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Everything posted by Maxgor

  1. Maxgor

    Realistic Map Use

    I think it easily fits the direction they are pushing towards with the standalone. The current map setup is more like if you had a map that was built into a tablet what with the scrolling and such and being able to set waypoints, etc. If you have a problem with being too comfortable with what DayZ has, standalone will destroy you as they are changing every single thing in the game completely lol Definitely agree that every usable item should have some sort of action should have a proper visual cue. That would be one way to keep people in first person more often if you had to actually look at your compass and map, not that I have a problem with third person and regularly use it.
  2. Maxgor

    Realistic Map Use

    Well that is basically there already isn't it? I think that could be put into this also. Having something you physically pull out would really add to the immersion and of Far Cry 2, it was probably one of the few good things they did with it lol
  3. Maxgor

    Better Boats

    That one fishing boat you come across might be the worst vehicle in the game lol I'd rather ride an unprotected bike than slowly putter along offshore.
  4. Maxgor

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    I hope the breaking/aborting of animations is done with DayZ. I think its kinda ridiculous that if you accidentally hit B, the button right next to your vault button, you'll be forced to go through your very lengthy animation of standing completely still as you SLOWLY pull out a pair of binoculars. Alot of the STOP AND WAIT animation stuff kinda goes against the realistic feel I think. Who would stop to switch their weapon or while pulling an item out of a quick use slot or when going to climb a ladder or when coming to a knee high fence. Its the kind of stuff that bothers me alot in ARMA.
  5. The idea makes sense for the most part, that the longer your around, the better at survival you would be, so a proper skill system wouldn't really work at all, but something simple like a bonus to maybe bandage speed or run recovery would just be something you gain as you play and they would just be real minor bonuses. Lots of players last over an hour in this game and these would be skills you'd earn over days.
  6. Maxgor

    Melee Weapons Ideas (Megathread) Post your ideas

    This is what I'd like to see, stuff that would probably work with the setting. Shiv (Basically just a jagged piece of metal with a ductape/cloth grip) Combat Knife Hunting Knife Hatchet Axe Rebar Pipe Hammer Sledgehammer Broomstick Baseball Bat Hockey Stick Crowbar Tire Iron Machete Sickle Shovel Folding Spade Pickaxe Pitchfork Chainsaw (Of course requires fueling to use, and this would introduce smaller jerry cans that take up less space and hold less fuel) Tree Branch Golf Club Weapons such as the bat and broomstick would allow for combinations like adding nails to the bat, or a knife to the broomstick to create a spear like weapon. You would need to find the bat, hammer, and nails, to make the Nailed Bat, the broomstick would require the knife, broomstick, and duct tape to attach. Smaller weapons like the knives, hammer, folding spade, hatchet, would of course take up less space in an inventory, so its either you carry an axe around for max damage, but it takes up or adds alot more weight compared to the hatchet, so you have to chose which would carry around.
  7. I could see a really minor perk system put in, such as faster bandaging, maybe a quicker recovery after running, very simple stuff like that, but I wouldn't want to see like a full progression system that leads to players being better than others just from playing longer. Nothing that involves higher health, damage reduction, weapon handling and damage. Stuff that might help you out personally over things that might help you against another player. In the end, I do think its really not necessary to have, the game doesn't really lend itself to an artificial skill progression system.
  8. Maxgor

    Food takes time to digest

    I'm fine with the time it takes to eat, I think there's going to far in adding realism and balancing gameplay, but I do agree that the food should be a slow filling, so that you eat your beans, and then your food and blood raise over maybe a good 5 minutes, which also adds time between when you can eat again.
  9. Maxgor

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    A large warehouse/factory district, big factory insides with lots of corners and places to hide and explore, I think that fits this setting in particular a whole lot. For example, we've seen abandoned structures like this in STALKER, with big machines, alot of nook and crannies to check out. Maybe it could be an old tank building complex that was abandoned before the outbreak so it looks even more run down, but it ends up being a real good place for finding parts for vehicle modifications and finding metal junk used in crafting. I'd also like to see some more military based installations, maybe more just an enhancement of the like the military airport, with maybe an underground bunker to explore beneath the airport. Derelict ships would be awesome too. Maybe a large ferry thats hit a sand bank, even go as far as an abandoned navy vessel, maybe not aircraft carrier huge, but very big, maybe its crashed into one of the islands. More stuff that looks like the place was hit really hard and things went to shit fast much like you find all the destroyed cars around.
  10. Maxgor

    DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

    I like this alot, I want to see if factorys will be included, as I think very large structures that you can explore would be so awesome, since there aren't really any like that. The construction sites sorta are like that with multiple floors, but I'd like to see a massive factory/warehouse district that could lead to good places for exploration and possibly good ambush locations :D So big, you could possibly get lost or turned around in them.
  11. Maxgor

    What is the problem of Dayz?

