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Everything posted by st3reo

  1. st3reo

    Ghillie Suit ( Official Hive )

    I'll give you a ghillie, but you'll have to come down to the Elektro area. PM me for details if interested.
  2. And maybe some crows eating away at the body :lol:
  3. st3reo

    Public Hive Error

    Seems to be fine, all the cdn servers are responding to port 80 requests. But haven't actually tested, in-game.
  4. st3reo

    Vehicles not respawning

    Hi, Please take a look at instance 6463 I'm also having problems with vehicles not respawning. Thanks a lot.
  5. st3reo

    Vehicles not respawning

    Ok I got my hands on the "clean" pbo and replaced it in @Hive\Addons ....restarted the server, seems to startup fine but you can't connect to it. Everybody is stuck at the "Requesting Authentication" stage and after that gives out an "Something went wrong..." error. Also on the server console I'm seeing Hive error executing CHILD... messages. Anybody have any ideea what I should do? Thanks,
  6. st3reo

    Vehicles not respawning

    In relation to the swapping out the .pbo file trick....what exactly is a "clean" .pbo and where do we get it?
  7. st3reo

    Public Hive Error

    Actually seems like that was the solution after all. I did some wiresharking and this is what I came up with: On startup the server is trying to connect to cdn.dayz.nu (in order to get some sort of config) which resolves to these IP addresses: Name: cdn.dayz.nu Addresses: My server was constantly trying to connect to which is down. So I added a static mapping for the host to resolve to one of the other working addresses ( in this case ). Restarted the server and it now successfully connected to the Hive. So basically what you have to do is go to your server to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc open up the hosts file with some editor (Wordpad) and at the end of it add the line: cdn.dayz.nu Save the file, restart your dayz server and it should be working now. Quick and easy fix, maybe the devs should give more attention to the hive running like shit instead of making a bigger variety of tin cans.
  8. st3reo

    Public Hive Error

    I'm having the exact same issue. After I just restarted the server it won't connect to the Hive anymore, giving out that same error. I`ve been having this issue for allmost 2 days now, so my server is completely down. Any news on when this is getting fixed?? @facoptere if it is a DNS issue, do you have any ideea to what host it's trying to connect, maybe we can add some static mapping to the working node or something? Thanks,
  9. ok dude, you are clearly way too smart for me, there's no point in continuing. grow up.
  10. lol, I had scripts injected in my server that compromised it's functionality; that falls under "attack on an IT system" and it's punishable by law in most countries...that's actual damage already caused...not theoretical bullshit that might happen by posting someone's ip. And stop whining like a little girl. I work as an IT engineer, I'm pretty sure I know better than you what can and can't be done just by knowing some random ip addr. You watched to many hacker movies. If you feel the need to use insults to try and prove a point, I think you are the one who needs to see a therapist. 'merica
  11. Really, "turn the other cheek" shit? After all the cheating retards baiscally piss on all the work and money we invest in mantaining servers...they deserve all the abuse they can get.
  12. st3reo

    DayZ Memes

    LoL, that was actually me...and yes I was a bit dissapointed to find that out :)
  13. Thanks, added the idiots to ban list on my server. I also think reporting cheater IPs should be supported. I actually had several occasions on which script kiddies were kept out by the IP ban while trying to enter using different CD-keys.
  14. st3reo

    Say no to discrimination

    How about you russians stop cheating first and then come and whine about being discriminated.
  15. Hi, There seems to be some problem with 0.8..it instantly crashes the server when connecting.
  16. @DomiStyle ...thanks a lot...your aggregation of ban lists if very usefull. It's been some time since you guys launched the BanZ Union...but the website still doesn't permit registration. How can we server admins become members? I`ve been seeing an insane ammount of cheaters lately since BE isn't getting updated....and it would be in all our interests to have as many members reporting cheaters to the list.
  17. st3reo

    DayZ Memes

    wait..how did u come to the conclusion that FRANKIE in hacking? Edit: Oh, nevermind I looked it up
  18. st3reo


    As far as I know, the spawn point can be different from server to server. On my server for example the Mi-17 spawns at Devil's Castle
  19. st3reo

    Watch out for this

    I think the current version of remoteexec.txt from http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/source/browse/filters/remoteexec.txt already handles this by the 5 "+" entry...so everyone should update their filters.
  20. Alright so we were happily playing when all of a sudden some people just randomly died (including me) and everyone got a sort of "debug monitor" on their screen which had the title "Rogue Anti-Hax" (as you can see in the screen shot below). As it turns out, every player that had any kind of hacked item got instantly killed (I personally had a radio I picked off some dead guy). So practicly someone injected somesort of scanner into the server that looked for hacked items. Has anyone ever seen this? The server logs don't seem to contain any kind of evidence related to this. I think this is a serious security issue if script kiddies can inject this kind of stuff into the server. After that my game disconnected and got a white screen and I had to end-task the game...I suspect the cheater was responsible for this too. Is there any way to stop it?
  21. st3reo

    Hacked with...Rogue Anti-Hax

    In the meantime seems I have found the source of the hack in the RemoteExec log: And a few moments later that guy got: How could we add an auto-kick for that ?
  22. st3reo

    Watch out for this

    Yes I think that's to blame.....I have the same thing in my log just a few seconds before that "debug monitor" appeared: And a few moments later that guy got: So admins..better add his ip to the ban list.
  23. st3reo

    Watch out for this

    LOL, I just posted a topic that seems to be related to what u are describing, judging by the screenshot. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/111047-hacked-withrogue-anti-hax/
  24. st3reo

    can i still play with my copy?

    I have my dedicated server running from my own key and I also play with the same key on it. Never had any problems. Didn't actually try having both server and client on the same machine but I suppose it should work.
  25. st3reo

    Build Rolling Update

    I have a lot of friends getting the script restriction #45 thing. This seems like a real issue, please check it out.