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About CW-Bulldog

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  1. CW-Bulldog

    Will Trade for a DMR

    I'll trade you a DMR for your NVG's. PM me if you're interested.
  2. CW-Bulldog

    North American Trading Company

    WTT Bizon SD with 2 mags for a mid-high level sniper and/or rangefinders. Interested?
  3. CW-Bulldog

    North American Trading Company

    duplicate post
  4. CW-Bulldog

    Shooting Range

    Put it in Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/Missions and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/MPMissions (so you can host a server for your friends - you can play on it too as the host) also there is a readme that is really good.
  5. CW-Bulldog

    Shooting Range

    www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14617 This one is my favorite because you can create your own multiplayer match and compete against your friends!
  6. CW-Bulldog

    XFIRE with DayZ

    Try using Day Z Commander http://www.dayzcommander.com/ In the settings there is a check box for "Mutli GPU Support" Try that out and see if it uses both of your GPU's!
  7. CW-Bulldog

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    A bit of advice...
  8. CW-Bulldog

    weapon switching with backpacks

    ALWAYS switch the item IN THE BAG to the main inventory. Not the other way around. Unless, of course, you like your pixels getting deleted ;) P.S. Ammo always swaps so no worries there
  9. CW-Bulldog

    Winny changes

    I think it's funny how many people are saying things such as, "If the winny is this loud then they need to do THIS, or if the winny is going to be this powerful it needs to be THIS loud" and so forth and so on. Have you ever considered, uh, using a different weapon when surrounded by A LOT of zomibes?
  10. Hell yes. Best. Post. Ever. +1
  11. Bandits are an essential part of the game. Some are a-holes who just kill, kill, kill, and don't even loot. But without them this game would not be nearly as special. And this 3:1 bandit to survivor ratio i read earlier in this thread is BS. You probably just don't remember all the survivors you saw and paid no mind too. But you can't stop thinking about that bandit that killed you and took your map. THIS is Day Z. There's always Left 4 Dead if it's not your style...
  12. I don't have a problem with bandits... ...oh wait, I AM one! Good luck survivors! :D
  13. CW-Bulldog

    Everyone is a Bandit

    If I remember the patch notes correctly humanity is not *gone* it is just no longer displayed and I believe Rocket hinted at it being incorporated into a new feature sometime in the near future.
  14. CW-Bulldog

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    I'm saying that this fps drop has no connection to your pc specs.. the problem does not occur at your side. It can be some scripting glitch that causes the server cpu to overload, and that drops the fps for the clients. So although it seems as a graphical problem, it is not. This happened all the time in Arma 2 missions, like Warefare BE etc. K, I got it now. Thanks!