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Posts posted by Gandrew

  1. hey guys, i might not be able to join in on the fun for a while now :I when i use Dayz Commander, i've been getting pings well over 500 in almost all servers, even empty ones, i don't know what's happening, but i guess i can't play for a while :I


    guess it must of been just a busy time :I ignore what i just said.. i'll try to join soon.. when it's day light again ( almost never plays at night..)

    second edit**

    where is the server ? i'm looking, it's not up D:

    hey guys, i might not be able to join in on the fun for a while now :I when i use Dayz Commander, i've been getting pings well over 500 in almost all servers, even empty ones, i don't know what's happening, but i guess i can't play for a while :I


    guess it must of been just a busy time :I ignore what i just said.. i'll try to join soon.. when it's day light again ( almost never plays at night..)

    second edit**

    where is the server ? i'm looking, it's not up D:

    try in the arma 2 client, if you put the address in it should be the only one. Use filter to look.

  2. apparently I am no longer getting notifications on my email address, sorry for not replying. I will continue to add people to the clan and hope to see you on the weekend. Also rob is joining soon.

    My Arma 2 OA files are being converted and missing files are finally being added so hopefully I get to play again! KEEP THE CLAN ALIVE!

  3. hey, i was brought here by WilliamCowden on youtube, and i've checked out the main page, it seems interesting, though i'm sceptical of joining, since i'm so used to lone wolfing it in Dayz, among other games w/o a clan for back up. for what i have of the hive server account, i have a heavily suited unicorn (class) character.. but i tend to be a jack of all trades cause of my history. i'm good at assault, sniping, or driving, both defencive and offensive. i have trained using arma II's armoury mode with some vehicles in Dayz, namely the helicopter among other crafts. driving is simple, and i can use it as a basic weapon if i have mass.. i also have excellent hearing and observation, but my short coming is patients. i don't like staying anywhere too long, i get ancy, feel like i'm being watched, so i'm on the move alot, and sometimes i miss something important. also, i'm cursed with the map, and everytime i find it, it's a omen of my imment death... i don't joke on that.. i'm 2 for 2 on that now... in any case, i'm on the fence with joining as i said, but.. we'll see

    Excellent I'll put you in immediately, Don't show up, don't matter right? Anyways doesn't look like we're playing this weekend but If you come because of the posts try anyway.

  4. Hope to see you all in game today, the amount of people that come out of the amount that enlisted will determine either I get mumble or not. If you don't come it simply means that it is not worth get, and that does not mean I will be keeping donations to myself, if we do I will still get it. Chat will happen in a EFS chatroom, no talking but we will be able to communicate over the entire map. Still need the IP in order to join the chat room though, but we will get that, I hope.

  5. Sure the requirements/rules, goals, the classes, safety rules, clan wars all that looks really reasonable to me. Plus, I think I may be able to pass as Unicorn support with the supplies I have on hand now haha.

    Excellent a unicorn hazah! I personally love sniping, if we ever have clan battles I could be neutral so teams don't assume bias. Snipering 30 people is some serious game, unless a team bans it sad face. Name has been added, welcome!

    • Like 1

  6. Haha thought you might to want to use this as a promo vid :P

    I would like to join. I've been looking for a good clan and from past meet up experience, this may be a good one.

    Works well sense it is in russia... right, I think so. Anyways definitely doing that!

    Same with creating the clan on it!

    Welcome to the herd!

    Anyways guys be sure to leave suggestions and what not, donation link, only 1 dollar, i dont want a lot of 1 cents costing me money so if you really want to donate more just do it again.

    • Like 1

  7. Excellent, i'll have that all arranged by thursday for servers and comms

    What kinda comms do you have if you dont use teamspeak, I'll pay for next months subscription for 30 players when yours runs out, by then I hope we get somewhere near there. Also that'd be awesome, I always wanted to do an entire battle of clans if we have the equipment! I'll open a mumble (or teamspeak) if we get more than 30, only 10$ a month people, not that bad, I'll see if we can't get a server. If we do get around 50 people I will make it private so it will be clan wars, but that'll wait, 40$ a month and I have no direct income, I contribute but I'll still need donation to know if it's worth it (if they want it) and to be able to fund it in the first place.

