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About rockbanh

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    On the Coast
  1. Once upon there was a small girl named [Asians]Michael (And yes that is a girl name). She was born in Prigorodky, on the night of 8/16/12. Michael ran toward the barn in Prigorodky and discovered many dead bodies. Amongst the dead bodies was young boy named [i forgot his name f***]. He was a new born just like Michael was. He was trembling with his tiny hatchet sitting there with a tent by his side. Michael approached him and whispered the words "friendly". The words echoed in the young boy's mind. Then abruptly the boy replied, "I'M FRIENDLY". Michael and the boy scavenged the bodies for weapons finding a M1911, which Michael took. Michael figured the boy had nothing to do with the bodies apparently and decided to befriend him. They both set out into the world outside of the barn. Not a minute later did they discover another threatening bandit, equipped with an AKS-Kobra, who was getting chased by zombies. The bandit took refuge in a long barn right beside the barn that was filled with bodies. Michael, filled with fear, came up from behind the bandit. Rose her gun and shot a bullet straight into the bandit's head. The bandit fell with a thump. The young boy came out from cover and ran into the barn with Michael. They both sweeped across the body taking the AKS Kobra. Michael gave the boy the M1911 and took the AK. The bandit's body then disappeared (he rage-quit and aborted). Michael and the boy shrugged the incident off and ran to Elektro. On the way they exchanged stories and comments learning of eachothers' identities. Soon they reached the firestation in Elektro then headed to the school. While in the school were Michael and the boy confronted with a series of shouts. "ARE YOU FRIENDLY? WE'LL SHOOT IF WE HAVE TO", came from all directions. One lone survivor named Escobar, ran into the school comforting Michael and the boy. Escobar was a friendly survivor who had nothing to do with the other players surrounding the school. As a friendly gesture Michael gave Escobar a blood transfusion. Escobar, filled with happiness, jumped onto a ledge, ended up breaking his leg, falling unconscious, and was bleeding out. Michael as the friendly girl then proceeded into patching and giving morphine to Escobar. Then and there did they both know they were safe around eachother. They stood on the balcony for a second scouting for the other people. Michael for a good minute saw the head of another player on the roof but decided not to shoot. And as she was turning to go back into the school saw yet another player through the window of the pub. The player was standing there for a good 30 seconds and then walked away. Michael shook it off and walked back into the shcool. The young boy, who had grown into a man, was then faced to leave us ( had to get off Dayz cause it was getting late). We parted and his last words were, " Yeah man I'll play tomorrow, Hope I see you". Then the young boy disappeared as the wind came. Escobar and Michael then stood there listening to multiple people talking. The people all around said, "It's alright we ain't going to shoot we're friendly", so Michael and Escobar left them alone. They came to a decision that one was on the medical shop and two were in a pub next to the school. Apparently those three people were friendly (Naw). Michael and Escobar soon started to head out to the store. Inside the store they were faced with an unidentified person who was creeping up on them from behind. A bullet shot rang out which alerted Michael and Escobar. They had no idea who it was since the other three people said they were friendly. Michael then proceeded to shout out, " I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDLY. THAT SHOT WASN'T FRIENDLY. DO YOU STILL WANT TO BE MY FRIEND? I THINK THAT SHOT MEANT YOU DIDN'T WANT TO BE MY FRIEND. SO ARE WE FRIENDS STILL?". Michael was clearly a retard and in denial. Then both Escobar and Michael crept into the back of the store and was accompanied by gunshots. They both fled back into the front of the store. No scratches or wounds so far. Apparently the shooter was still "friendly and wasn't shooting at us". A man then ran into the back of the store and asked for a bandage, the man was barely hurt but needed it. After getting patched up the man shot at both Michael and Escobar. Michael and Escobar fled and began a shootout. The terrible bandit was put to rest and Michael and Escobar escaped with a few gunshot wounds that weren't fatal. But then as soon as the night fell silent, gunshots rung out once again. Escobar fell with a thump and died before he hit the ground. Michael panicking ran in circles in the store yelling out, " THAT SHOT WASN'T VERY FRIENDLY. IF YOU STILL WANT TO BE FRIENDS THEN I CAN FORGIVE YOU. I AM STILL YOUR FRIEND IF IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME". Then a final shot rang out and Michael fell. It was as if the world had paused for a second. The bullet impacting Michael in the torso knocking her to the ground. Michael laying there barely clinging onto her life was then left a few seconds to bleed to death. This was the end of Michael the Lone Friendly Survivor. Of the last seconds of Michael's life did she wonder why she trusted other people in the terrible world. tl;dr Morale of the story: the playerbase in Dayz is so dam bad. Girl, who I am playing ( I'm a guy), was being too nice and ended up being shot. Sorry for the long wall of text.