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About Mr. AWOL

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  1. Mr. AWOL

    What's your DayZ goal?

    Survive bandit attempts to kill me and avoid death via zed. Living in the north originally with an ak-74 and mp5sd. Now have an m-14 aim with the ak-74. Just been doing it alone so far so I try not to meet anyone and I'm pretty content with only seeing Zeds and little rabbits that like to run by me. Love the woods and getting the full view of each town before I need some needed loot.
  2. That's because Americans believe everything on the news and think Obama is a savior. Crock of $hit if you ask me. But we didn't build that....the government did.
  3. Could this be because of server resets and your progress made is deleted and somehow keep your gear?
  4. Mr. AWOL

    Tools, tool belt and usability

    I understand what you are saying. If I wanted to gather firewood and not drop my pistol while doing so would be great. Haven't started a fire yet but I don't want to have to worry about loosingy inventory while making a fire
  5. Mr. AWOL

    FPS problem

    My monitor is 23" and has a max res of 1680x1050
  6. Mr. AWOL

    FPS problem

    Thanks andu12. I had a feeling it was the vid card. Only one time I hit 60, well 62 to be exact in a server. Plus it was at night with low players. I have those in-game settings set like you said and I haven't had a really bad problem but it stayed around 20-30. My birthday is next week so I'll save up for something good. I think my power supply currently is 450 Watts. Had that put in along with the 9800gt. I want something good but a decent price and if avoidable I don't want to have to get another power supply. Any suggestions? And something that will last for a while? I know computer stuff gets out dated fast. Thanks for the tips sapulidi
  7. Mr. AWOL

    FPS problem

    Nothing is worse than having it be choppy when you are worried about firing back at bandits and being on target before getting killed.
  8. Mr. AWOL

    EPIC MOMENT!!! Helicopter steal!!!

    Cool vid guys
  9. Mr. AWOL


    When you spawn and hit the w key to move your character should walk at a decent pace. If you double tap the w key you should full out sprint. If you want to move differently double tap "shift" and now in order to run you use "w" + "shift" to sprint. This is the same for crouching and prone crawling. If you just use the w key you will walk slower and move slower in crounch and prone. Hope this helps?
  10. Mr. AWOL

    Cool shit that happened to me

    Cool story. When I get a broken leg I usually give up lol. That's some dedicated playing there
  11. Mr. AWOL

    Experienced my first hacker.

    I had a time where there was a hacker, didn't see him but k we it was a hack. Ran from this zombie and lost him around a corner. Then stumbled upon a dead guy. Knowing I was most likely being watched I quickly looted his pack. Before I could see the next building I wanted, my character started dancing? I watched for a bit because I was like wtf, never heard of this. I backed out before I was killed because the zombie I evaded was right around the corner. Close call but I'm guessing that's how the dead survivor was killed. Dancing til zombies ate him alive lol
  12. Mr. AWOL

    FPS problem

    This is what I am running HP model: m8530f Processor: AMD phenom 9550 quad core 2.20 Ghz Ram: 5gb System type: 64-bit operating system Video card: GeForce 9800 gt. (this video card was bought later than my CPU purchase in order to run COD blackops when it came out) I know a better video card would help in the fact of looking better but I would rather have a better frame rate and smoother play.
  13. Mr. AWOL

    FPS problem

    I read a few and changed some things around. I also noticed when I went to my Nvidia card it shows the list of games and if it can handle it or not. Arma 2 listed as fair so my video card could use some improvements. Want to buy a new one. GeForce 9800gt. Don't have my CPU specs because I'm not home. Will post them when I can
  14. Mr. AWOL

    Sorry bro...you left us no choice..

    Hey my bad my steam name is Glenn_Beck. Forgot I changed it.
  15. Mr. AWOL

    Sorry bro...you left us no choice..

    10-4. It's hard to get on now. Have a kid and most of the attention goes there. I don't know how often you are on but it will probably be a hit or miss. I'll check my steam to see if you added me. I typed in Koarn and Koarn23 with no results.