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MDRN Buddha

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About MDRN Buddha

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. MDRN Buddha

    Tips from a 100+ day survivor

    Ive never come across a hacker in this game. Only thing ive ever seen was some guy randomly spawning boxes full of all the weapons in the game and ammo. No thunderdome, no spawning in the air above the ocean, none of that madness thankfully.
  2. MDRN Buddha

    Keep Getting Kicked

    Kicked off the server is probably due to an Admin kicking you from the server...
  3. MDRN Buddha

    Am I a bad person?

    I want to know why people feel this kind of stuff when they kill a player in game.....do you feel bad when you play MW3 or BF3 and you kick ass that game? No you brag about your score to your friends. I kill a player, and no im not a bandit and hunt players, I just feel well that was a rush and move on. Its part of the game and once you play a few lives its not that hard to get decent loot and move up north for better lootz.
  4. MDRN Buddha

    Everybody is a enemy

    This is not true at all. When i got the new update I spawned in with the hero skin. If you see me and you are armed, or I see you first. You will die. I didnt trust people before and do not trust them now. Been shot in the back many times after trying to help someone who was in trouble by their friend in the woods with a sniper rifle. I keep spawning with the hero skin when I die even though it says 0 humanity. I would say observe first for a little bit and see how the person is. If you dont see each other, let them go. But how you handle if you two see each other is up to you. EDIT: The comment above me...just because its a new player with a basic rifle does not make them a noob and still should be cautious.
  5. Great point. No really it is. So that way whoever OWNS the server, most likely the clan or a few friends who chipped in, will just lock the server and keep everyone out. Get their vehicle and restock up the weapons and ammo and whatever they need. Unlock the server and let the masses come in to EXACTLY what it was before.
  6. MDRN Buddha

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    You know what happens in Cherno...yet with all that nice loot you still went there and went into the ONE building that has perfect LOS from the higher industrial buildings? Damn youre retarded. Not trying to be mean but you are, once I gear up to that level my friend and I go on the hunt for crashed helo's or a vehicle so we can try to get a camp going. Or depending on how we are feeling, pick up some random survivor and take him to get great loot and send him on his way.
  7. MDRN Buddha

    Afraid to die - are you?

    Sometimes im afraid to die. I have yet to meet a horrible death by hacker (knocks the hell outta the wood desk). But even so I still like gearing up and making my way around. Im not picking about weapons too much as ive used a lot and know how even a remmington can be effective. Heck ive gotten basic gear, found 2 helos on the way to NWAF in the first 50 minutes of one life only to have a zombie walk through a wall and aggro and magically break my legs, knock me out, and eat me. Shit happens so i've learned to accept it now.
  8. MDRN Buddha

    "You were kicked off the game"

    Or you are just getting really unlucky and people are kicking you out of their server.
  9. MDRN Buddha


    Ive seen supermarkets completely blown away as two people ran into it(youtube video) gratz on the find as i've yet to see any. Dont waste it and even if you die some how make sure you get a good laugh with it.
  10. MDRN Buddha

    This is why DayZ is NOT failing.

    Thats cool to see this still happening. It happened to me once or twice when I first started which was cool, got shown around and some good starter gear. But now a days...it would have be click to full auto and blasted. Not that I would be caught in cherno unless I just started.
  11. MDRN Buddha

    Why is everyone so agressive?

    Main reason why I kill people who "look" unarmed if they dont back away. Is because you can pull out a hatchet and hack away. Yes people do it and people can also pull out a 1911 or whatever from the starter back pack and shoot you. I wont kill what looks like a new player but I will keep you in sights or just stay away from you.
  12. MDRN Buddha

    Thunderdome - A bad thing?

    Happened to my friend when he was on his first life. Got some nice legit stuff and let the server before the madness happened.
  13. MDRN Buddha

    Hack attack

    If you want to avoid hackers play on low pop. If you want to spend hours earning all your gear only to die randomly by hacker, play on a high pop. I actually prefer lower population servers. And no its because I never want to lose my gear, I have a few friends I play with and we enjoy trying to find the rare loot, killing zombies, or just out goofing around. Why play a game that your going to just get super stressed out over? Kinda takes away from the point of them IMO.
  14. MDRN Buddha


    This sort of thing happened to me and my friend. We randomly "died" spawned in debug forest...died again then spawned on the shores with all of our stuff and saw like 20 people in the ocean. We were happy we had our stuff but then everyone got thunderdomed :/
  15. MDRN Buddha

    L85A2 AWS

    Havent come across one yet. Ive seen them on other people.