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Everything posted by Gandrew

  1. Gandrew

    How to Encourage PvP (in a healthy way)

    These responses are in no certain order. - Personally, I like having player interactions to be rare, just so I get that rush every time and no deterioration until I'm in end game, Which brings me to a related note, those in the end game will be able to kill more players unable to react properly. - I do like the idea of being able to plan out where I will go through-out my gameplay, but the unexpected spawn will make me have to plan many more routes than I would if I could choose expanding gameplay all together. Also I enjoy the challenge of trying to find my friends. - Bandit and survivor area means nothing, bandits will go to the survivor side to kill them and survivors will go to the bandit side for more entertainment and expect to find better weapons/loot. - Dense populations and larger cities DEFINITELY has my beans, more late game, zombie difficulty would be much higher and snipers would be fun to have scope offs. So if they decide to have their own map, GET ON THAT! - The area given to us does work for dayz but it could definitely be improved. - Everything else I do not really care for.
  2. Gandrew


    I really do not think it is necessary, but maybe later they could just to have it. Maybe different food types have different abilities to give a greater rpg element that would also add value to each of them. Example: you find some kind of energy drink, drink it, and for the next few minutes your player has a faster running speed but in retracted you make much louder sounds.
  3. Gandrew


    I do think it is a major issue that you could be more than half way across the map away from a hospital and this is a good, logical, and still resource demanding solution.
  4. I would kind of like that, some variety in zombies beyond loot drops should be implemented. Also they probably should have arms for logical reasons like KnT47r stated but have some kind of noticeable feature that would give off that they are special.
  5. Many people have suggested regenerating blood, but the blood does regenerate. This is only when the body has a proper amount of protein, nutrients, calories, ect. This is the reason why the food you eat give you blood, it's the regeneration process only in a instantaneous moment. But there may be more involved and rewarding ways that players may go about to heal themselves. - If the food bar is green then your health will regenerate slowly. In return the player does not receive a boost in health immediately after eating. When healing the food meter deteriorates at a faster pace. When a player is moving, in a cold environment and needs to warm it's body, fighting a infection and need's to warm it's body up and heal then that player will need to eat food more often. - Have a protein/calorie count. The player will be able to use this currency to heal part of his/her body from a broken bone, tissue damage, ect. When a player is hit a condition may be added, for example, a player is hit by a zombie and now the tissue is damaged forming a bruise. The bruise on that part of the body will have a greater chance to be further damaged into bleeding unless healed by the body. A open wounds that causes bleed may now have a weaker structure causing slightly higher chances into having a broken limb. Disconnected limbs may cause the player to not be able to use their primary weapon, secondary too if they disconnect both of their arm joint, or just their legs causing them to limb or crawl. When this amount is low then the blood count goes down, but only as unusable blood because the body cannot distribute enough of this to the entire blood stream and is swiftly rejuvenated once you have eaten. At certain milestone the player will become fat and move slower, this will prevent hoarding and over consumption. If a player suffers a bruise to the head it might be a concussion and cause a distortion in vision and the inability to aim. If the player logs off while still under the effects of a concussion then they will become unconscious when signing back in much like the effects of shock. This option will open even MORE windows of balancing and realism. For players that will run the map many times just to get the next high score on the leader boards their body will become exhausted and need to rest slowing them down until they do so, when under the effects of exhaustion the player will lose this currency at a faster rate. Instead of regeneration health like the other option or boosting health like it is now it will give the player the option to produce more blood at will. Bone fractures can be healed at a extreme cost and over a long period of time but not leaving the player crawling miles to get to the nearest source of morphine, which simply makes it so the player ignores the effects of a broken limb. If you would want to make it even more of a roleplaying game then include a upgrade system where the player can invest a large amount of protein into having stronger and more responsive muscles for reloading, walk speed, damage resistance, ect. Please give your opinion and suggestions below and tell me which, if at all, of these would you want to see implimented.
  6. you dont count calories it just keeps count so you can use them to heal yourself, but yea i understand where you are coming from.
  7. Very much thanks for the kudos, would you say that it should be more passive or should you get to choose what you want to heal? I guess I
  8. Thank you, I guess it is a bit over complicated, but the thing is, most of that were example that it would be good for in-game. If you can, think of it like the bone/stimpack system from fallout the post apocalyptic video game where you get stimpaks from eating and use it on parts of your body to heal.
  9. Gandrew

    Trade Zones

    I like the idea, but I also like that you have to trust who you trade and that you could get robbed and conflict arises. Also you have it right, most bandits would probably exploit the safe zones and I think that danger should stick with you through-out the entirety of your gameplay. Maybe, player are able to create a safe zone by repairing every building in a town that will stop the spawns of zombies in that area and putting a wall and entrance to the town creating a server wide safe zone owned by those players. They can get a gate system that you are stripped of weapons but maybe you could sneak in a m9sd or a hunting knife that you can use to mug people. In response, owners can approve people to allow them the usage of guns and they can defend those in the town. Also this can create a guild type system were the players can fight for territory in the end game. Also repaired buildings slow down the amount of respawning items.
  10. Gandrew

    Equipment burden

    Maybe, to save them the programming (I agree by the way) they could just simply use it by how much space is taken up, even if it would be less accurate. That would also give reason for why zombies are much faster then player, instead of zombies that are faster than the normal human make them just as fast as a player without any items. Backpacks should weigh something to in the number value sense, just so player would feel that if they really want speed and not as many items, say you have a car to put your stuff in, when you are doing raids you could get a massive speed boost for having just a czech pocket pouches finally giving them use. Also if zombies were as slow as us then I would be fine if the boosted their health a bit closer to ours.
  11. I disagree, I think a main reason for why people choose to play it over other zombie games is because it is a realistic zombie survival game. The health system is blood, you do not die from being noticed, being a bandit, being cold, having a broken bone. No, you die from what comes forth with that, which is injuries that cause lose of blood. About them not being realistic, they make it realistic and challenging without making it just a tedious effort. This is just a suggestion that may draw in more attention from people, up the difficulty and realism but to an extent that makes it very involved so that people enjoy it. I do enjoy arguments, they are entertaining, so if you are ignorant feel free to give me a meaningless response, and if you are not, I would love to hear from you further on game mechanics and what not.