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Everything posted by Maxgor

  1. It's about creating a different experience using what makes STALKER and DayZ great. STALKER has no large open world (Not technically, since each area is set apart from a loading screen) or large-scale multiplayer like DayZ. As much as I want more in DayZ, perhaps it would be better as it's own mod that runs an alternate STALKER selection of mutants and gear and the ripped building models, but I'm gonna enjoy Nam more now knowing that it has more STALKER elements in it. STALKER is majorly favorite series of mine (Sad it's basically dead now, but yeah).
  2. Maxgor

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    I'd love to be more like STALKER, especially after seeing elements of it ported over into Namalsk. A basic outfit would be the loner gear, the dark yellow raincoat, mask, and dark pants... http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h177/mattblackgod/stalker/ss_danny_04-17-09_21-32-34_l01_esca.jpg More of a cool higher end outfit would be something like the Clear Sky faction... http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101009095720/stalker/images/3/34/SCS_Clear_Sky_squad.jpg And above that would be the SEVA suit. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111207210623/stalker/images/8/89/SHOC_Stalker.png Exoskeleton would be cool, but I'd like to keep it abit simpler with DayZ in mind.
  3. This is a pretty sweet idea for STALKER fans. I've been wanting to see what STALKER would be like with an open world lol It shouldn totally bring in more mutants, or just go and and be it's own separate mod, running Namalsk, but with all the STALKER elements. I think it adds to the map, though how does the EVR work? In STALKER, it pretty much killed you, so does it just make you bleed or take down your health if you get caught outside? Also, don't know if this was recent, but I liked the added guns that were put in like the G36C and such. Not sure how new they are, since I haven't played on a Nam server in a week or two, but never found guns like this before. Totally running with a G36CSD that has a holo sight on it which is pretty sweet. Alittle bulky, but neat.
  4. I didn't know they added more STALKER stuff to that map! That is pretty awesome, despite some bloodsucker imbalances. How do the blowouts work? They made sense in STALKER, cause the maps were small, so you could find hiding places, but in a giant map in DayZ, where do you go? If your traveling through the woods, it doesn't kill you, does it?
  5. That would certainly help out when you don't have someone there to blood bag you.
  6. Maxgor

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I wouldn't quit, but it certainly wouldn't be a plus. I like going Third Person for the long treks everywhere and for driving. I then go into FP for combat situations. Much nicer that way.
  7. Maxgor

    Standalone could slip to 2013

    I'm not too worried about it slipping into 2013. I'd rather they release it properly than rush it out. It will still be a work in progress, but a work in progress that hopefully functions alot better than the mod does now.
  8. Maxgor

    Jumping over fences

    Damn, I need to get this. Should be default for the standalone. I hate how slow it is to hop fences.
  9. Very glad to hear how much is getting reworked. I'm of course glad that it's on Steam, that is convenient and easy and it sounds like it is the same on your end. I would ask about the controls also. Does this mean that things like the animation cycles being cut down or at least alot of it can be done while moving? It's kinda ridiculous how you have to stop to switch guns or how if you put your binoculars away, you have to stand still, or how you can't just easily climb ladders, etc...I don't expect too much too change as I see some of it kinda still stuck in ARMA3 and it won't kill the game for me, some of it was just kinda annoying. I mean, I'm not expecting to be able to run and bandage myself at the same time, and it more comes down to issues with ARMA2 itself, but anything that makes it better is a good thing in my book.
  10. Maxgor

    Standalone HD skins...

    Maybe the standalone skins will be HD by default? lol I'd just wait for the standalone release. Those skinpacks will always be there and guaranteed to have another sale and you can find out more then, though I don't think they'd play a part in the DayZ standalone release.
  11. Woots beat me to it, but there are full priced games with lots of hackers/scripters. You only see alot in DayZ now, because of issues with the game that can't be worked out too well till standalone. Even then, it won't be hackfree, so to say that it should be more expensive is dumb, since there is obvious evidence against that way of thinking. Also Standalone will become more expensive after release due to it's pricing scheme. It's been compared to what Minecraft did, where it started out really cheap, was heavily in development up till release, getting progressively more pricey, but rewarding early buyers to help test the game and see it come together till the final release and price. I'm expecting it to be at around 10 to 15 bucks upon the initial alpha release, just a guess, and then hit at more between 20 and 30 bucks by release.
  12. Maxgor

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    Definitely a cheap move to do. If you can't handle fighting zombies, you clearly can't handle the game in any way. What is the purpose for playing then? I don't think it's on the same level as combat logging, a minor infraction, but still not good. If you can't handle a few zombies, then you die, plain and simple.
  13. Maxgor

    1,300,000 players

    I think there's going to be a pretty good amount of people who get into the standalone. The numbers for DayZ have dropped off abit, because alot of us are waiting for standalone. I've just started to sorta poke around with the mod again, but when there are so many problems still, it's tough to keep myself in it again and would much rather play on Chernarus again with 75% more open structures and alot of bug fixes lol
  14. Some people are just poor admins. Simple enough, I've seen it before. Gotten banned on game servers for being too good, which is always a bit of a badge of honor to wear around I think lol Just something you come across. Usually best to find a different server with some proper admin on it.
  15. Maxgor

    24/7 Daylight Servers... UGH?

