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Everything posted by asphaltranger

  1. Name: Tom Age: 34 In game name: ToxicXistence Steam Id: Bostonmedic Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Scouting/Reconnaissance, Medic, or operations ]Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :I really enjoy the survival aspects of this game, its nothing short of amazing and nothing short of insanely realistic. In environments like this you survival is Greatly increased when you group up with others, your weakness is someones strength...a true testimate to safety in numbers. ]What can you offer to the clan: While I knew to gaming and mainly DayZ, I'd like to think being retired army I might have some :) survival skills to offer and the ability to plan fortifications, supplies and standard base operations needed to ensure the safety of other members...and I bring beer, I should of put that one first.
  2. asphaltranger

    Team up with me?

    Definitely! I'll hit you up on skype, I only started playing today but I'm looking to learn the ropes