    Tomorrow or whenever, we will have our first meeting and start our survival.

    So i hear you have a Teamspeak server too, communicating in game and on forum is hard enough, so if we could use it I'll fund it in the future.

  8. Sounds good. I shall be there for the Sunday - as always, Privite Hives preferred.

    Good to see it gaining popularity. Although - might just be me - but the info seems a tad... cluttered? Might be due to different browsers/monitors, just felt I should point it out. Pic related.

    Found your problem, it's just too far zoomed in. I'm sorry, I really like the look but I understand if you have a hard time reading the text I do too, kinda sucks that it does that, zoom out twice and you'll see what it really looks like.

  9. Sounds good. I shall be there for the Sunday - as always, Privite Hives preferred.

    Good to see it gaining popularity. Although - might just be me - but the info seems a tad... cluttered? Might be due to different browsers/monitors, just felt I should point it out. Pic related.

    Very sorry, i dont know what that could be from, i really does look goo im sorry =C. Ill fix it. Also the server is up, if you guys want to start go to the Krutoy Cap or something, please donate I hope to have the Teamspeak up by this weekend!

  10. No i agree, i am doing it this weekend that is for sure, wanting 5pm GMT Saturday and Sunday. I'll have the time and resources to pull it off!

    I'll PM you the server dude, just to avoid any major griefing. Would be good to get an equal clan with us on our server.

    If it is ok, sense we are merging, that I add your peeps into the member list? Just like my page looking all fancy like a baus. Also, if I am using your server I AM going to probably post the information, rather not pm each individual but I'm good with that if you are to that extreme. Good hunting!

  11. Wait what on ED?? I host the Brony Meetups for here, might get that posted to ED....

    Sign me up - if it's a Privite Hive.

    The guys that hosted the initial meet-up (Rokor and Hugge) managed to get on Equestria Daily's nightly round-up at one point. Not sure if it helped, but it is an avenue. I'd highly recommend knowing a date before advertising though - seems 4.0 has been hovering around for months in pre-planning. No point announcing something not in concrete.

    If you'd be able to do that, that would be amazing! Great going, already sent in a email, I'll pm you just incase you didn't get this.

    Well i'll still be hoping, can't wait to see you guys in game, as soon as we get this server information. I'll have it posted, just, tell your friends, I just set up additional information so if you guys think something should be changed about anything just pm or reply. Preferred you replied, I don't want to bump.

  12. Reply to enlist below

    Requirements/Rules (suggestions):

    -Please be somewhat experienced (though it is still fun to teach someone knew)

    -Do not troll, and try not to be annoying (unintentionally or otherwise), you will be expelled from the group.

    -Malicious intentions towards ideologies of others in the group will be a immediate suspension.

    -All acts performed by the group will be entirely democratic, no one will hold higher power (bias by the owner to not ban himself should not happen). . Armament and Food Supplies:

    -Friendly fire is suspension till determined punishment.

    Clan Goals:

    - 6 Members. . . . . .Clan will be formed.

    -10 Members. . . . .Donations will be opened for optional TeamSpeak.

    -15 Members. . . . .Donations will be opened for optional server (Will be public, not private).

    -30 Members. . . . .Clan will be split into two groups for different TeamSpeaks for Clan wars because we will be basically set (Server & TeamSpeak).

    -50 Members. . . . .More servers will be added if possible

    Additional Information:

    Clan not currently in service.


    Safety Rules: When out of encampment players are suggested to be in groups of three. Players, for branding purposes,

    are suggested that they have blue faces and tinted aviators. The tint should try to be a different color than that of your

    other group mates.


    Classes (For Fun =D): Earth ponies - These players carry large, mostly, empty bags used for looting and a assault rifle.

    Pegasi - These players drive and carry things needed for repairs and refuels.

