Night time is crazy dark. And while I like the realistic nature of needing tools to see in the dark. Arma 2's lighting system isn't super great so using flares or glow sticks etc, don't really provide much visibility. It would be nice to have SOME light at night like a light moon light. Or even just have the night sky be a very dark blue to give some sort of idea of silhouettes against the night sky so you have some kind of direction. Currently people say to bump up the gamma and brightness to see but really you have maybe 3 shades of grey on the screen at night so gamma correction doesn't do anything except make your black screen grey. I go to Europe servers to play during the night so I can play in day light but I like the idea of playing at night if there were just a few tweaks to make it playable. So if I could make a few suggestions that would be nice to see... -moon light (nothing super bright just maybe a rim light on edges of trees or other silhouettes) -Blueish night sky horizon (the zenith of a night sky is black but the horizon is often blue. This would give a slightly lighter backdrop for silhouettes on the horizon allowing for night time navigation without making night time much brighter) Loving the game though guys. As some one who gets home late a good night time is important though.