    For me, it's mostly due to a lack of proper mechanics that make night worth it to me. There's very little benefit to night time playing when the darkness is unrealistically black and a lack of being able to have a gun and flashlight out at the same time. Sure, you won't be seen by zombies, but right now, zombies are at best a minor annoyance during the day. Easy to kill, easy to run away from. I'm hoping with standalone they fix some of these issues.
  16. Maxgor

    Do you have music enabled?

    I thought the "music" was pretty bad. I turned it off cause it's not atmospheric at all. I wouldn't mind it if was done better, but I just remember hating it cause at times it would get really loud, like I was in a fight or something and it would throw me off completely. I usually go silent or throw a podcast on in the background. They need to take more of a cue from STALKER. That's some atmospheric sound there, though maybe with alittle less of the fake gun shots and cries of pain since that stuff is really important for awareness in DayZ lol
  17. He's basically laid it out that he's going to get it out this year no matter what, so it could be December 31st at the latest.
  18. I don't think spawns should have guns, but they should have something. Since they can do more of what they want in standalone, I think they should start out like they are now, a painkiller, a bandage, a flashlight, and give them a knife. It won't one hit kill zombies, maybe two if you hit them in the head, but is primarily the weakest weapon in the game, but helps give you a bit of a chance against zombies in particular.
  19. There's no reason for a zombie/infected to run zig zag or do anything else, but rush violently straight at you. They are either undead or insane, and have no mind for doing anything else, but making sure they devour you. This means they rush at fences and fall over, they don't try to dodge shit, they have on direction to go and that is forward to you.
  20. Maxgor

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    Seeing what he has done in DayZ and hearing where his plans are heading, I trust him to take the right path. With his comments on things, I don't expect a sudden deviation from hardcore military sim survival, into a casual action game at all, not that I'd mind that, but I think the DayZ ship is pretty steady in the direction it has laid out lol
  21. Maxgor

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    I actually missed this one, thanks for showing me! lol This one in particular was one of his better ones I think :D
  22. Maxgor

    What Does DayZ Mean To You? (PvP or Survival)

    75% Survival 25% PVP This game to me isn't about just having battles with people, it's the experience of playing a survival game with other people. I would go as far to say, that if there was an offline/singleplayer/small co-op version of DayZ, where it was just you, maybe a couple buddies on a team if you want, and a few thousand zombies (quality zombies lol), in Chernarus, I might even play that game more. Anyone that has spent a ton of time in Minecraft will understand this lol If action happens, I'll be there for it, but I'm not really on DayZ looking for fights or people to group up with so that we can fight another group. It's not a bad thing, but if I just wanted pure PVP, I'll go play other games that I'll get way more enjoyment out of from a shooter point of view.
  23. Going on the idea itself, it would kill the standalone outright. It would be the worst decision Rocket would ever make for this game if he did it. I probably wouldn't even play the game. That's on a whole new circle of hell below what some might consider Free to Play to be lol Now going at it from a hypothetical point, with how it would affect my style...I would not spend much, if any time on the coast. I'd play on mostly empty servers if I ever dreamed of going to Cherno and really most of the time, I'd never really be on any populated server, I'd probably even force myself to play at night only just so I could have the added benefit of night to help me out, it would not be fun, imersive, or enjoyable in any way XD I'd probably just become a bandit and kill on sight what wouldn't be a fact of life as it is now, it would be the "way of life" lol
  24. Maxgor

    Hero or Bandit?

    I would consider myself on the side of survivor/hero. I did the mostly killing thing earlier in my time with DayZ, but it makes the game rather dull to me, so I find trying to come across friendlies and maybe helping them out to be a more rewarding game experience, even if it is the harder one lol
  25. Maxgor

    Zombies are too Powerful

    Never seen that myself and most likely just a simple bug. Zombies in this are actually pretty wildly underpowered. You may bleed after one or two hits, but it takes a good while for a zombie to actually kill you. Even in very large numbers, as long as your inside a building, you can easily dispatch a dozen of them with single shots to the head from a pistol. Along with fixing the cheats and glitches, getting zombies to be a real threat should be a huge priority with the standalone.