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About sockxy

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    On the Coast
  1. sockxy

    Pending Update: Build

    Hay Dean, I´ve been playing now quite a few day´s and I have expirienced quite alot, just recently a friend of mine was playing with some grenade´s in the woods and I dont know HOW he did it... but he threw that damn thing at a tree and it came right back at him... he killed 3 ppl (including himself, me and a another one of us). The other day I was in Cherno whith a friend in one of the restaurants-houses, we where on the 1st floor and heared a guy on the lower floor, we positioned ourself around the staircase and when he came up the stair´s that was his end :lol: :P :D <3 What I wanna say is: I can´t imagine how ur life turned around since that huge project of ur´s or how a "normal day" look´s like, but I really.. REALLY wanna thank you for not beeing a selfish dick who sold that project to one of the big companies who seem to not rly know what a game should be like and mess up -- again.! ... there is a reason it´s the second most sold game on steam, you should be proud of urself. I have a little question, me and some others found some tent´s and we wanted to place them, but on of my buddy´s mentioned that after last update (if I am not mistaken) all tent´s where "lost" (eating by the server or whatever) and I wanted to know if you possibly could give a precise statement about the update-status like exact time and/or/maybe delay-information. PS: Sorry for my bad english (I´m not an nativ english-speaker) and best regards! :thumbsup: B)