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Posts posted by Nubz_Unite

  1. The money we spend to host the servers and buy the game which permits the authors to have a game to write. Like I mentioned before, what is encouraging people to put out this extra cash for these servers which "literally make up the game"? Like I also mentioned before, I'm confident a solution can be reached and look forward to it but I don't see how the system the way it is now is sustainable.

    the problem I have with people complaining about hackers and servers is you

    A) Are not being forced agasint your will to play this game

    B You are not being forced to spend your money to run a server and to the moron who said if people are spending 100 to 300 dollars on a server every month last time I checked i can get a 50 slot dayz server for 30 dollars a month.

    You bought the server knowing the rules you would have to follow them the only problem is the dev team has yet to really punish any servers for breaking the rules.

  2. whatever, i was just tired of loosing all the stuff i gathered. If buying the game will help make a better arma3 engine, harder to hack... its ok then.

    well, i gotta go. I neet to get some new weapons xD

    btw, i did the scripts myself, the ingame editor helped me a lot to test it.

    my favorite part is that u think ur hacking helps the community or that it helps the game and therefore makes it okay

  3. I'd love to, but I don't have any. 4 requests in the month of July and we can't get approved. Read my previous post buddy. I've even reached out to other admin and mods and all they say is use our server tool. 4 times man.

    THATS the exact thing that pisses me off. I WANT to host a server, badly. Then I don't have to play on servers that don't update for weeks and lock when choppers are reintroduced.

    I didn't feel like quoting your response on the page before.

    you say hosters should want to update to better the community why so more servers can be unplayable with the graphics issues If I did run a Dayz server I wouldn't update unless I knew it was a stable patch.

  4. Okay so the clan members didn't deny they weren't friends with you so ethier they were being friends with a hacker and they knew it or they are really fucking stupid you can't ban people because they are a suspected hacker thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard my god you guys must really be retarded.

  5. its freaking barb wire and sand bags....deal with it or fix it DEVS! Screw the choppers! What good is choppers if your cant even play the game!

    where are u getting your info? I have had this bug for awhile and it was definantely not caused by barb wire or sandbags so please enlighten me on where you are getting your info.

  6. the error occured with the patch I was on the outs with my group after our camp was raided they blamed me so I wasn't really in the mood plus my friend told me that it affected ghillie suits which I was wearing so I waited when I did update using sixlauncher I found out I was unable to connect to the server or any server for that matter. That was like 3-5 days ago haven't found a solution yet

  7. every game has hackers thats a fact you did not pay for dayz that is another fact you may only play the mod and ask for your moneys worth and look like a tool but rocket isn't receiving money for working on dayz sure you can present the arguement he got hired and Bohemia because of dayz or I bet some of our money is paying his salary at Bohemia but its your concious choice to only play dayz. It is your fault and nobody elses that you wish to only play dayz I do not disagree that there are hackers and it needs to be fixed but please realise every game has hackers.

  8. Which loading screen? There are 2 of them. The first one with a white progress bar and the 2nd one is the final loading screen without progress bar a.k.a black screen with "loading" only.

    If you experienced the 1st one being too long, you might need to join another server or re-check if you've done everything in the guide, step by step without missing a single one. If you're stuck at the 2nd loading screen, there are 2 possibilities. Whether your chosen server is crowded and you'll need to wait for about 5-10 minutes in that screen or it's an error. If it's an error, please do the solution as the 1st problem. I've experienced both loading screens problem so I know that my guide which has fixed the errors for me might work as well for the others.

    Hope you can fix the errors. :) If you experience any other errors, don't hesitate to post them here so I and other successful players can help you.

    the 2nd one I posted my comment while on the loading screen and checked out a ton of other threads about it so I will assume its a n error considering I waited 30 minutes before Ctrl + alt+ delete closing it ill be sure to retry the guide thanks.
