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About DayZFan4Life

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  1. Those are our camps, come and see if wer'e there! :)
  3. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    You are correct, point taken.
  4. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    $15 a month would add up real fast, especially now that they all have been banned I doubt a lot of them will be willing to pork out another $20 for AO + $15/month for hack thats apparently not undetectable. Also, I have seen literally ZERO hackers so it looks like they might not be able to bypass this patch =D
  5. DayZFan4Life


    This video was posted before all hackers were banned, guys please stop bitching. Battleye did their job, all the hackers are banned. Start complaining when you see hacks again, but until then just be thankfully that BE does actually care.
  6. DayZFan4Life

    Logout Timer

    Every time I try to engage someone they simply log out and its becoming frustrating. Would it be possible for dayz to somehow implement maybe a 5 to 10 second logout timer even if they alt+F4? Or would this be way too UB3R hard to code? I notice that most games have this implemented to prevent people from leaving during combat.
  7. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Yes, it appears this ban wave was directly instituted by battleye. I haven't seen any hackers since pre-banwave so it looks like it was effective. Please tell me if you have seen any hackers because this means they have a new bypass.
  8. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    To everyone claiming that only a few hackers were affected by this, I must say you are wrong sir. I can guarantee you that every hacker was banned as of 5:00pm yesterday. This affected public (didn't know there were any) and private hacks. Honestly the way everyone is bitching about this thread, I can really only assume you enjoy little 12 year olds massteleporting/kiling. So to all of you whining about this thread being false, please show some proof bitch? please post a picture of someone hacking. I already posted my proof and enough people saw it to know this thread is legit. I'm sorry that you weren't able to see it, but doesn't mean you have to cry. The only point of this thread was to inform people that the dev team does care about its players, I saw many people who were considering quitting dayz. Although yes the hackers may return when they're able to bypass the cheat system, this ban costed them a lot of money and will make them more cautious about how obvious they are with their hacks. If you're going to make a flame, just leave and go play on private server with your hacker buddies.
  9. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Has anyone else noticed the difference? I've been able to play the last 2 1/2 hours completely hacker free and I must say it feels great.
  10. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Doesn't mean I use hacks jack ass, I saw lots of post related to being banned so I inquired and thats what I found. If I was a hacker, then why would I be praising the fact that there gone? Looks like you might be missing common sense. If you want me to remove the proof, I'll do so. But you asked for it. edit: PROOF REMOVED now that point has been made!
  11. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Picture proof: I cannot show much becuase it would be against the forum rules. I have blocked out anything against the rules. I'm only showing you 5 post out of 300. EDIT: I'm not saying hackers wont return, but as of right now there wont be any hackers and if they do manage to bypass it again then they will have to spend $15 and will most likely be much less obvious about it. 2ND EDIT: I have removed the image, I feel as if enough people have seen it now to know this is legit.
  12. DayZFan4Life

    All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

    Give me about 5 mins and I'll have some pictures, I just have to censor certain things before I post it.
  13. I'd just like to put my thanks out there to the Dev team who made this game playable once again. All hackers have been banned as of 5:00pm central time on July, 25th 2012. Everyone can get back to enjoying the game as it was meant to be played!
  14. DayZFan4Life

    R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting] again...

    First name: Ryan Age: 20 TimeZone: Central Why you want to join: I'd like to play the game to the fullest, and to do that I need to be in a good clan. I also enjoy playing with others and working as a team. Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 7 (I usually play FPS, but I have used teamwork for games like SWTOR & WOW) Do you have Teamspeak Yes Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No) Yes How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie) 4 days or so