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About Arrogate

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Arrogate

    A Dayz Group is recruiting adzg

    we're still recruiting!
  2. Arrogate

    A Dayz Group is recruiting adzg

    setting up camp and scavenging tonight if any one wants to join add themselves to the group and join group chat
  3. Arrogate

    A Dayz Group is recruiting adzg

    clan still recruiting, setting up a main base tomorrow and scavenge for vehicles.
  4. Arrogate

    A Dayz Group is recruiting adzg

    mature just means not stupid, i don't really care what age you are. just as long as you aren't stupid or annoying* I still want it to be a mellow group that has fun
  5. Arrogate

    A Dayz Group is recruiting adzg

    bumping so people don't think the post is dead
  6. Arrogate

    A Dayz Group is recruiting adzg

    copy and paste it
  7. New clan looking for, Mature Active Preferably American, or English speaking players with microphones Willing players to create bases with gear and do raids on large servers also helping other members of the group to join the steam group here, http://steamcommunit...ups/adayzgroup/ Invite yourself and message Himmler from the steam group We have players from 2 other groups backing us up if we need the help.