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Posts posted by WholeGrainOwned

  1. Could have, should have, didn't. Your mistake, not his.

    I didn't because be were suppose to be working together and meet up with the rest of the group.

    I didn't do it because he was in the skype chat with the group and if i killed him he would have said i backstabbed him then the group would turn against me. Basically hes a asshole and I want everyone to know not to trust him so why are you being such a asshole to me for letting you know that this guy can't be trusted.

  2. A better idea, instead of "naming and shaming", would be to adjust your own play style. Be wary of everyone. Don't trust people so easily. Be less gullible.

    I wasn't gullible I was trusting, he exposed himself first and took me on his motorcycle, I could have at any point killed him took his bike and his gun but I didn't, then he and shoots me in the back 15 mins into playing with him. He had better loot then what I had so all he was doing was being a dick and If I can cause that asshole a little inconvenience of making a new user name and stuff like that then ill do it.

    You find liars, cheaters and backstabbers in real life, so you find them in DAYZ, based on the most realistic military simulator.

    And that's just realistic in a post apocalyptic world, in DAYZ as well as in RL.

    Theres nothing realistic about a 12 year old with a sniper sitting on top of golova killing fresh spawners.

  3. Hi, I'm Will, I'm not a old guy (24 years old) but I would like to play with some mature players for a change. I'm located in Washington US but I work nights so I would be on when you guys are most likely. If you want to play and have someone trust worthy watching your back let me know

    Steam: Spartanii2010

    Skype: Spartanii2009
