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Studio Tiberius

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Everything posted by Studio Tiberius

  1. Actually, Hackers can also ban people... either by tricking Battleye into thinking that scripting is occurring etc, or warping people into the air so the game thinks they are no-clipping about. It's a recent issue, as I never saw this in early alpha. It's not the first time something like this has happened, however.
  2. Ah, where do I begin? I suppose this is my story, the closing tell of me hardcore Alpha testing, as I transition to casual play permanently. As for how my last character started out, It all starts on a foggy morning in Chernarus. After waking up marooned and with only the clothes on my back, the vest, a flashlight, bandages and an assortment of pills, He headed out to rally with the other survivors and earnestly loot. He'd met many a people in his lifetime after the shipwreck. After running miles from Kamenka, and looting Balota for an M10 Shotgun with a measly amount of ammunition, he linked up with others of his sort shortly after. I honestly can't remember all the fun I had in DayZ. I end this game with a a bullet in the head on the server us1302. I'd logged in with my thirty seven day character dating all the way back to roughly 1.5. something. I played as a survivor first and foremost, though I resorted to banditry when I was provoked. Self defense you could say. I remember, my first kill. I'd been spooked as the player, climbing to the Cherno fire-station roof, shooting the bandit who, at the time had four or five corpses around him, in the cranium with a Lee Enfield. And so was my first confirmed kill. I remember joining the Whitelist Medics of the Wasteland, unofficially. I assisted many of their members after receiving my own assistance by them. Great group, great community. I remember the absolute worst job that was ever taken was going to heal a man who'd broken his leg and running out of morphine as my character broke his leg falling down a stairwell. That was the day I had my first major firefight too. There was a small bandit/survivor group nested in the Elektro powerplant's fire-station. Donning my trusty Lee Enfield, I gunned down one from the neighboring log house across from the powerplant, separated by the dirt road that runs nearby. I remember on my second week of physical game-play, commandeering a bus with my friend. We rode over the countryside, annoying and loudly thundering music of the ungentlemanly sort, to the birds and those nearby. We looted the hospital and powerplant in that glorious steed of ours, and got out to kill an unwelcome hitchhiker. That was my first bandit kill... Granted, me and one of my closer mates, rallied using our maps and my GPS. It'd been a bittersweet reunion. We were happy to have finally found eachother, yet, at the same time, were shortly fired upon after finding a tent with twenty four Explosive charges in it, and twenty four Night Vision goggle sets. Knowing that hackers were the sort to store that would store such things, we took some charges and stole a pair of goggles each, and detonated their tent. We were fired upon by the bandits, and as we crested the hill, I was hit. My mate covered me with his M16 as I bandaged myself, and he gave me a transfusion. We bolted, running to Vysoto, then doubling back and heading to Balota. It fell to an eerie nightfall, Harry and I had found a wrecked motorcycle in the road, driver dead in the ditch. He righted it, and let me commandeer it as it's driver. After testing it's speed, we drove a path towards the closest large town. Harry and I road ahead, and as we rounded the curve in the road, gunfire lit up the bushes. He'd just been shot in Cherno by two marauders. After looting the grocery store, we flew like the wind to the woods near Prodo. I patched him up, and received the hero skin. He'd been close to getting it too, and was ecstatic about it. We headed to Elektro again, to garner supplies as we had run out of food during the immense amount of time in the woods we'd spent without finding any game whatsoever. After disembarking that dreadful town, we headed to the powerlines. For the first time ever we considered banditry. There was no reason in time we realized; so we did not pursue that course of action. Moments after we had decided that, headlights from a UAZ or ATV we presume lit the woods. We cut the lights and Engine, and headed up the bank, hiding in the shrubs. We were a bit of a ways deep in the wood. We waited, and fled, enemy at our tails. We eventually lost them in the woods and headed to Stary for military grade rifles. I'd been flooring it, maxing out the speedometer. We'd been steadily running out of gasoline as well. Paranoid racing in our minds as we thought we were being watched. It happens after that amount of time to anyone. It was dawn and we were cruising steadily across a mountainside, not losing any haste. I didn't see the rocks in the gravel road, and I hit one. I lost control, and Harry soared through the air, his skull resonating a loud crack, as it caressed a boulder at high velocity. I mourned for my friend, knowing his character was dust and that he'd have to start over. I headed into the woods near the coast, refueling my motorcycle in time for the server to be shut down, leaving me without a transportation to fallback to. Weeks passed, my capability to play the game hindered by my internet's speed. Yet, I upgraded it and gave it a chance today. I logged in, finding myself where I had logged out. On the top of the large mountain between Cherno and Elektro. Nearby was an ATV. My debug monitor was gone for some reason. I didn't question it, I figured Rocket had something to do with this. It was missing a tire, had hull damage, and engine damage. Furthermore, it lacked gasoline. I headed one last time to Elektro. I yearned to repair this vehicle so I could embrace the feeling of superiority oncemore. I reloaded my AK74u as I headed to town. I was down to my last magazines, only three left. My Revolver down to thirty six rounds. I looted the factories, gathering Engine parts, and the Fuel I needed. I was so close to my task! Zeds assaulted me as my sneaking faltered. I sprinted across the tarmac as I headed to the bright yet, rundown orange buildings, replacing my revolver and it's now low rounds from fighting the Zeds with a pristine Makorov. I'd hit the church. It had rows upon rows of tank traps and barbed wire. I shuddered, thinking that there was an outfit of ill-mannered people nearby. I headed away towards the hospital, finding three tents. I replaced my now empty AK74u with an MP5SD and a hearty amount of ammo, leaving my gun and a few supplies in return. I went down the road, hitting up the factory. I'd found the two supplies I needed all along in one place! A toolbox and a tire. I snuck out, ducking into the sidebuilding attached, squealing inside my head that I'd done it, and that I could rally with my friend, and then perhaps garner tents, supplies, rations, and a helicopter for our future. Immediately after this silent thought; I saw a silencer equipped to the end of a barrel in my face, and heard a loud crack. It was over. My great journey at last, silenced. I gotta admit, at first when I bought ARMA 2: Combined Operations for DayZ and a new headset, it was a total waste of money. Yet it was worth it in the end. Rocket with this mod, has created a great community and has helped to spur on that sometimes, the mentality of the gamers instead of the large corporate executives, can determine the future of games. I can't wait for a standalone version. As for the Whitelist Medics? Thank you for all the operations that we did together, and helping me learn the things necessary to make this final character last so long. It was a blast. And to the other survivors? Thank you for sticking to your values and not faltering to banditry. Great community, great game. I think I'm out for now. I really enjoyed Alpha Testing this game. But, now my military career is calling and so is the prospect of moving into a larger house. I just don't have the time to play anymore.
  3. Studio Tiberius

