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Everything posted by phillyjoker
Demystification of the DayZ loot spawn system [SPOILER]
phillyjoker replied to insitv's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
FYI, in patch 1.8 zed's and loot both have a chance to spawn while you're in a vehicle. I'm not sure of the parameters, but it has happened to me consistently over the last week. -
Painkillers seemed to be bugged, unless there is now another feature which makes you shake. Between 3 players (myself, two others) we've had at least 5 instances where we take a smack from a zed and begin shaking. After using a painkiller, the shaking would continue. We were not infected, nor bleeding. Sometimes this would resolve with a second dosage of painkillers, other times we would have to log off from the server, return, and take another dosage before the shaking would stop. As I said, I'm not sure if a feature has been made that requires some other form of a cure to stop you from shaking, but painkillers do eventually work, just not always on the first dosage.
Excellent patch. Love the little UI changes, journal is sick, and Zed's are much better. While maybe smoother, they are no easier to kill, especially if you play without cross hairs. I have noticed they tend to run past you, then turn and hit you. Also, they are finally spawning with vehicles, as soon as you stop they will start spawning (outside of a certain radius, maybe 50m-100m), and it's the same with loot, which is awesome! I'll post this in the bug section, but between 3 players we've had at least 5 instances of painkillers not working and having to take double the dosage, or logging out and logging back in, then taking another dosage in order to stop shaking. Overall I'm very pleased with the new patch, perhaps turning down the food spawn would make things a little more difficult (read: more challenging) but you are definitely flirting with the line of good/perfect in this patch.
This is excellent news. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Loving all the changes for the next patch so far, hurry! ;)
So I did a quick check in this forum for suggestions on leaderboards/statistics, didn't find anything as comprehensive or as specifically dedicated to SA as I'm looking to do. Here it goes: - Suggestion: Make sure there is a leaderboard/statistics board by the time the full game is released, and at least try it out in beta! Hopefully it would look something like this: - Average Life (in minutes) - Longest Life - Shortest Life - Total Lives - Activity Barometer. Average Life Time, Average Zombie Kills, Average Player Kills, Average Distance Traveled (running), Average Distance Traveled (vehicles) all combined. - Average Player Kills (per Average Life Time) - Average Bandit Kills (if they will exist) - Average Survivor Kills (again, if the humanity system exists) - Average Hero Kills (lastly, if humanity etc.) - Total Player Kills - Total Bandit Kills - Total Survivor Kills - Total Hero Kills - Max Players Killed in 1 Life - Max Bandits Killed in 1 Life - Max Survivors Killed in 1 Life - Max Hero's Killed in 1 Life - Min Players Killed in 1 Life - Average Humanity (if it exists) - Max Humanity - Min Humanity - Average Zed Kills (per life) - Total Zed Kills - Max Zed Killed in 1 Life - Max Zed Killed in 1 Life - Average Distance Run - Total Distance Run - Max Distance Run in 1 Life - Min Distance Run in 1 Life - Average Distance Moved (in vehicle) - Total Distance Moved (in vehicle) - Max Distance Moved (in vehicle) in 1 Life - Min Distance Moved (in vehicle) in 1 Life - Total Shots Fired - Shots on Target (Zed's) - Shots on Target (Players) - Accuracy (Zed's) - Accuracy (Players) - Headshots (Zed's) - Headshots (Players) - Weapons Usage (Time "in hands") - Kills per weapon (Zed) - Kills per weapon (Player) Now... Obviously we could keep going, but those are the things I'd most like to do. All these stats could then be compiled into a leaderboard, you could view it between your friends, a global leaderboard, and possibly region or server filtered. Reasoning: I love stats, and it was really cool when we first had them with the mod. I'm also pretty sure that to some degree this sort of stat tracking is possible in the arma engine, thus not making it impossible (maybe impracticable, but hey that's what suggestion boards are for!). Also, rocket, or whoever looks at this, notice I asked for this with RETAIL release, or beta (IF POSSIBLE) so I'm not one of those demanding, blithering idiots that simply wants it. I just think it would be a really nice metagame/endgame feature that some people, such as myself, might focus on. And dare I say it, perhaps take away, slightly, the pvp? haha i kid. i kid. I'm sure others will nitpick the list, but just think of all the cool (useless, or is it...?) information you could have available! I ran into such and such a player, let me check out his stats! Oh... he always is in a vehicle on this server, hmm, but he PK's on this one! Uh oh, better watch out. Ok, i'm tired, blabbering now. Just think about it! Later.