    Unicorns - These players will take the role of snipers, and support, carrying excess ammunition, food and medicine.


    Clan Wars: As the clan splits into two separate pieces you will choose one of two sides. These include The Solar Empire

    or The New Lunar Republic, and the clan with a single extra player or by chance will have to find another camp location.

    The separated clan will be heavily supplied and are not able to fight the other clan until their camp has been built.

    Eavesdropping is allowed and encouraged, leaders of the group, although hold no higher power, will be able to kick

    this changling. Clans will be able to set up trades with each other through leader chat, if one team chooses to rob the

    other, that which is victim is allowed to call for a clan battle. This clan battle will take place at the nearest town when the

    victims have recovered, victims use this ability for their advantage as they are allowed to select a vehicle and weapon

    would work best for the situation. If the attackers win they leave with what they stole, if the victims win then they are able

    to take all that was up for trade.

    Every week a epic clan battle may take place, all of the follow variables will be chosen at random. Day and Night,

    Location including; Chernogorsk, Prigorodky, Elektrozakodsk, and Blunt Rocks. One team will be chosen to decide on

    the final variable, this team will choose a weapon type they want to ban from the fight (neither team is able to use).

    Helicopters are not allowed in the fight, and if in possession of one the wining team will take it as their prize.


    Donations: All money from donations will be put into the TeamSpeak and Server upkeep. All excess money will be used

    in given away a free shirt in a raffle. The shirt will be decided by the winner and it is not determined by how much money

    you have donated.

    For a 1 USD donation go to the link below, donation policies above.

    https://www.paypal.c...G.gif:NonHosted Mumble, server, shirts!

    Current Information:

    Server: UK 373

    Camp Location: Told in clan Chat

    TeamSpeak IP:

    Armament and Food Supplies:

    x0 Canned x0 Meat x0 Wood x0 Bandages x0 Morphine

    x0 Epipens x0 Sniper R x0 Shotguns x0 Heavy Automatics

    x0 Light Assault x0 Helicopter Grade Automatics 0x Tools

    Clan Members (Death and Days):

    GandrewCarder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/23/12

    Imnotabandit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/23/12

    Derpy_Hooves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/24/12

    Thraxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/24/12

    son54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/24/12

    Piranha Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/24/12

    Breefhartj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/24/12

    Yeti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/24/12

    SgtBoone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/24/12

    Salis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/24/12

    Mayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/24/12

    Dave Paton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/24/12

    Woody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/24/12

    Standaert Alix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/24/12

    Somore 98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/24/12

    Dance1121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 9/25/12

    Jackle256. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/27/12

    Inumaru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0, 9/30/12

    RogueBronyNarwhal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0, 10/12/12

    • Like 2

  13. 1) Bandit system needs to be reworked, if you play solo you'll never become a normal survivor because people constantly attack you.

    2) Spawn system needs work, you should have a choice of were you spawn or spawn everyone near a main city.

    3) Force first person on all servers or lower the FOV for third person (We know why you guys want third person because you don't have any skill)

    4) More RP elements

    5) Selectable player models

    6) A better map (too much useless open space)

    7) Door opening and closing sounds so you can hear people coming in

    Many more things i can't think of right now.

    1) I do not think that is possible to a meaningful extent.

    2) No, it expands the over all blah blah blah, just typed this on another forum sorry.

    3) Using third person for field of vision is expliotation, which expands the players ability to player, which is the intelligent answer. Keep it or not, your dumb.

    4) Many ways they could do this, and they are, but it takes time.

    5) Yes, you can change you face, gender, and clothes. I guess later they should, but for now they do have minimal (At least in terms of notice-ability).

    6) It is realism that they have open space, they did not make it, and it opens up for oppurtinities like helicopter crashes and making player travel a longer distance giving traveling a higher valued feat. Yeah, hopefully they will at some time in the future.

    7) Agreed, but no one really closes the door, you can hear foot steps and not many builds with actual doors. In many cases the rooms are so empty and small when the door is open the bandit is about to shot you.

    8) Nice spike Freyar.
