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About KarmaKinkajou

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  1. KarmaKinkajou

    DayZ US1550: NO battle eye

    Its for people who were banned when battle eye got hacked. Smartass
  2. This is a new server were banned people can safetly play without hackers. The server name is DayZ US1550 THE SERVER IS PASSWORDED so contact this skype name for password: killerlogan11 So far there is 5 people who play on this server. Scriptors and Hackers will be banned. All vehicle spawns. Join and have fun!
  3. Im globalbanned so would I still be able to plan on a Private not connected to the hive server?
  4. Im globalbanned so would I still be able to plan on a Private not connected to the hive server?
  5. KarmaKinkajou

    New Sanctuary Server!

    Have you ever been banned for suggestive hacking when you really werent? Well heres a server for you! The "Freeborn Sanctuary Server"! The server is passworded so what you need to do is go to http://freebornsanctuary.webs.com/apps/blog/ and get pass. Best way to find server is to use PlaywithSix and type Freeborn into the searchbar, or use ingame launcher and type in free and it takes a while to appear. Hope you come play with us:)
  6. KarmaKinkajou

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So I got banned if i buy Dayz will i not be banned and be able to play?
  7. KarmaKinkajou

    Dayz Withdraw

    No ive never even played with any hackers
  8. KarmaKinkajou

    Dayz Withdraw

    So with the intention of playing Dayz today because im borred, sick,and canceled all my plans wanted to play Dayz. But when entering a server I get banned for suspected of hacking when I have never hacked in my life. So currently im stalking the forums watching videos and reading comments on this website. I guess I made this to inform you all that Dayz is a dangerous drug and should be played at your own risk. You've been warned.
  9. KarmaKinkajou

    Rare encounters?

    Bannana Trees
  10. KarmaKinkajou

    So I just got banned?

    Whats battleeye sites email?
  11. KarmaKinkajou

    So I just got banned?

    I havent even been hacking though I havent even been hacking though
  12. KarmaKinkajou

    So I just got banned?

    So I was looking for a server to join and tryed to join one and when I entered the first lobby screen I was kicked for some Battleeye reason and it said GlobalBan# So help?
  13. KarmaKinkajou


    Theres not trololololololololol
  15. KarmaKinkajou

    Lf a group of players

    Okay so im a 13 year old US player looking for players to teamup with.I have skype my names :cameronwydra Lf a group of experienced players to play with, right now im at Mogilevka with a car and need blood tranfusion. Message me if you wanna play.