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Everything posted by hazrauken

  1. hazrauken

    Some Suggestions

    i'm gonna have to go with they're not useless when its genuiely got 3 different drivers in each can, search roccat kave 5.1 but ugh to this bieng stereo rather then surround didn't know that
  2. hazrauken

    Some Suggestions

    Heli is fun for me because i don't hoard but i can understand its an issue if you do, i think it doesn't need removing(because its fun shooting at one or having to hidfe whenyou hear the dur dur dur) but needs better ways of hoarding, tents are OK but temporary storage, lets give the pen and paper use, use it to write down co ordinates of buried goods, which you can bury in a safe for example(probably have to use cars or buggys to setup but hey) which to stop the issue of right place can be found by digging in a 1m^3 area, off top of head there probably will be better solutions 3rd person, hell nah, i play it in 3rd for movement and z killing and close quaters skirmishes but i vastly prefer 1st person above 80m firefights, its just how i do it, i hate movement in this game and third person helps a lot for me. i agree its advantagous if YOU'RE AMBUSHING, or looking round a corner in firefights in cqb(or meele it adds depth of field with meele as you have an accurate gauge of length like in real life) but i'm the opposite of you. i play casually with a friend and we just go and loot places and repaired vechs and had fun because we like the game like that and i think for me its much more fun. its like argueing a TDM is better then a DMP(i think thats what you call it in most games), there is no right or wrong one is just more hardcore and tense and the other is casual fun i think the 1st person servers and hardcore only will suffice, if you hate not having enough people(say 3 in every 10 players) then it would make more sence for rokitt to remove FP then TP as really you should make the player-base happy. but i'm up for coexistance. one final note, TP is not as useful as getting the first glimpse of somone and bieng able to sneak up on them, its only really useful for finding loot in wierd places and in an established fight. hate peeking round corners, hey i've got real 5.1 headphones, in a week i'll be able to tell footsteps round a corner and their distance easily. do you want surround sound removed?
  3. hazrauken

    Headshots: Instant Kill or Not?

    Not had this prblem, i assume i was desynced as in debug wasn't coming up. i 1 hit a guy form 15m with a mak in the head, also never has a headshot bieng not a kill on ANYTHING had alot of 1 hits when it shouldnt be, such as a chest shot with postnerf lee, or chest with CZ550. interestingly i always go for the head as neck doesn't seem to be 1hko even with 6kdmg(postnerf lee)
  4. hazrauken

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    No to running indoors, i would prefer increased count however. this means you still have to plan where you're going but you can evade them. more zed and no wlking indoors, you would have to CRAWL EVERYWHERE. this presents 2 problems 1.) High looting times caused by crawling from building to building which would be insanely boring, imagine spawning in a electro spawn you would have to crawl EVERYWHERE for the first 30ins - hour 2.) Too easy to kill players, if you're shot don't get em the first time they'll have to get up and run to stop bieng shot repeatedly after. and if they stand up they will proably have 20+ copies of usain bolt after them, either way one dead player.
  5. hazrauken

    Why I kill unarmed players

    i only kill unarmed if they are heading in the same direction as me. then they might become a threat very soon, if they are miles away leave them alone, or if there are only builidiongs with no guns in(pre looted by yourself)
  6. Ok, i died yesterday, in a very very nooby way. i got zomb'd unconcious from behind on NWAF Go to: http://dayzdb.com/map there you will find a map with building and loot drops the next thing that happened was i spawned in a DUSK SERVER why pick a Dusk server: 1.) ITs dark enough that no one will snipe you randomly usually.. 2.) genrally low player counts so lots of loot for yourself 3.) lower sight and sound bars on the zeds Ok, i got an elektro spawn, not in electra but on the cherno side. unfortunately like a big noob i just headed right thinking i must hit a city. well i didnt hit a big city for a while. 1.) ONLY RAID BARNS ON YOUR WAY TO A BIG CITY why? 1.) on the outside of the house groups/villages so less zeds are on your way 2.) white barns usually have drink or food and a gun before i hit chern i had. Winchester(dropped) Lee +5 mags, revolver +2 ACP 3 bandages, 2 drinks 2 food flares and a smoke. then i raided chern, other people will do it better but i did it as efficently as possible but in 1:30 (i only have been playing for 2 weeks anyways) CZ+6 mags(some in backpack) Mac+4 mags knife matches hatchet food drink watch and general things like flares and smokes ITS NOT HARD TO FIND THINGS JUST WORK OUT WHERE YOU ARE AND FIND THE BIGGEST BUILDINGS
  7. I agree with anyone who says it isnt a major problem, while i have never combat logged and usually die trying to find somone, genrally i dont kill other players unless their gonna be a potential threat, most of the time its if i am heading to cher and i see someone also i will take a shot, if they die, i am safe. if hey combat log i have about 3-4 mins minimum to raid where i want and be out the other side.(thats assuming he logged while bieng perfectly fine) really as has been said its only a problem for peoiple who rely on other scavengers to get gear. i put banditary(while fun) in as annoying as combat logging. sure its part of the game mechanic but anyone who isnt scavenging themselves and relies on other players for gear is not playing in accordance with the games intended idea. i basially say: Combat logging: + you're safe if they do it + less QQ threads + other player continues to play while you can loot whereever - if you are a leech on other players you cannot play - if you shot them because you really wanted their SDV camo you wont have it but if somone is soloplaying and you jump them they will get out of it however they can. i can say combat logging is on par with running away and then just logging out. no one complains about that.
  8. hazrauken

    What is it with people...?

    My advise for starting out may be very controversial and earn me a bad name but idgaf: 1.) find a REGULAR or RECRUIT server with approx 12 people or less, 4 is too few genrally. 2.) try to find the low populated server at around 2-4am server time so it is not 100% pitch black but very dark(enough that you cant make out zeds) 3.) turn gamma and brightness all the way up, since this has been patched hard all it means is you will be able to if you lucky is see the zeds from 15m away but humans and such are still too dark(no bleached white exposed skin) This means that Zeds will not se you crouch running normally from 10m away or full running at 20m-ish as long as you are not on a road 4.) head to chernos and get to the tents, if you are careful you can make sure no one is there. no one should be there due to low population so you should be ok. 5.) go to the military tents first and find a wep and ammo 6.) head to medical tents and get bandages, morphine, painkillers,antibiotics(somtimes) etc. if you are really lucky there will be a compass/map/hunting knife/binos good luck.