    Bandit Diaires CANCELLED

    "Is it better to be born good, or to overcome ones inner evil?" Big fan, glad to see the change. You picked the right team.
  4. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks Steve, saved my butt from that lanky cold.
  5. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Belay that please, I'm going to be gone for forty five minutes, to an hour. Shoot you a Chat request on steam when I am back. (This post was done on mobile phone)
  6. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Take your time, I've got to drive out to the store, and also get my mail and other assorted tasks done around the house. PM when your ready, or hit me up on Steam. Studio Tiberius is my name.
  7. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    After doing a few medical runs myself, I've ran out of supplies. I've been hit by Zeds, and a nasty cough. I need antibiotics and some cooked food to replenish myself. If anyone could help, that would be great. I'm just inside of Cherno but, as I know most medic's won't operate there, I can meet north, towards Vysota.
  8. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am just north of cherno, available to give blood transfusions, I'm waiting on my patient to contact me.
  9. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    North of Electro, working as a doctor, can give blood transfusions.
  10. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks for trying Ben. The update is what got me, I spawned under the floor of the room, and bled out. Time to find another CZ, Alice Pack, GPS, and G17 and all the other junk I hoarded. Anyways, thanks again for the effort.
  11. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, not sure if you are looking are not but, I've sent you Multiple PMs.
  12. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Nose, I'm half dead myself but, I'll try to come down there and lend a hand with what little I have. Do you fancy a certain server?
  13. Studio Tiberius

    NO Name, not recruiting.

    I'm an experienced FPS shooter, and *Ashamed cough* Relatively new to DayZ. My group has left me for dead, after getting me addicted to this game, all because they lost interest. I'm quiet, but, determined. Honest, and I'd never cheat a man out of his gear. I need a squad, and I'm up for the tasks you need me to do. I'm game for joining a tactical squad, as a DSM (Designated Support Medic) or Spotter. But, if I was to join I'd ask one thing in return. It's my tenth life, and I could use a rescue. PM me if you are interested in myself joining your squad, or just ask me details here. [Edit] I also own a Mumble Server, if you guys would need it.
  14. Studio Tiberius

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    These guys are great. I thought I was down and out on my ninth life, that'd I'd finally become successful on. I'd spawned in Nova Sober and was in this glitched room, which I eventually escaped but, not without injury. Without supplies, I aggro'd zombies, and ran to a hatchet. Fighting them off, and losing blood, I went to bandage myself but, it glitched out of my inventory. I'd found an Alice pack and various supplies that I didn't want to lose. I bolted as fast as I could out of town, and as I headed out the road; was fired upon by a survivor group while near a deer-stand. Pride and body injured, I crawled across the field bleeding. I bandaged myself in the medical tents in Stary, and looted them, but, I was mauled by a group of zombies. Low on food, also, without painkillers, I used one of my few last bandages to stem the bleeding at 3286 parts per blood. The doctor, Soultrasher read my medical form and overview map I had hasty drawn describing my situation, rushed to my aid and healed me. I shared with him my extra bandages and we parted ways. Kudo's to you guys, I may become a medic myself now. Someday, who knows, I may want to join that fancy list of yours.