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Vampy (DayZ)

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About Vampy (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    London, UK
  1. Hey guys, I stopped playing DayZ around Jul '12 as hackers had rendered the server I played on at the time unplayable. In your opinion, how has the game come since? I heard about news of a standalone client sometime soon so I thought that if it had come along in a good manner I should give it another play.
  2. I think people don't realise the unique selling point of DayZ is that PvP combat is not only included, it is the prime feature of DayZ. The main reason DayZ is getting the attention it is comes down to the fact that it is so unique you're scared of other players. Trust is one of the main factors. This isn't L4D2, this isn't CoD, this isn't WoW, if a guy wants to kill you and does so, you lose your shit. I can't fucking stand people who keep complaining that they're killed by a sniper in Cherno and then post and find it hilarious when they kill a guy with a L85 who said he was friendly with a hatchet. tl;dr if you complain about PvPers who shoot on site buy a different game
  3. Vampy (DayZ)

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    I love most of the people that posted in this thread. Bravo.
  4. Vampy (DayZ)

    Veteran player streaming new character

    I don't get why you'd be up for streaming DayZ haha, wouldn't it be death after death by a greifer watching your stream?
  5. The most overstated thing on these forums? It's only the alpha! I lost an AS50 by glitching on rocky terrain while prone and instantly dying. Until the beta at least, no one on these forums should be complaining. Everyone's pissed off but no one is telling you to play a game in it's alpha and expect it to run smoother than pacman. We all bought ARMA 2 and we're all losing our gear for bullshit reasons, until the game have enough time to develop all we can do is bitch a bit and then hit the beach.
  6. Vampy (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    I think the sheer multitude of people who do this would tell dayz devs it's just nature. I change servers often too due to connection problems since me and some of my friends live around Europe we can't all connect to the same servers, resulting in a fair amount of reconnects. I don't think rocket or the team will do anything drastic, they're all pretty sane. Perhaps they have a way to tell if a player has lost a significant amount of blood and then disconnects or something of the like?
  7. Vampy (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Isn't the plan for 90% of people Cherno/Elektro --> Supermarket --> Hospital --> North? I answered this a few posts up, the logout timer will be server-side (I assume, otherwise there is no point to it.) Just like in WoW if you've ever played it, you have to wait 20 seconds to log out. Even if you alt f4 or rip out your ethernet cable or microwave your router, your character stays logged into the server for 20 seconds.
  8. Vampy (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Regarding suicide, why is there such a big fuss over it here and not for games like *deep breath in* CoD? While on Last Stand in CoD 4 there was a 'Coward's Way Out' wasn't there? They didn't name it suicide obviously but it was evident what it was. Would it be possible to implement a 'suicide' feature, avoiding the term 'suicide' which the media would love to report, but something stereotypical-zombie-film like 'Give up' or 'Give in.' This is assuming that suicide is still on-board as a suggestion, as if I break my legs with no morphine I would hate to have to crawl to the nearest zed which could be ages away. Bleh, best of luck to making it work to the devs I guess.
  9. Vampy (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    We're getting there. Is there any confirmation of the possibility of a 'logout timer' similar to that of the one in WoW for example that applies when alt+f4ing to come in the future? The idea is that it applies either while hitting Abort in the menu (starting your timer, while you watch what happens) or when you alt f4 or, as you state, unplug your ethernet cable, the timer will run server-side and only after 5 seconds will the player actually log out, meaning if you killed in those 5 seconds you are actually dead.