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About Prok

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Manchester UK
  1. Good server with a good looking future! Join if you want some fun!
  2. Prok

    The Night Hunt

    Flares = come look at this moths so we can kill you.
  3. No matter what you do people will find a way to abuse it agreed. And if you keep spawning in cherno and banits keep killing you its only a mater of time before you start spawning some were else agreed. So these things will sort there self out in time its not like the games a 100% is it.
  4. true but not all gamers have all day to play a game i could take you 2 days to find each other if you only play say 4 hours a day to meet up then BAM your both dead then same agian this will get old fast for most people and thats why they should let you chooses then if you like that sort of thing you can start miles apart if you dont then you dont have to 3 of my frends wont play the game even with the respawn button if you could pick were to spawn they would.
  5. i just want to play with frends but when you spawn in kamenka and your mates spawns in solnichniy spend most of the day just to meet up yes you can just run there if you dont get shot on the way. all i am saying is we need to pick were we spawn you might both pick cherno but there are 3+ spawns there so you will still have to find each other it just wont take the best part of a day to do so.
  6. Prok

    Bandit Clan Recruiting

    me and my friend are looking for a group of mature players to play with and we are both 28 and from the UK ( steam name KingProk )