfortune

    Weapon damage, do you like it?

    7.62 should instantly incapacitate someone with a body shot. Don't know how detailed Arma's body systems are, but maybe separate the gut and chest. 1 hit kill to the chest (11k damage + bleeding), instant KO (at least 8k damage) and severe bleeding for gut shots (so if someone else doesn't bandage/help them, they'll bleed to death or barely escape on the verge of consciousness), maybe 4-5k damage to limbs. Everything else should be 3 body shots max. I shouldn't have to empty 2-3 Makarov mags into someone's chest to kill them.
  6. xfortune

    Ok So I Want A Bandit Squad :/

    Make your own squad or be friendly and try to get into one. One I'm in right now, I got into by meeting a guy at Cherno hospital, gave eachother blood transfusions then ran around Cherno together and went north. He introduced me to the rest of the squad when they came on, now there's 4-5 of us.
  7. xfortune

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    No, Sacriel isn't becoming a bully. He's killing more unarmed people on Namalsk because the nature of the map demands it. It's not like Chernarus where the good loot is up north, and you spawn on the coast. You spawn anywhere and there's high grade military loot on 2/3rds of the map. Fresh spawns on Chernarus aren't a threat. Fresh spawns on Namalsk are. My question though... Why the fuck do you care what he does?
  8. Bandits are more dangerous than most people, of course bandits kill other bandits. I don't trust people if I have anything worth keeping. If I just spawned and I have a Makarov and some food, yeah I'm gonna be friendly.
  9. If I was stuck playing vanilla DayZ, I think I would have quit long ago. Private hives and mods are the shit though. I joined DayZ Redux a couple weeks ago and it breathed new life into DayZ for me.
  10. xfortune

    Have I completed DayZ yet?

    I've drank (drunk?) 4-5 cans of Mountain Dew now. Feels good.
  11. xfortune

    Aftermath:AS50 rounds vs Chopper

    6 shots and you didn't hit the pilot, engine, or either rotor? You deserved to die =p
  12. xfortune

    Which map is better??

    I think all of the base maps have way too many weapons. Chernarus has the least, so that's the best one in my opinion, but custom mods like DayZ Redux are better.
  13. M16, feels far more accurate and less recoil.
  14. DayZ Redux is probably the best server to play on right now if you're looking for the authentic DayZ experience. They have servers with almost all metagaming disabled (no peripheral dots, no name tags, no waypoints, no third person). Most fun I've had in DayZ since I started playing.
  15. xfortune

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    False. You can sit behind cover and look around without ever being in danger of being shot. Over walls, around bushes/trees, etc