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Everything posted by WholeGrainOwned

  1. I decided to create this thread in response to a backstab on skype. I'm hoping to form a universal list of players to look out for. Not just in-game names but as a all around contact. I will list the first player to look out for and I hope you all will follow up with people you have found to be not trust worthy. Skype Name: Netroxen
  2. WholeGrainOwned

    Liars cheats and bandits to watch out for

    I didn't because be were suppose to be working together and meet up with the rest of the group. I didn't do it because he was in the skype chat with the group and if i killed him he would have said i backstabbed him then the group would turn against me. Basically hes a asshole and I want everyone to know not to trust him so why are you being such a asshole to me for letting you know that this guy can't be trusted.
  3. WholeGrainOwned

    Liars cheats and bandits to watch out for

    I wasn't gullible I was trusting, he exposed himself first and took me on his motorcycle, I could have at any point killed him took his bike and his gun but I didn't, then he and shoots me in the back 15 mins into playing with him. He had better loot then what I had so all he was doing was being a dick and If I can cause that asshole a little inconvenience of making a new user name and stuff like that then ill do it. Theres nothing realistic about a 12 year old with a sniper sitting on top of golova killing fresh spawners.
  4. Hi I'm Will (Both in game and IRL), I've been playing for a couple weeks now And I'm looking for people who can play consistently around 3 am PST or GMT - 7:00. I don't mean everyday though just that you will usally be on around then.
  5. WholeGrainOwned

    Guardians of Chernarus.

    Name: Will (both irl and in game) Age:24 Gender:M Playing time: 2 weeks Skype/C3 name: Spartanii2009 Game skill (1-10): 6 for overall knowledge 9 for knowing my way around the controls Time zone: pacific
  6. WholeGrainOwned

    old guy

    Hi, I'm Will, I'm not a old guy (24 years old) but I would like to play with some mature players for a change. I'm located in Washington US but I work nights so I would be on when you guys are most likely. If you want to play and have someone trust worthy watching your back let me know Steam: Spartanii2010 Skype: Spartanii2009
  7. WholeGrainOwned

    New GB Team - DayZ GB Friends

    Been playing for a week solo and want to team up with a large group Steam: spartanii2010 Skype spartanii2009