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About ...Viper...

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  1. "As soon as I've downloaded the SA after buying it I'm going to join a server, look for a weapon as fast as I can and start gunning players down indiscriminately." not sure if trolling or...
  2. A couple of cities and villages up north. They will probably look/feel the same like all cities/villages in arma do. Regarding the enterable buildings, it all depends on the loot distribution and how it will play out. If it's going to be unbalanced, players will probably skip them. Currenly, players that are geared up, don't have to search builds for survival. And if you can survive easily in nature, there is no reason to risk going to a city/village to get shot.
  3. ...Viper...

    Will the SA Ever Feel like This?

    With the pace Dayz SA is going, it's going to take a couple of years, before we have a 100% working game. A major problem that is being overlooked are the zombies. After watching DayZ E3 i still didn't see any major improvment's. They just don't feel "Right". They should focus on fixing core problems of the mod, and then add new features. I know everybody want's new features, weapons... but with a broken core, it's not going to be any different.
  4. ...Viper...

    Will the SA Ever Feel like This?

    I doubt it will. In the SA you will still go to cherno, then head north to the airfiled. And once you are fully geared up, that's it, dont see how this is different from the mod. Saying that the new engine and the new interface will make it feel like a new game is kinda funny. It will of course improve the game, but in no way make it feel like a whole new experiance. Maybe a year or two from the release of the SA it will change enough to feel as a new game, for now the PvP factor is too strong.
  5. ...Viper...

    Are Helicopters worth the effort?

    If you don't play with a large group, and find a heli that needs a lot of repairs then no. If you play alone i suggest the plane, you only need fuel.
  6. ...Viper...

    No more 50 cals!

    Now they remove the 50. cals. Good job. Last 6 months i played i haven't seen or heard a single one. Should have happend at the beggining when they were duplicated in tents.
  7. ...Viper...

    Fed up

    To the OP: - State of decay is a single player zombie survival coming june 2013. It's probably what you are looking for. - The "problem" of this game/mod is that there are no rules. Rocket said it's an ANTI-GAME. And guess what happens when you give everybody a gun and some ammo... If you want to stop KOS and killing player, lower ammo rates, got to think twice before i waste a bullet for a player with no gear. If they/rocket wanted to decrease KOS. We just have to wait and see what the SA is going to be like, and then we can judge the game, as of now it's a FREE mod. Btw is there any news on the release date?
  8. Doesn't matter if you make tent's, underground bases or any other saving "spot", if the part where it has to actually save doesn't work, then it really doesn't matter. Just make 100% working tent's.
  9. ...Viper...

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    To the OP. Just go outside, in the woods. That's hardcore realism. They already added toilet paper... . If the devs fixed the zombies and other bugs, instead of adding toilet paper and razor blades the mod would be 100% better.
  10. ...Viper...

    KoS, an examination

    Just make a goddamn NON-PVP server, so all those who don't like getting shot can go there an snipe zombies in elektro. I understand that people like to debate, but its pointless to understand why KOS happens. You got a game with guns and no rules, what do you think it's gonna happen.
  11. ...Viper...

    KoS, an examination

    I'm just going to say imagine that in CoD or B3 you would lose all your xp, weapons, attachments if someone killed you. Imagine how angry players would be. Dayz is one of the few games where it literally hurts when somebody kills you. 6 hours of searching gear and then some punk with a hatchet kills you. Which means, KOS is so common, why risk your gear/time when you can just pull the trigger. I don't understand why people can't accept that killing other players is part of surviving. No system will fix KOS.
  12. ...Viper...

    KoS, an examination

    Dayz is a PVP game, with survival elements. I would like it to be more survival, but saying it's a survival game is just funny
  13. ...Viper...

    KoS, an examination

    KOS is part of the game just deal with it. Nobody would play dayz if you were fully geared sniping zombies in elektro. No humanity system will "fix" this. As long as players can shoot each other KOS will happen, no matter how you ramp up the difficulty.
  14. I have a suggestion, but i would like someone to explain, why is it not done yet Hidden Stash: - You add a small shovel to the game, it goes to your toolbelt - Once you have it you go to an empty field, no concrete or road, only grass - You right click on the shove "DIG", some weird animation starts, you can you the one for tents - A backpack spawns and you have like 10-20 slots. - You make a 5m radius auto-detect, because of glitches - You can even put a time limit like a week, so after that you lose your stuff Here is the difference between tent's and this, tent's are server based, this would be player based. Now i know that this might not be "the way dayz should be played" but it would solve the problem of servers that reset and tents lose stuff. Also i know i'm not the first one to mention this, but i would like to know if this is hard to do, since this is a player based storage not a server based
  15. ...Viper...

    Please Help, Not sure if my key was stolen

    Next time this happens, i will look how many days the character is old. The only thing i'm worried about is that someone uses a hack with my account and i will be banned. I know about unofficial servers and starting gear, the problem is that it happend on the official also.