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About A.J.

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  1. A.J.

    Night Servers?

    I don't know. It may be cheap but I play at night all the time with my brightness and gamma up and it is pretty easy to play that way. Only time I have a lot of trouble seeing is in thick forest but that is no problem.
  2. A.J.

    Night Servers?

    Funny. I HATE daytime servers and usually log off to find a night server. The crappiest thing is that a lot of servers on Commander have the time wrong so I usually need to go into 4 or 5 servers until I actually find a night time server. Remember, most snipers can't see you so... night time is the right time.
  3. A.J.

    Uhh.... Downloads?

    Use DayZ commander then check the version panel and update everything from there. Done.
  4. If you fear dying, then you're already dead. Basically the whole One Day As A lion EP is great for any war/pvp game.
  5. Usually someone does say this in every game I have played too. Some ONE. Everybody that plays DayZ pretty much recognizes the fact that it is the shittiest gaming community out there at this point. I like the game/mod but I feel that the community just ruins a lot of what could be awesome about this game and everyone has to admit that hacking is indeed a very large part of this community at this point, and almost condoned. A lot of the replies to almost ANY thread are of the "GTFO U SHITBALLS GIRL" variety, it's...something else. I am not sure if it is immaturity or what, but holy shit are most of the people that play this game shitbags.
  6. A.J.

    Why this mod is failing

    My favorite thing about this thread is that everyone clearly didn't read the OP and just and just put the flame on.
  7. I am a new player too but I am getting good at raiding towns, especially Cherno at this point. My suggestion is to play at night with your brightness, gamma, and HDR set like the poster said earlier. That way you can see and at least the zombies can't see you.. Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xztpc9Ui_ek& ItThat how I learned to run through cherno. I usually get the basics in Cherno first then get the hell out and cool it awhile then go back to the hospital if things are still quiet. But I guess the hospital first is a better plan. Anyways, that video taught me a ton and would be pretty beneficial to anyone just starting out to watch.
  8. As much as I like this game, it really REALLY brings out the worst in people. Well, kids, it brings out the worst in the kiddies.
  9. A.J.

    Beans should be gold dust; hunger a possibility

    I don't have the same experience with food and water. I never find any. I mean it. I find awesome gear all day long but food cannot be found anywhere. I went to cherno last night and desperately tried to find at least something to drink hoping no one would notice me and found bubkiss for nearly a half hour wondering how I wasn't dead yet. Finally went into the church and found a full canteen, Turn around facing the door to drink and as soon as I hit G a guy pops into the door and head shots me. Awesome times in Cherno. Haha.