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Everything posted by (AOW)n4zRuDiN

  1. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    Why this mod is failing

    Of course, but if you have a server with 50 people and you join a clan with 20 people then there's 30 people on the server thats possibly dangerous and thats bad since world is to big and 30 people is to few. Almost any server with 80 people + just keeps stuggeling and its annoying. So usually sticking with friends you know is whats best, but you also want the possibility to meet someone and yet not sticking around with them, trade supplies or just stick together, I shouldnt have to form a clan just because I "know" I will get a bullet in my head for trying to say hi. I want something that enforces teamplay, I'II just gonna wait for it, joining a clan is gonna take away alot of action and the intense of meeting a player since most of em would be your other clan member roaming around whos your not grouped with. I hope rockets idea of EVE online server get implemented (one massive server) then I'd be joining a clan.
  2. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    SideStrafe - Jul 2012 - Interview with Rocket

    I'II watch it, cheers.
  3. There's a automated message coming from the server, saying who the admins are, that pocket is not one of them.
  4. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    Let me give you a newsflash, at a distance greater then 100 meters the grass fades! Therefore having a ghilliesuit is pointless as a sniper if you want to be a "sniper" If he shoots you from 80 meters with a ghillie suit thats not really sniping, you can do as good with a M4A1 at that range. I have a ghilliesuit and I find it very good when it comes to survival in close combat, when it comes to distances its useless, if you feel otherwise then you have bad eyes.
  5. Tell me about it, been playing on this server for a few days now but seems I have to find a new server to stay on *sigh*
  6. Server is gonna restart so all the loot can despawn and then spawn again, lame. That stuff pretty much take care of itself once players do what they should do (not staying in cheno), besides the map is so huge so a server restart is not neccessary.
  7. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    Why this mod is failing

    So stupid. You don't have to be a bitch. I can see what the OP is trying to say, he is right. I was friendly once but not anymore, I stopped trying to approach people, help them.. any kind of contact is impossible simply because it's not worth your trouble. There's nothing enforcing teamplay in this mod, but I'II be patient and see where it leads. I wish they were somewhat more friendlyness to this mod.
  8. It's all duped. Makes sense since the server restarts every fourth hour. Kicking you was lame, good you reported it.
  9. Thank you, at least you are on the right page!
  10. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    DMR or M24?

    Can you zero in with a DMR? Or do you have to use the mildots only to estimate?
  11. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    L85A2 AWS + AS50

    I have theese two weapons, It's quite the setup I might add. As title says, please discuss.
  12. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    L85A2 AWS + AS50

    Haha yea, having those 100rnd's cap makes you quite trigger happy xD
  13. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    L85A2 AWS + AS50

    Good for you that they don't have weight in this mod lol, pretty neat setup tho, when your not sniping em you can shake em pretty good with that LMG, damn it shoots fast.
  14. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    L85A2 AWS + AS50

    That SVD's is very nice with the ghillie I must add, to bad you can't zero in the SVD, gotta know your way around the scope if you wanna compensate out the other rifles. I watched a video on youtube the other day, there was this guy with ghillie suit on the airfield just killing people around the southern barracks with the M4A1 CCO SD, kept shooting em 1 by 1 and moving around in the grass xD
  15. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    L85A2 AWS + AS50

    Dammit, I have yet to find one of those damn NVG's, my buddies keeps looting em off corpses, yet I never find one, but NVG's with DMR sounds pretty neat to, kinda get rid of the weapon switching.
  16. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    Indeed, life is to short to make those things go along, would be damn nice tho. To bad you find everything so easy atm, resources are so common to get.
  17. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    L85A2 AWS + AS50

    Yeah close-quarters would be a bitch since you have to zoom to aim, unless the server runs 3D and you know where to aim, but yea.
  18. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    L85A2 AWS + AS50

    Ever had that setup or with a similar sniper? You have no opinion on it?
  19. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    Idea to sort out some trust issues

    There's no such thing as a bullet proof vest. But some kind of armored kevlar would be a nice addition.
  20. No, higher-quality items won't get a higher chance to spawn, it just gives them a more chance to spawn, not higher chance, the chance to spawn always remains the same, there's a sheet for that somewhere here on the forums, I've lost the link to it. % rate won't increase.
  21. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    Don't un-nerf the damage changed by Arma II patch

    I agree that due to the nerf it has been more difficult to kill players with the pistols, that should be fixed. Nerf should only apply to zombies as for now untill further changes are to be made.
  22. Not quite, they take loot, new loot spawns. Same goes for helicopter crash sites, I don't know if many people know this but if you go to one and take the loot and drop it elswhere new loot will spawn.
  23. (AOW)n4zRuDiN

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    Agree with OP, You can't really search for vehicles in this game, the vehicle searches you. I'm not gonna run outside the skirts of the map cause some retard (yes a retard) took it there, seriously not gonna waste 2-3 hours walking at a random direction like a twat. I've given up on finding them, I've set my mind to when I find one I'II find one cuz when someone find it they drive it off the the corner of the map and I find it just annoying, especially when it is so rare. I wish you could repair the vehicles on the road with the proper tools and parts. Would be much more fun to make your own car. Better parts -> better performance. And to do them you will need a blueprint, a place/factory to make them, parts and other stuff. But I'II stick to the thread. I wish vehicles didnt spawn, but rather made and aquired. Having cars spawn everywhere more often wouldnt make the game better, would just be more vehicle hoarding. I've found some cars hidden close to towns or in big forests in the center wich I find funny and refreshing but borderline parking em on the map.. I hope your PC malfunctions and ur to poor to get a new one.
  24. More players, better loot QUALITY, No More players, MORE loot, Yes. When you visit a town, zombies spawn, thats when loot starts to spawn too. If noone have been in town no loot will have spawned. If players frequently visit the towns and zombies are always present the loot chance for a house that inhibit a loot % spawn occurs all the time, and by time all the locations the loot can spawn on have spawned, so when you go in lots of loot will be found.