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Everything posted by johhnyx

  1. Hi guys , We now have a new server fully up and running,24hr daylight it is a private hive new player friendly server, there has been a lot of carefully thought out additions to this map such as added supermarkets *edit* Hi, thanks for the feed back, ok id be happy to give out more info, the new addiontions made to chenarous include new areas in all the coastal towns, so where they felt barron and empty now citys like kamyshovo which used to be one of my least favoritte towns now has a large northern area with a firestation, hospitial and super market school even industrial, Kamenka has also seen heavy updating in the same fashion alongside komorovo, there is also a barracks placed in balota which has been carefully placed alongside other new towers ect that could be used for vantage points, the vehicle spawns have been made in such a way that there are lots of diffrent means of travel and easy to find, pbxs near coasts, motorbikes on dirtpaths, cars in places that would make sense, all of this and a custom loadout with a tent so you can get on and lay a stake to your own land or area. the map has received good feedback so far and is under constant development, the next stages are expansions of middle NW towns and maybe even new small urban areas. Todays loadout includes a tent,crossbow m9 and sd mags with some extras. Loadouts will change over time, as tents will be getting removed as the player base grows.firestations and schools in most towns as well as lots of added industrial and residential areas and finnaly easy to find placed vehicles the work has been painfull but the server looks fantastic with the updated map. there is almost constant admin on and a teamspeak available. would be great to see some new players. and you will find it, there is also a custom loadout to help untill you can find your first "updated" city Looking forward to some new players today Please even come in and leave any feedback here or pm me
  2. Hi, thanks for the feed back, ok id be happy to give out more info, the new addiontions made to chenarous include new areas in all the coastal towns, so where they felt barron and empty now citys like kamyshovo which used to be one of my least favoritte towns now has a large northern area with a firestation, hospitial and super market school even industrial, Kamenka has also seen heavy updating in the same fashion alongside komorovo, there is also a barracks placed in balota which has been carefully placed alongside other new towers ect that could be used for vantage points, the vehicle spawns have been made in such a way that there are lots of diffrent means of travel and easy to find, pbxs near coasts, motorbikes on dirtpaths, cars in places that would make sense, all of this and a custom loadout with a tent so you can get on and lay a stake to your own land or area. the map has received good feedback so far and is under constant development, the next stages are expansions of middle NW towns and maybe even new small urban areas. Todays loadout includes a tent,crossbow m9 and sd mags with some extras. Loadouts will change over time, as tents will be getting removed as the player base grows. hope to see some new people one today
  3. no one play with this guy he is a bandit he just ki9lled me and looted me
  4. well i found that gamersplatoon servers http://www.gamersplatoon.net/gamesservers-ts/ have teamspeak servers log in with username DayzPlayer tell them which server your on (uk 167 dawn of the dead?) (i think) and they will put you in there server. hope that helps
  5. johhnyx

    Making Group

    im the man your looking for. i need a spotter. check sig for steam skype, you should put yours on you sig will help finding people on here:)
  6. feelfree to add me too steam johnpaulmccallum skype johnpaul.mccallum