    The only problem with DayZ is that its a mod that can't be easily fixed, then again, it was never expected to become such a successful mod, which brought out the most problematic elements of it, of which, its still an alpha mod. People expect it all to just work and really forget that this mod isn't supposed to be stable, fully featured, and perform well. I'd be more surprised if the mod had no problems and was still considered an alpha lol If I had to just pick something that I had a real problem with, its simply zombies. People that Kill On Sight or bandits aren't a problem, that is just how someone chooses to play the game. The game is a survival game based on the zombie apocalypse, but we have zombies with crazy AI that makes little sense, with their high speed and many bugs. I don't expect that to get fixed and really, most folks are just holding out for the standalone anyways lol
  12. Maxgor

    DayZ Bug List

    That's a basic Zombie issue that has been around forever. I feel its alittle worse now more than usual, especially in the Cherno apartments I found, but thats something I don't know if we'll see get fixed... I'd like to maybe add something or see if anyone else has this problem, but for some reason, I could not gut animals today. I know you can, people have been doing it with the patch, but today I got on and took down 5 animals with my hatchet, 4 goats and a sheep, and couldn't gut them at all. Issue with the server or a random problem with the recent patch?
  13. Maxgor

    DayZ Scenario: Would You Kill or Help

    I'd probably try to help as it gives a different experience. Sure, the easy route is to chop him up with an axe and just take his loot, but that is the boring way. I'd rather see if I could help him out, even if it ended badly, especially if I was a new spawn who has nothing to lose. Even geared, I'd probably help. Once you come to grips that you could lose your gear at a moments notice, that kind of "KOS, MUST SURVIVE EVERYTHING" mentality, goes away and I feel the game is more enjoyable. Just today, I lost a backpack full of food trying to get a better backpack (Remember, place your pack down first, grab the new one, then transfer over, don't just take the new one with your pack on lol) and rather than just be like "FUCK EVERYTHING", I shrugged it off and decided I could just go to the store and see if I can't stock back up.
  14. Yes, because every complaint is just whining and not stating legitimate issues with the recent update. Just a buncha haters! And to Bambi Avenger, they added that pack in with the new update. The camo looking alice pack.
  15. Maxgor

    Too hard since

    You really can't make them any harder right now other than just making them stupidly, unnecessarily, hard, which isn't necessary. Will any of the zombie AI stuff ever be fixed? I think thats what really needs to be looked at as much as possible. The warping, the zig zagging, the glitchyness. Fix that and tweak the current aspects of them and I think I'd certainly be more satisfied with the zombies in general.
  16. Maxgor

    DayZ Mod Update

    The DayZ mod is separate from the work that goes on in the standalone I believe. Its not about spoiled kiddies, its simply about game balance lol
  17. I didn't know about this one. Certainly needs to be done away with or dropped down to below 5 to 10m. The repairs and trap placement makes sense, thats noisy work, but gutting an animal isn't really that much noise and seems like a weird mechanic to add. I know the infected are being changed to make them more threatening, but this is getting abit silly lol
  18. Maxgor

    Playing at night

    I'd be more inclined to play at night if the flashlight was easier to work with. I should be able to use my flashlight and pistol at the same time, not be forced to choose between one or the other, where it then requires me to drop the pistol or put it in my backpack. It should be done like the binoculars, where it has its own slot and can be used with your pistol, maybe at a loss of accuracy.
  19. Oh, Origins, thats why lol Not really a big deal, I thought it was something with standard DayZ lol
  20. Didn't even know this was a thing lol
  21. Maxgor

    Acceptable age to play?

    You're practically one. I don't quibble over a few months, but I would a few years. If your not obnoxious and your 16 to 18, your probably alright for the most part. I don't have a strict age requirement for gaming at all, but I still prefer to game with those who I at least have a better chance to relate with lol And that's cool. If I don't know your age or can't really tell, its not gonna bother me much. I'm certainly not the person that would tell a kid to get off the game if they were on it, I'm not a dick about that kind of stuff, I actually hate people that act like that, I simply have a preference from what I expect out of mature rated video games.
  22. Maxgor

    DayZ Mod Update

    Not unplayable, but I play DayZ on relatively low settings and with the massive aggro of zombies that can get pulled to one spot, it started to really lag me up the other day. Game plays fine other than when that happens it seems.
  23. Maxgor

    Acceptable age to play?

    Yeah your 17. You got a couple years on a 14 year old. 18 might not be a magical number, but you do have a few more years on you which can make a difference in how people interact with you.
  24. The QQ'ing about zombies, at least the more legitimate complaints, of them being harder, is less about zombies being legitimately harder and more that the horribly bugging zombies are more buggy and now there are way more of them to fight at the drop of a can lol I do agree though that people should prepare for legitimately challenging zombies. No more running to buildings so you can pick them off as they shamble up stairs, you won't be able to glitch them out, I just hope they work right. No glitchy attacks, you have the chance to outrun zombies (They aren't undead, they are infected, probably dehydrated and weakened, maniacs. They shouldn't be olympic runners lol), legitimate line of sight stuff.
  25. Maxgor

    are hackers still rampant?

    Public hives, yes. Its sad how prevalent they still are. I tried to get back into the public hive side stuff, but since starting up again with, the past two days, the two servers I played on got hacked. You just need to find a good private server with admin and you'll probably be fine.