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Everything posted by DayZnedconfuZed

  1. I was killed by a group of guys last night on us server. One of them sounded Asian. He told me to come group with them then they surrounded me and killed me. I have been hunting for this group ever since. I would like to have some back up if need be.
  2. DayZnedconfuZed

    Looking for Survivors to team up with!

    I will hit you up when I get home tonight, 6:00 PM Central.
  3. DayZnedconfuZed

    Looking for Southern Players

    I have 1 other guy with me now I am looking to pick up 1 more. 3 man team is beast.
  4. DayZnedconfuZed

    How to from up group?

    I am sorry i am very new, but i was wondering how to form a group/get to playing with a friend?
  5. DayZnedconfuZed

    How to from up group?

    lol good post.. cuz thats pretty much acurate
  6. DayZnedconfuZed

    Looking for Long term loyal players.

    Yo im lookin for a group hit me up. whats vent info?
  7. DayZnedconfuZed

    Looking for Southern Players

    Still looking.
  8. DayZnedconfuZed

    Looking for Southern Players

    I just started playing today I am out of Houston TX I am looking for people to group with but to be honest I don't even know how to group up. If you know how and want to let me know.
  9. DayZnedconfuZed

    Holy Hell PLZ Help

    OMG! was so pumped on getting this game... and Have to say I feel like a complete RETARD!!!! how do you do ANYTHING?!?! I dont know how to talk to people, Fight zombies, pick up stuff, use stuff in my inventory ECT pretty much ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you need to know how to play! this is just MADNESS! lmao PLZ HELP A NEWB!!!!!
  10. DayZnedconfuZed

    Holy Hell PLZ Help

    Thank you for answering my questions I will start with this and see where it takes me.
  11. DayZnedconfuZed

    Holy Hell PLZ Help

    Let me make it easier on what i actually want.... 1) how do i talk to people either Globaly or person to person. 2) how do I fight a zombie? I have no weps. so can i use hands? if so HOW!? 3) How do i pick up things? 4) How do I use bandages in my inventory? I pretty much bleed to death because i have NO IDEA how to use stuff. Those are the pretty MAJOR items i need answered PLZ help!