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Everything posted by Maxgor

  1. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    You have my condolences.
  2. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    I'm only gonna be satisfied when I'm able to play Battlefield 4 as I can't currently play it on my PC right now (Though I do meet minimum settings). My poor PC just sitting in parts around my room, begging to be turned into an awesome gaming machine :C
  3. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Sadly gonna be like a week. It should get back to them by this weekend and I'll get it next week sometime I hope.
  4. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    The ones in the case were just some Cooler Master brand ones and the only ones I could grab around here that were said to be silent were another Cooler Master brand. Didn't see any resistor thing with my case, and the fans aren't connected to the MOBO. I remember seeing in the BIOS, that I could adjust the CPU fan, but that was it.
  5. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    I didn't try that. I don't really want to undo my packaging and go about reinstalling the CPU and shit again right now, so I'm just gonna send it back on Monday, probably get it in a week or so if I'm lucky, then I can do that I guess. I'm just fucking tired of working on shit right now. I'm regretting the build and wish I had just gone with a pre-built from like ibuypower or something. Such a fucking headache. *EDIT* But to keep myself from being totally depressed about my currently failed build, I decided to get myself some silent fans to hopefully quiet down the beast abit, two 200mm fans be noisy, so I installed those and I'm gonna go about making sure the wiring is much neater as it was kinda messy before. I'll spend some time on that until I get my motherboard back so that I'll be ready to just pop that sucker in and go.
  6. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Shush...Just...shush...Lets not even talk about something like that lol
  7. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Alright, looks like I get a replacement from New Egg. Sucks I'll have to wait, but I guess I can be patient for a little while lol
  8. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Alright, so looking at a return of the MOBO. I'll see about getting this done later today. If I can get a refund, I'll just buy the one at Tiger Direct here in my town, that way I don't have to wait on an exchange for the one I have to send back to New Egg and I'll be able to hopefully have my PC running this weekend. Awww...I gotta clean the CPU again! RAZZLEFRAZZLE! *EDIT* And apparently, I can't RMA it through the New Egg website and is still under manufacture warranty, which means I'm probably most likely gonna have to send it to the manufacturer and have them replace it rather than going with my initial refund plan...Well, I'll wait to see what New Egg has to say on it and get back to it today. Thanks to the people that helped me out today. This was a serious pain in the ass.
  9. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Yeah, I know I could do better than Geek Squad. I just don't know anyone in the area who can maybe point me to a reputable place, though I might be able to find a small business repair shop to take a look at things. Probably best to go that way. Looks like they have the same MOBO at Tiger Direct here in town. If I can get a straight refund from New Egg for my motherboard, I can buy that one tomorrow, and then just send the supposedly broken one to New Egg and get the money back that way. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8139496&CatId=8586 That is if it looks like replacing the MOBO is my best option...
  10. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Well I got two options. I either take it in to Geek Squad (I know they aren't the best, but they are easy to work with) and get them to hopefully figure out the exact problem, probably pay them like 50 bucks to do so, and then get the replacement if that is the problem...or we say it's the MOBO and I just go for a straight up replacement anyways.
  11. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    External HDD's are pretty cheap now. You can find them at like Best Buy for around 50 to 75 bucks for a 500gb.
  12. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    If only they ever worked! *TABLE FLIP!* That is a no for the battery. Is that mostly it? Does it look like a possible broken MOBO? Would it be good for me to look at getting a replacement? Will my nightmare ever end? Will I be able to play Battlefield 4 on max settings during the Beta? I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION!
  13. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Alright, lets do this, battery! *Insert Metallica song here* (I'm so tired of working on this now XD )
  14. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Negative on the RAM, the only RAM I have is DDR2. I also tried a different slot for my HDD SATA. No luck. Popping out the battery. And now we play the waiting game...
  15. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    CPU fan is not the problem, blue screen at the same spot again. Though I will say the default CPU fan is at much higher RPM's. Don't know if that means much, whether if the bigger one needs the RPM's or not combined with the cooling valves, but the default is running twice as fast right now. Okay, is the RAM the only thing left to try?
  16. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Only 6 thousand bucks? Pssh, chump change! (WANT IT ._. ) Don't know if my other RAM is the same though, it's like two years old now, maybe older. Don't think it would be good to do that, but I'm still going on the CPU part (Got sidetracked by two other things I wanted to do after putting it together lol).
  17. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    I have not, you mean for the HDD itself? I can try a different port since there are like 6 or so built in.
  18. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Not an empty spare, I mean, I could use the one in my other PC I've been using (Not this one, this is another one in the house), just to try that it isn't the HDD at all. If anything, I took of the CPU cooler I had on and it did seem to be spread evenly across the whole top with only very slightly spill over (Still on the CPU top), so it had good greasing. Gonna clean it off with some rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth now before I put on the default fan. It was rubbing alcohol wasn't it? I saw a video for applying thermal paste and I believe that is what he said to use to clean it off. Like some kind of mystery show? Who is the culprit that is killing the system?! Will he ever be found after eliminating all other possibilities! STAY TUNED! SAME BAT TIME, SAME BAT CHANNEL! lol
  19. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    It's plugged into the CPU fan one just above the CPU spot. I made sure it was plugged in, it is moving, and it is registering in the bios, so yeah, I'll try and replace the cooling fan, see what that does. I really have nothing to lose right now lol
  20. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Wouldn't that just mean it eventually overheats, rather than very specific and repeated instances of failing, especially since the temp doesn't fluctuate or overheat when I'm watching it on the bios monitor? I think the CPU cooler is on there right, I mean, I could just take it off, clean off the CPU, and put the default CPU fan on to double check that it isn't improperly put on since I've never worked with a giant heat sink slab standing on top lol
  21. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Flash is a no go. It says 1405 now, so it's updated, but still restarting at the same exact spot. Lets move on down the list now lol
  22. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Negative on bios defaults. Use the USB with the file on it and the flash utility?
  23. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    What am I looking for with that exactly? The only thing I can find BIOS defaults is to press F5 for "optimized defaults" which just quickly flashes and then that is it. Is that what I'm looking for? I found the flash utility, but don't see something that is basically for reseting it to defaults.
  24. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Negative on the switch to onboard HDMI. I don't bluescreen, but it just restarts itself at the exact point where the windows logo forms. Move on to BIOS flashing?
  25. Maxgor

    New PC Troubles :C

    Okay, put the bios thing I downloaded onto a USB, find the flash utility. I'll try the HDMI onboard thing too. *EDIT* I'll do the HDMI first.