While ignoring the obvious implication that i'm a COD fanboy (last one i played extensively was World At War), allow me to simply express the fact that I'm interested in these stats because for me they would be interesting. I understand the possible issues with it, but I feel like they would eventually work themselves out. KOS'ers already exist, the amount leaderboards would be encouraging/discouraging them is negligible. Grinders, for what? People who want to have "run the furthest?" Who the fuck would do that? Accuracy is something EVERYONE wants to make better, kills as i said would be negligible, humanity? You already have hero squads, bandit squads, people who try to do that. This would just be cool information for people, and if you are really worried about global leaderboards, just don't have them. Make them local, server specific, or only amongst friends. Anyways, tis all good homies, as you nor me really decides this shit anyways. :)
Actually a lot of zombie movies/tv shows do show that any attack that breaks the skin will infect the protagonist. The Walking Dead, Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead... (That's why i never can understand why these guys don't use some sort of make shift body armor!) But, all of them show that the sickness takes a long time to kill, sometimes in excess of a week, but more often then not it's 2 - 3 days. However, from what I can tell Dean has the virus based of 28 weeks/days later and World War Z in which the turn is much quicker. Personally i'd prefer a more delayed approach. Although to be quite honest, once the pathing issues are fixed with Zed's (not so glitchy and twitchy) it will be much easier to avoid them anyways so it shouldn't really matter.
Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice
phillyjoker replied to r4z0r49's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'd vote like this 1) If possible have the insta-swap, but don't have a quick key to do this. You'd still have to open your bag, then insta swap it, like ACE. 2) Insta swap with 2-4 second delay 3) animation swap 4) insta swap that you guys are using now Also, are we going to be able to hold 2 primaries, or is this swap only for Melee/Primary? -
I approve it. * [uPDATED] - Gear menu carry slot now active to quick switch to/from melee weapons. * [uPDATED] - Quick switch now has action menu swapping. Especially if this works on all primary weapons, such as the ACE mod. One primary weapon carried, one primary weapon on the back. Is this the function, or does it only work for Melee weapons? Either way it's an improvement, but it'd be nice to carry two primaries without having to use pack space.
Makes sense to be honest. Are you guys going to investigate or leave as is? Any idea when the next patch will be released, or is there quite a bit more stuff you need to look into first?
When is that Rolling Changelog going to be introduced? Or, when are we going to have other options in combating the virus. I like the difficulty, just wish there was more i could do in order to combat getting sick. Anyone know?
Just wondering what sort of things in the standalone or further versions of the mod do you not want to be turned "realistic" or "harder?" For me, I would prefer them NOT to go over the top on endurance. Don't get me wrong. I would very much like to see a slightly more realistic ability in terms of how much you can carry and how it slows you down. But i think it should effect the sprint aspect much more than the jog/run aspect. At this point and time it just takes forever to get somewhere, even with the ability to run forever, so changing this would not be a good idea until more buildings get opened and finding or repairing vehicles becomes slightly more intuitive and less buggy. However, in contrast i'd very much like food and water to be made more realistic so that i don't have to drink or eat every ten minutes. Also, i'd love it if weapons were kept extremely realistic regarding ammo types, effectiveness, ranges, sounds, etc. So, any thoughts?
Should we remove barbed wire in the next update
phillyjoker replied to mattlightfoot's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
No, it's an interesting obstacle, somewhat useful, and really toolboxes aren't THAT hard to find. -
You may want to hold off on until this new hack is detected
phillyjoker replied to venthos's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Good info, have some beans! EDIT: What about players, would you recommend not updating for them as well? -
Please make Dayz standalone CLOSED testing.
phillyjoker replied to redfield-77's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I think having a private board for "serious testers" would be much easier than anything anyone's mentioned here. To get in there would be a privilege, and if you posted a knee-jerk reaction they could just kick you out. -
What do you want to NOT be realistic?
phillyjoker replied to phillyjoker's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
No, not really. This game is FUN the way it is, but there are certain changes that just would not make it fun, in my opinion. Making it "harder" does not have to equate to making it less fun. Likewise making it more fun, does not have to make it "easier" either. -
What do you want to NOT be realistic?
phillyjoker replied to phillyjoker's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
30 minutes is quite a lot of actual time. Especially to spend holding the W key, and what if they made it worse? That's all i'm saying. Not complaining about how it is currently, just saying what i'd rather it not become. I think some people missed what this thread is about... I guess negatives are confusing, lol -
What do you want to NOT be realistic?
