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Everything posted by cintecian

  1. cintecian

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    Not sure if anyone is still looking for a community server that has the vanilla experience but.. mXs Vanilla Classic NoMod Not my server. Just found it recently.
  2. cintecian

    Night is a problem.

    Yeah, that's a cool idea if it works properly. Low-light without pitch black night.
  3. cintecian

    Night is a problem.

    This is a never-ending argument ever since the days of the dayz mod. I would be really surprised if most servers and players don't gravitate towards 24/7 day servers just like in the mod. The vast majority of players seem to prefer day time all the time. There's already a server mod available called eternal day (i have no idea how good it is however). So many people will log off of a server when it's night and log into another server that is in a day cycle. In the mod it was quantifiable by watching the player list shrink by at least 25% during the first 5-10 minutes of a server going into a night cycle. Now that the "gamma-goggle" work-around has been eliminated the drop off will be even worse. Log-offs are one serious problem facing servers when it comes to having a night-cycle the other problem is players who have attained NVG's (especially with silenced weapons) and then proceed to haunt the coast and hunt fresh spawns. Geared coast hunting has always been a thing in DayZ and it becomes a bigger problem at night. I think the scummiest thing you can do in DayZ is use your knowledge of coastal spawns to spawn camp with top-tier gear. It's sad because night could be done similar to what it was before with higher visibility but it would render things like NVG's, flashlights, torches, and flares unnecessary. But, 24/7 day servers will also render those things completely useless. We need a balance if possible.
  4. cintecian

    DayZ Lack of Social Realism

    lol, read this as if you didn't know what dayz or gaming is... lmao
  5. Zombies are boring to me now. Would rather it be a nuclear or biological war apocalypse complete with areas of deadly radiation and/or areas contaminated with the remnants of biological warfare. This style of game in a STALKER style would be amazing. When I look at DayZ as a whole, the game itself is pretty bare-bones. It's the player to player interactions that make the story and give it depth. Otherwise you'd gear up with food/water, maybe a winchester for hunting and go out in thr woods and stare at trees. What's so fun about that? To appease the PvE only people there should be more environmental challenges. Off the top of my head - Hypothermia, in my nuclear/chemical warfare scenario - pockets of radiation and biological hazards, mutants like the STALKER series (some of those were terrifying). Meh, I'm just brainstorming.
  6. cintecian

    10 min body despawn?

    Does anyone else feel this engine is just a mess when it comes to performance/optimization? Do we really need to slap a short timer on player corpses so the server can handle running the game? Someone please tell me that in the future there will be further optimizations allowing the proper amount of loot, zombies, players, and corpses to all exist at the same time. I thought one of the biggest ideas of the SA was that server performance would be way better than the mods eventually? I don't care about gearing back up from my own corpse. What is really cool is going into an area after a big gunfight and finding multiple corpses to loot. Also dead bodies add atmosphere to an apocalyptic game that could use some more apocalyptic atmosphere. Also, if you get into a squad vs squad firefight and kill one guy early but have to forgo looting his corpse while you kill his remaining members all his loot disappears before you ever have a chance of getting to him.
  7. Buy it now. It's cheaper than it's going to be. Confirmed by Rocket.
  8. cintecian


    So, I've passed out due to hunger or exhaustion or something. I've been unconscious for 20 minutes plus now.. What's this? From Rocket
  9. $5 for 2 servers, custom vehicles, no hackers/cheaters, dedicated forums, dedicated and active admin who streams on the server, many other players who record vids for youtube on the server, and new things are being tested/added all the time. Clans who mainly PvE, clans who do both, and clans who focus on PvP, take your pick. Teamspeak server... There's no reason to play public anymore, unless you hack.
  10. Why? This is a great server with no hackers and a budding community. $5 is cheap and perfectly acceptable for a hacker free environment. Considering the rampant hacking in pub servers I think this should have your support.
  11. cintecian

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    For those interested in what the dev team is focusing on at first with the standalone check out this PCgamer interview: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/08/21/interview-the-standalone-future-of-dayz-and-what-it-means-for-players/ Rocket states his priorities as getting a handle on the hacking issues and that there will of course be bugs and problems with the first initial release of the standalone alpha. I think (at least I hope) we can expect much faster fixes and responses by the dev team to problems with the standalone than with the current DayZ.
  12. cintecian


    Do you use Dayz commander or six launcher? Add them in steam library as a non-steam game and then launch them from steam. Voila, overlay works.
  13. I totally agree that hacking in this game is rampant, but it is in Alpha and I understand that there will be hackers as of now. I have friends literally quitting the game because of the amount of times we have died to hackers or been telported to the middle of nowhere. We spend so much time getting gear and finding vehicles only to lose it to one guy with invulnerable hack and some way to instantly nuke us to death that we have no desire to start over again after awhile. I plan on purchasing the stand alone if and only if the majority of hacking is stopped. I have played plenty of other games in which the hacking is kept to a minimum and is a rare event. Yeah they were AAA games but does it have to be a AAA game to develop an effective anti-cheat system? I'm not hating on BIS or BE I just want to enjoy this great game without worrying that every player I see may be a hacker or that I'm a second away from being teleported. If restricting scripts is what is needed to keep the hackers out then please by all means do it. On a side note I have run l4d2 servers before and know that there are community made anti-cheat tools that you can install on your server that will detect certain hacks log the info and auto-ban the players. Is this impossible for dayz servers? I can't imagine that it's not if hackers can make the scripts to hack then it would seem others could make scripts to detect and remove them? I know nothing about coding so I'm asking is this possible? I would support and donate to such a project in a heartbeat.
  14. cintecian

    random fps drop

    try and http://pastebin.com/F7Q8Ne2i
  15. cintecian

    Hunger and Thirst not realistic?!?!?!

    Simple version > Increase the amount of time between having to eat or drink to more realistic values. In real life you can still live for days w/o food. Water 2-3 days. More complicated version: Surprised there havent been more people chime in on this. The current food system goes way too fast. In reality you don't need to eat every hour (or 1.5 hrs) to stay alive. It's very annoying to have to eat that often and it's not realistic. In real life you can go for days without food and still live, but as the OP said you will suffer effects such as weakness and cramps. On the other hand water you need every day in real life or you suffer the harsh effects of dehydration - splitting headaches, dizziness, weakness, tunnel/blurred vision etc.. It would be much more entertaining (which is the goal of any game right?) to suffer these effects first before actually starting to die just like in reality. So you go 48 hrs without drinking water? Then you start to die.. slowly. 3 days without food? Then you start to die... slowly (which is still a vastly increased timescale vs. reality.)
  16. A friend and I were recently hit with a mass teleport hack and teleported way out in the wilderness. He lost his L85A2 AWS for no reason (which really sucks, we had just gotten off some players like 2 hours before), and we disconnected as quickly as possible. When we logged into a new server we noticed our in-game maps were not showing our locations (the blue dots). After running for about 45 mins in one direction we finally saw trees and eventually buildings again, but still our map won't show our position. So we have no idea where we are except for using road signs and things like that. We tried dropping the maps and picking them back up but no luck. How do we fix this?