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Everything posted by Maxgor

  1. Maxgor

    Acceptable age to play?

    I'm not saying that at 18 someone magically becomes awesome or anything, its more about just wanting to play with a gamer who is relatively closer in age, especially in games that aren't considered kids games. At 26, I really don't want to play a game with a kid, no matter how good they are. I'll never know through regular text chat if they are a kid, but if they are on voice, that's one hell of a way to take you out of a game. No offense to anyone that is young like Inception, its cool they dig a game with depth like DayZ, but when your 25+ and you then start to play games with kids, you'll understand it a little more lol
  2. Maxgor

    Acceptable age to play?

    I went with adult, but I think I would say mature also. I've seen my fair share of douchebag, immature, adults lol I wouldn't want to play with anyone under 18 myself in a game like this, certainly not less than 16, kid voices get annoying online. I will say, if anyone under 18 likes to play DayZ, and is good at doing so, they do get some points for that lol
  3. Maxgor

    DayZ Mod Update

    Something I remembered, but has anyone had problems bringing out the hatchet since the patch? In a pinch I want to bring it out for zombie killing, dropping my gun and then using that, but last night it just wouldn't switch until I spammed the button to remove it till it finally started to work. Was very annoying when you got 20 zombies crawling up the stairs lol *EDIT* Working fine today, i think the zombie swarm that was causing lag was messing things up. Also, I just wanted to see if it was possible, but can zombies be slowed down a tad? I'm not talking shamblers at all, but like just a notch below survivors. Like its been said about easy it is to get swarmed and chased and not be able to lose them, especially if you have alot, (And they are buggy as freaking hell), this way it could give someone the chance to actually outrun them. I mean, if we are looking at them in the realistic way that they are crazy infected, they are humans still and after not being normal people for a certain length of time would be worse off than a well fed survivor. They can run, but they don't have the strength for the full speed run. You'd still have to be careful about pulling a train of them in the city if you ever want to loot anything, but to me this makes sense.
  4. Maxgor

    DayZ Mod Update

    No need to be a dick. Its stating fact. Its called DayZ, not DayPVP. Also the amount of servers falling off is simply because the DayZ hype rush is over and many people are waiting for good fixes to the game and mostly waiting to play the standalone which would fix alot of the problems the DayZ mod might never get.
  5. Maxgor

    DayZ Mod Update

    Play another mod then or regular ARMA2. The purpose of DayZ isn't about tactical pvp action, that is just a part of the survival game that is DayZ. I'm pretty sure there are other mods that would serve that purpose better. I think Wasteland is one mod and there's probably more.
  6. Maxgor

    DayZ Mod Update

    Zombie spawns seem rather borked. Its insane how many zombies can get pulled. They also seem more broken than usual and because there's such an extreme amount of zombies, I was getting some rather nasty lag from it and I never usually see that. Combined with their usual bugginess, they can be a real nightmare and not in a legitimate way lol
  7. I don't really mind when I get a map or makarov on a private server. I mean, not having one just means I'm only without a gun for less than 20 minutes before I easily get one lol Usually I play on those ones if I'm not going in for a true survival experience and just want something abit more fun.
  8. Small moments like that can really invigorate the game. I had a surprise moment like that going to Stary Sobor, I was back on public server, first I've done that in a long time, got my way to the trees above the tents, scouted out the place and saw a few zombies. I couldn't remember how far it was that zombies spawned, so even checking out everything with my CZ50, but I kept to the trees. I then move to the trees directly north of the tents and the pavement slab, when I nearly walked into a bandit. He was looking at the tents, not to his right, where I was like 20 feet away, so I just played it really safe, proned behind a a tree. He then proned up and I was able to shoot him in the back and get some supplies off him. Adrenaline was pounding, I got some ammo from the tents, and made it out of Stary on a populated server no problem. Was very happy with myself as I always seem to get ganked in DayZ lol
  9. Maxgor

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Its amazing seeing the progress with the standalone. It looks fantastic already with all these new additions and this is just the START of it. Very excited and I hop we get these videos pretty regularly.
  10. Maxgor

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Great first video. I love the clothing ideas, how you will utilize them for actual realistic storage based on what they are and that new swamp looks wonderful. Default Chernarus lacks such interesting areas like this, its either forest, city, towns, or plains, so its kinda of boring, but that swamp looks like it could become a great area for creating chokepoints and such. Also, adding Yutes to Chernarus, that is just super cool. Really expands on the map size. Though please, make boats not be utter garbage lol They are seriously the worst vehicles in the game right now with how slow they are XD Having cool to use boots would make traveling to these places so much better. The animations feel nicer too. I don't know if its just me, but it looks changing positions from prone to standing is faster and less stiff, which is awesome. Nothing worse than being prone and having to go through the slow animation of getting up to run away lol
  11. Maxgor

