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About SgtDeadly12

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  1. SgtDeadly12

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    HEY, you were on #3 too?!?! Cool!
  2. SgtDeadly12

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Okay then, I think I might be the one of the few people that has a mixed but mostly positive opinion about this patch, so here we go. I like less loot, it was stupid before that EVERY TIME I went into a big city like Cherno or Elecktro how I would leave with a toolbelt that was only missing the rare military tools (NVGs, GPS, Rangefinder, Entrenching Tool, etc), an ALICE pack, all the food and drink I'd need for the next month, usually an M16 or at least a Lee Enfield, and more medical supplies than I would ever need. A few days ago I started a brand new player on 1.7.7. After looting Balota, Cherno, Lopatino, a bunch of small towns, and even random crashed vehicles, I think I can safely say I am decently geared. I have an M24 with two mags I found in a guard's shack at the Balota medical camp (right across from the airfield, I also found 3 antibiotics there although I have used 2 and seen none since), a makarov with 4 mags, a Czech Pack I found at the Lopatino military tents, various medical supplies I have found ( bloodbags, morphine, antibiotics, etc.), I have a toolbelt with a hatchet, compass, map, matches, hunting knife, binoculars, a watch, and a toolbox, and a couple of tents. The best thing is I also found a Chedaki Ural someone hid in the woods with an M16 in it. I did this all in about four to five hours of playing. Finding all of this gear gradually was much more rewarding than getting most of it at once in Cherno. Now zombies I love and hate. I think the infection chance is too high as well as the knock down chance, but with the different system for infection which allows you to prevent infection by cleaning your wounds before infection sets in an hour after being hit being developed, infection won't be such a problem. They should lower knock down chance though as there have been times where I was being knocked down repeatedly as I tried to get up and I have been knocked down on the first hit way too much. Zombie's agro way too easily now, which makes stealth difficult but not impossible. Zombies do agro too much when you crouch run but with a little tweaking that will be easily fixed. Crawling and walking while crouching still works well for stealth although it is slow. Now zombies spawning in the forest I don't think will ever work unless zombies speed and senses are dulled significantly in the forest. This is to compensate for the occasional zombie spawning directly in front of you and immediately agroing. Plus zombies being slower and dumber in the forest would also make it actually possible to lose agro. Now I am not saying that zombies should be made harmless again, just be nerfed in the areas I described. Now zombies being a threat is good because people actually want to avoid them again. This also encourages players to work together to fight the zombies. Zombies being dangerous discourages the shoot on sight mentality everyone in DayZ seems to have (myself included) too because of fear of being swarmed by zombies. So DayZ has become less of a deathmatch and more of a survival game. My favorite part of shoot on sight going away is that now the true bandit class has returned. Before there was a blur between survivors and bandits because everyone was shooting each other. Now it may still be shoot on sight up North but that is the way it used to be, get geared and make friends on the coast and then go up North for some PvP. But sometimes you can still make friends up North. Now this is just my thoughts on the new patch's major changes. I think the new patch is good overall although there are some issues which need to be addressed. I am sure I forgot a number of things so if you want to hear my opinion on something not mentioned above please ask. Thanks.
  3. SgtDeadly12

    Banned from Private Hive, Can You Help?

    Thanks man, if a moderator sees go ahead and lock the thread.
  4. So I logged in to YourDayZ #2 Panthera and I got called away for a few minutes, next thing I know I come back and it says that I have been kicked from the game and that I have gotten a battleeye admin ban, and that it was the admin's decision. So I try to go to yourdayz.de and I get an ERROR 403 - Forbidden! So I asked my friend to see if he could get on it and guess what, he gets on the site fine. I can still get on server YourDayZ #1 Chernarus though. I'm pretty sure admin's can't ban for idling in the lobby and there is no in-game message about it because I played on the server yesterday. This is striking me as very unfair that I was banned for idling in the lobby and that there is no chance of appealing the ban. I know that this is a private hive but I mean come on this is just unfair. If there is any way the forums can help or at least tell me who can (like battleeye maybe?) then I will gladly take the help. Thanks, SgtDeadly12
  5. SgtDeadly12

    Computer Crashes and Freezes!

    Thanks i'll probably take my computer in and have them do what you say, hopefully that will fix my computer. Oh, I almost forgot, you have my beans!
  6. SgtDeadly12

    Computer Crashes and Freezes!

    While a CPU overheat is likely it sometimes crashes very quickly like only 2 minutes into the game, do you think an overheat could happen that quickly?
  7. SgtDeadly12

    Computer Crashes and Freezes!

    Really nothing come on guys!
  8. So I dont know why but for some reason my computer will just random crash and freeze when I am playing DayZ and other games. No blue screen, my PC just freezes and this terrible EEEEE sound comes over my headphones and sometimes my computer itself makes a similar noise, I cannot do anything with my computer except manually shut it off using the switch on the back, not even the restart button works. It's not overheating as I originally thought that was it and I got my computer checked out and they cleaned out the ton of dust in it and put in a third fan. They also told me my video card was failing so I ordered a new one and put it in. My system is well over the requirements to run ArmA II and even after I got the new card my computer still crashes (but not as frequently as it used to). My video card is rated to 220 degrees farenheit and the highest temp i've seen it at is 180 degrees farenheit. That only happened ONCE and wasn't even when my computer crashed.. System Specs: I am using an ASUS X4980 Video Card: EVGA geforce GTX 480 CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 980 Processor RAM: 8.2 GB OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit Sound Card: High Definition Audio Device CPU Speed: 3.7 GHz I am DESPERATE, please help.
  9. SgtDeadly12

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    So I had geared up at Cherno and had not been able to find any type of gun, except a crossbow. I began heading north hopping from deer stands I knew the locations of and finding almost nothing in all of them. I had just climed out of on of the deer stands I had looted and aggroed a military zombie. I took aim with my crossbow, shot, and missed because the crossbow sucks. I then began to reload and right as I finished reloading the aggroed zombie punches me in the face, knocks me out, and boom he begins eating me. I sat there helplessly as I watched my blood decay from 5800 to zero. Zombies shouldn't be able to knock out with one punch. I'm now going to go eat some ice cream and cry my sorrows away. :'(
  10. SgtDeadly12

    Whoever wants to play.

    I would like to play with you JAMIEWILKO but I cannot find you on Steam. Try to find me. Steam name: Sgt Deadly12
  11. SgtDeadly12

    Whoever wants to play.

    Hey veteran your steam name did not show up when i searched it did you misspell?
  12. I'm just looking to expand the people i play DayZ with. Anyone that is mature but will still have fun is welcome. I am a mid to high skill player and am familiar with DayZ controls. I Am currently near Three Valleys with plenty of gear. I do not always shoot players unless they suprise me. If I see you but you don't see me I will ask if friendly. Steam name: Sgt Deadly12 Skype Name: SgtDeadly12
  13. SgtDeadly12

    Looking for a Team

    also added anyone who has steam name on here :)
  14. SgtDeadly12

    Looking for a Team

    ill play with you Steam username Sgtdeadly12. im near windy mountain with a lee enfield a revolver and all the basic survival gear (binocs, hunting knife etc.). Also have mic. Message on Steam if you wanna play.
  15. So if I log into a server in Day Z after about a minute of playing the game freezes and my computer becomes unresponsive, it also makes a buzzing noise in my headset. I have to shut my computer off via the switch on the back and that is the only way to get my computer to turn off short of unplugging it. If someone could tell me how to fix this I would appreciate it.