phillyjoker replied to phillyjoker's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Totally could get behind that. Especially more lighter caliber weapons, but i also do not want them to get rid of or extremely limit military weapons. That would make this game more boring. -
This thread is for discussion upon the overall thoughts of how and where this mod should or is heading. First of all, I obviously am not inside rocket's head, I don't know his processes or his plan. These observations and suggestions are built upon my own knowledge and experiences. What I'd like to do is present as many options (good/bad, old/new) that we (or I) can come up with in order to make the entire process easier and faster to complete this awesome mod/game. Before I go any further I definitely want to applaud both rocket, his volunteers, and the community for the many hours of enjoyment they have provided myself and friends in playing this game. I also must stress that I don't want this to be so much about features, but more of a theory or if you will allow me to be cliche, the "meta" ideas about this game. I grimace using that word, since it is so abused, but it really does capture what I want more than anything I can think of at the moment. So let's start with different headers, and use them to break up the ideas: We'll begin with Concept. The concept of this game is survival. Integrating a survival RPG game with a first person shooter. It's one of the most brilliant, and challenging concepts any game or mod has tried, and so very extremely successful. I can't honestly think of anything to improve upon save for getting the completed project out faster and more streamlined. As rocket has said, he wants to provide us with the features, and let the players make the game. The only questions I have about concept really can only be answered by rocket himself. Is the goal of this mod to become a standalone game? A fully integrated DLC for ARMA III? That is the last concept that needs to be determined before just about any other thing can be decided. Next, let's talk about Money. Money, as everyone knows, makes the world go round. Money will be, and already is a key component of this game. It costs money literally and in man-hours in order to get this game moving. Many people want to donate both their time and money, but rocket is uncomfortable with taking people's money when he is unsure of how to best use it, and he doesn't want to become complacent. So far, he has made great use of people's time that they want to give, so that is not an issue. My suggestion for the money may be too simple, but perhaps others with better minds can expand on my ideas. As a landlord I've found one of the best aspects is clarity and communication. If he or his staff were to, for example, make a list of expected expenses and keep the amount of donations at that dollar amount people would be able to give without fear of their money going to chips, dip, and too much alcohol to do any man good. To be more specific, the cost and efficiency of the central server seem to be rather large cogs in this mod. So why not list the cost of an even better, more robust central server and allow the community to pick up the tab? Leaving rocket and the other modders to focus their resources on other items of need. Lastly, fixes. This game is full of bugs and issues, and while most dedicated gamers are willing to suffer through them. It's not the gamers that I worry about. It's the modders who try to hard to fix things and cannot do what they need to seriously fix the issues at hand. I have several ideas for fixes. The best idea is two fold. First, take some of that money I mentioned and create a closed testing system. A second central server that has a limited amount of sub-servers. 10 - 20 in order to fully test what is going on for as long as you need. Second, focus solely on that server and leave the main central server on whatever patch you feel comfortable with so us fanboys can still play to hearts content (my suggestion, the last one that restocks your ammo upon reconnect ;) ). While there are still some patches that will need to be tested on a wider variance of servers, for now, this path could more quickly get you on a track toward beta, then beta could be when you start working on the worldwide abilities of the central server and game. Well, that's all I have for now, the hope being of course that those smarter than me will chime in and discuss the various point, and hopefully at some point rocket will read this an actually find an idea or two among my mess of thoughts. Cheers! Happy hunting all!
Alright! Great attitude! :)
Interesting, did not know that about ARMA 2 but it is a great point. One of my suggestions in the wall of text was to get a 2nd central server, with maybe 10-20 sub-servers, and use them for all the primary testing from now on. By virture of this, maybe they could get all the other servers at least patched to stop the hackers, and then focus on the 2nd server to do all the updates and not have to worry about hackers nearly as much.
I understand this feeling, but after reading some of rocket's posts it seems very evident that what he'd like to do is give us enough tools and features to make it survivor mostly, but with the very real possibility of pvp. Just the thought of being able to build a base, defend an area 24/7 with a clan, and try to survive in the meantime is extremely awesome. Just hope he can get there, and trying to figure out not only the quickest way, but the most efficient way.
Basically not trying to get sucked up into the nitty gritty that has everyone down. Trying to figure out, out loud, how to speed the whole process up of making this a complete game. Any thoughts?