    DayZ Mod Update

    Been awhile since I've played default, public, DayZ and I've impressed at some of the cleanup the game has had. The UI is alittle snazzier, I like that pistol magazines and smoke grenades actually look like what they are supposed to be, not just ammo pouches. (Though it seems slug rounds are bugged and look like pistol clips lol), and the quicker login is rather nice. Can't wait to see a few of the newer things.
  12. This is pretty good and I think really gets the feel of DayZ where nothing is safe lol
  13. Those pictures are hardly dark or prove that the standalone is going for anything remotely dark or depressing. Its still very bright and colorful. "Dark, depressing, atmosphere" is what you talk about with the likes of STALKER and Metro 2033, worlds destroyed by radiation, anomalies, and chaos. I highly doubt he's suddenly gonna do a 180 on the current art direction which looks absolutely fine.
  14. Nowadays, after giving up my kill on sight tendencies, if they don't see me, I don't interact. If they have no obvious weapon on them, I will try to talk to them if we come upon each other, but I tend to try avoid folks, and call out friendly if we get to close and I'm not too sure how things will go. While playing Origins, I had been watching a guy come into a town, looking for car parts, I watched him for awhile from a close building, could've easily killed him as he fixed his Ural, but I didn't feel like ruining his day. I thought he left, I went to another building, he pulled up to it, got out, told him I'm friendly and that he either better be that also or leave, so I let him leave. To me, this makes for a more interesting game going the more difficult, but engaging route. I could just shoot everyone, but that is easy and makes the game dull. Why would I want it to just be another PVP shooter? I could go play Battlefield 3 if I wanted that. I try and put myself into situations where yes, I might die, but I also might make a friend or get into some weird experience. If more people did this, it would make the game alot more entertaining lol
  15. Maxgor

    How will we lose zombies after bugs are fixed

    Smoke grenades might certainly be a good option, but I got a feeling that the best option is simply to run if you don't want to fight. I'm hoping you can actually outrun zombies in the standalone to some degree, like your fastest is certainly faster than a zombies, it needs to be that way. Whether they are infected or undead, they are at a disadvantage to a healthy person, and I think that needs to be taken into account. I'm hoping they get a completely revamp as they are in dire need of it, not just by fixing the bugs, but fixing their AI when it comes to how they react, how they chase, how they attack, etc...
  16. Maxgor

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    I gave up on the ATV after me and a friend found a nice camp storing vehicles. We already stole the truck, leaving the ATV and bus. I get in the ATV go across the dam, randomly flip it. I thought that was dumb, but since we had the bus, I thought that maybe we could try and push the ATV over or something with it. So lightly we hit it in the bus, and the ATV launched into space, no joke, straight into the sky, never to be seen again lol The vehicle physics in this are all kinds of messed up lol
  17. Maxgor

    Modception and DayZ copyright.

    I don't think thats an issue. Even if theres a slight bit of confusion with all these mods, that is all they are, mods. They require you to buy ARMA2 to even play them. They also don't get primetime promotion. When you see DayZ up on Steam on sales, or in magazines, or advertisements before videos, you'll see the pure DayZ. The only people getting into these mods, are people that already have DayZ and know what they are getting into.
  18. Maxgor

    After DayZ (CorridorDigital)

    Well seeing that there were a ton of zombies in front of it, a dead body in the drivers seat, bullet holes in the windshield, and bullets in the engine of the car, it might not have gotten him very far lol
  19. Maxgor

    Modception and DayZ copyright.

    *EDIT* Read that abit wrong as I thought you were claiming connection to WarZ and claiming it was a mod. I do agree that a mod should never cost money. Especially when the groundwork isn't based on anything they made. People doing their own takes on DayZ is really cool, but there's only one way to profit off DayZ and that is what Rocket is doing now, professionally making the standalone release under the BIS name.
  20. Maxgor

    After DayZ (CorridorDigital)

    No one is safe in DayZ lol
  21. Maxgor

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    Just for the mod, I find the First Person experience to be rather poorly done. As some may really like the game, I don't feel its done as well as it should be even with head bobbing off. You get stuck easier and long distance runs aren't very comfortable in first person. I'd continue to play the game if they forced third person off, but then they have to make up for it with a better first person experience. Maybe its FOV, maybe its animations, I can't put my finger on it exactly.
  22. Even with Standalone, you should always expect to lose your character at some point. In a game like this, that's almost inevitable. I think once standalone comes out, characters alive for that long will be rather rare, since there will be alot more things to worry about. Better zombies, infections, diseases, hiding like a hermit in the woods won't keep you as safe lol It should be more stable though, using VAC to catch hackers more, but there is still the chance of there being hackers, that is simply a common element of online gaming.
  23. Maxgor

    Namalsk: Why do folks like it?

    Its been the only good map I've played other than Chernarus. Yeah the amount of weapons is way too high, but I like it. I haven't tried all the maps though, just Nam, Lingor, and Taviana I believe. I also am one that loves the STALKER elements they put in the map, despite some faults with them lol Bloodsuckers are annoying, but at least they are a freaking challenge. They just need to be tweaked.
  24. Maxgor

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Had a whole rant written out, but I feel it would've taken this thread way off topic, but WarZ is not good. There isn't just two things wrong with the game, most every feature is either bugged, broken, poorly designed, or missing entirely. WarZ is good, if you know nothing about what WarZ is lol
  25. Maxgor

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    There is some lag and abit of a framerate issue, but the quality itself is really nice. Also the game window is rather tiny, being only about 2/3rds the size it needs to be. Its watchable at fullscreen, but then you can't participate in the chat.